Chapter 21: This Is My Friend (Part 6)

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When Rasik saw both of them in bad condition, only then did he remember what was their real purpose for coming to Batuk's place. He also accepted the truth and advised his friends to go to Gurukul. Both agreed immediately.

When Batuk came to know about so, he also expressed his desire to go with them. Dev and Jagdeesh kept stopping Rasik, but he accepted Batuk's wish.

At the same time, Batuk called his assistants and gave them some instructions.

The next morning all three saw bullock carts full of grain passing by.

"Looks like a grain merchant's caravan is passing by," Jagdeesh said speculating.

"Friends, now we should also leave. If we start our journey now, only then we will reach Gurukul after the third afternoon." Dev told his guess.

Batuk agreed and all four started their journey on their respective horses.

Batuk wanted to go to Gurukul the way ordinary students used to go. So instead of going on a chariot, he chose to ride a horse himself.

Everyone was very happy to see Batuk riding a horse because the last time he was about to go to Gurukul on foot.

Despite being happy for their friend, Dev, and Jagdeesh's faces were hanging. It was also haunting them continuously why Batuk did not tell them about his success.

On the one hand, Batuk was behaving like a stranger by not telling his success, and on the other hand, he kept them at his home for many days in utmost comfort.

Dev had already rejected the idea that he was doing so to make them look down because Dev's keen eyes were an expert in reading everyone's behavior. Batuk was neither faking nor was he showing off and letting them down.

Then why didn't he tell his special friends about his super success?

In the two nights that came on the way, Dev felt like asking him, but he could not ask. Batuk knew that his friends would be surprised, but to what extent, even he did not know.

Batuk had not talked about his work even once in all those days. Whenever he talked, he talked about them and their families. He used to talk about the merits of his friends. He talked about the accompaniment of his wife.

Even while going to the Gurukul, Batuk talked only about the days of the Gurukul and about the aacharyas.

Everyone reached the main gate of Uttarasaadhaka Gurukul on the third afternoon. There was a long queue of bullock carts on their way. Their drivers were resting.

Batuk got down from the horse and went ahead on foot.

"These are the same carts which....It means that Batuk had sent all these to Gurukul." Rasik guessed.

Dev-Jagdeesh also expressed acceptance while remaining silent.

When all four entered the Uttarasaadhaka Gurukul, they found the Gurukul decorated. After lunch, the children, who were lazing around, gathered around him, shouting slogans of Batuk.

"He is still Batukeshwara the winner, for them," Rasik spoke.

"He has a right to it, but decorating the Gurukul and giving so much grain... I am feeling like boasting. Why is Batuk showing off?" Dev said angrily.

When a child heard those words, he came to Dev.

"Sir, if it is a showoff, then it is very good because it will happen again after a few months and will bring happiness to us." The child spoke happily.

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