Chapter 5: Are Women Also Human? (Part 2)

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"Well young man this house belongs to a Brahmin, whoever lived here, whoever is living here, and whoever will be lived here will be one and only Brahmin. Non-Brahmins are not allowed to live in this house. If any bride ever comes to this house, she too will be only a Brahmin." Beli Rama said in a little anger.

Brahmin father gave his verdict that was not a shock for non-Brahmin and only human son. Krishna Chandra took two deep breaths.

"Pitaashiri, I know this. I already know your decision. So this time I am formally leaving your house. I will build a new world in which no stupid system and unwise culture will stand in my way to live a peaceful and prosperous life. This will not harm your reputation and I will be able to live as I want to." Krishna Chandra also gave his verdict.

With those words, Krishna Chandra clearly indicated that his only intention was to live happily. If any worldliness system tries to stop his happiness then he will tear apart that worldliness system with no regret at all.

"Good idea...the path is right behind you," Beli Rama said.

Krishna Chandra smiled at his father's harsh words and immediately turned to leave.

"Putara, did you come back to say only this?" Shakuntala Devi asked impatiently.

With those words, Shakuntala Devi tried to indicate to both men that there was another living creature standing in the courtyard that seemed like a courtroom.

"Maataashiri, I love you very much. Your affection brought me here." Krishna Chandra expressed his true feelings.

"Don't lie. Kishu, if you had loved your maataashiri, you would not have left your maataashiri alone at this old age. You would get your wife to serve me as every Aarya boy does." Shakuntala Devi gave honest complaint of his son to his son.

Krishna Chandra went near the mother.

"Maataashiri, this is what I want from the bottom of my conscience but I cannot hurt my pitaashiri's honor under any circumstances." Krishna Chandra said to calm his emotional mother.

"Putara rightly said. The concept of respect only belongs to the pitaas. Maataas neither have respect nor honor, because maataas are not human. Only men are human. Women are women, so we maataas have neither desires nor rights. Thank you putara for reminding me so. Thank you very much." Shakuntala Devi expressed her true as well as hidden feelings.

Shakuntala Devi gave a shock to his beloved as well as a true gentleman husband.

"No maataashiri, no, it is not true." The son reacted while the shocked husband was still silent.

"Putara, this is the truth. Women are born to obey. In childhood obey the pitaashiri. In youth obey the husband. In old age obey the putara. I forgot this social arrangement of our civilization, I am glad that my wise putara has reminded me of the technicalities of our great and most civilized system." Shakuntala Devi firmly said.

With appropriate words Shakuntala Devi was showing a mirror to male dominant civilization that it is not civilization, it is Menlization.

"Maataashiri, it is a lie. Women are not slaves, who continue to be slaves to men throughout their lives. Keep obeying every good and bad thing of men." Krishna Chandra expressed his true feelings too.

"No Putara, you are lying again. Your behavior does not match your words at all. You came, asked pitaashiri, took a decision, and were ready to go back from the threshold of the house. What was the role of the maataa in this whole scene? Maataa is just like a lifeless stone in which there is no emotion, no compassion, no love, no authority, no self-respect...the regard is a distant thing." Shakuntala Devi spoke the truth while crying.

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