Chapter 11: The Priority of Uttarasaadhaka Gurukul (Part 2)

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Sixth Principle; Get involved in exercise and physical labor in the afternoon.

This principle has three aspects, the first is 'appropriate time', the second is 'exercise' and the third is 'physical labor'.

According to the climate of Aryavarta, people who do physical labor in the afternoon invite themselves to blood pressure-related diseases.

People who keep doing this will definitely become victims of a heart attack sooner or later, because naturally at that time the blood pressure of Aryans' bodies increases.

If you are under the illusion that having a young or strong body doesn't cause you to have high blood pressure, then you are making yourself a perfect candidate for the upcoming bad effects.

That's why the people of Aryavarta should not do anything in the afternoon which increases the blood pressure of their body.

According to the climate of Aryavarta, the time after noon is considered best for physical work, exercise, and sports. If someone does physical labor in the morning while living in the climate of Aryavarta, then he reaches old age prematurely, because many diseases arise in his body.

Yes, in the climate of Aryavarta, there is a loss of exercise in the morning, while exercise in the afternoon is very beneficial. Only after noon, the Aryans should do all those works in which the body has to work maximum. At this time, you should do all those things at home or outside in which you sweat profusely. Toxins come out of the body due to sweating.

Another benefit of this is that the body also gets help in digesting hard grains because the Jathar Agni is continuously slowing down.

Seventh Principle; after the hard work of the afternoon, refreshments should be taken in the evening.

This principle also had two aspects, first 'when to eat' and second 'what to eat'.

It often happens that after physical labor is done in the afternoon, a person starts feeling hungry. This hunger is nothing but just a signal.

Yes, feeling hungry is not really an action; rather it is just a message coming out of our stomachs. This message simply says, "The stomach is empty."

Often people destroy the significance of this signal by mistaking it for hunger.

Through research, done by the researcher of Uttarasaadhaka Gurukul understood this fact and told everyone that there is no action like feeling hungry. When you feel hungry, your body is just telling you that your stomach is empty. At that time the body is not Saying it is feeling hungry, now give me food.

Through research, the researchers of Uttarasaadhaka Gurukul understood this fact and told everyone that as much as it is necessary to fill the stomach, equally, it is necessary for the stomach to remain empty. Internal cleansing of the body is possible only on an empty stomach.

For the gurus, it was easy to tell this fact, but it was equally difficult to implement it in life, because after hard work, the mind always asks for food, otherwise it finds hard work useless.

Now the Aacharyas had three challenges.

First, how to keep the stomach empty before sleeping, so that the internal cleansing of the body takes place in the peace of the night.

Second, how to strengthen the morale of the children who have returned after working hard.

Thirdly, if something is eaten then how to eat so little that the body gets minimum energy because one has to sleep within a few hours, the sleeping body does not need any energy.

After a long search, a practice called 'Sanjh Jalpaan' (evening snack time) was born.

In the evening, all the students who returned after working hard for refreshments would gather after bathing and then all of them would be given such foods which are highly digestible and which also have less energy. This made the children feel that they got something to fill their stomachs after hard work and their stomachs would also be filled with highly digestible food with less energy.

Desi (local breed) cow's milk was chosen as the food for Sanjh Jalpaan.

Many scholars believe that the appropriate time to drink milk is after sunset. So the choice of Desi cow's milk for Sanjh Jalpaan became easy. After that, all the residents of Uttarasaadhaka Gurukul started consuming the milk of Desi cow as the food for Sanjh Jalpaan.

The eighth Principle; Satsang should be held in the last portion of the evening.

This principle also had two aspects, first 'appropriate time' and second 'Conversation'.

Teachers of Uttarasaadhaka gurukul found that many questions arise in the minds of children throughout the day. By nature, inquisitive children will leave the rest of the work and mentally go after those questions.

The basis of this principle was given by Aacharya Savamanika. He had understood in his childhood that questions keep coming into the minds of children and children keep searching for their answers. The only problem is that knowledgeable people are far away from the reach of children, so ignorant and wicked people give answers to children according to their intentions.

Children get the answer but they spend a large part of their life being ignorant.

Savamanika used to be surprised to think that on the one hand, the people of the world say that it is the era of Kalyug (a bad period according to Hindu mythology), on the other hand, they used to leave their children alone among the wicked in the era of Kalyug. Don't know how many children became miscreants, sinners, violent, non-vegetarians, intoxicants, thieves, swindlers, dacoits, as well as murderers by taking the wrong knowledge, and don't know how many children will become like this in the coming time.

Because the parents in the society themselves are ignorant, they should refrain from telling the children right or wrong and facts or lies, so Uttarasaadhaka gurukul took this responsibility as well.

In this way, a new principle was born in Uttarasaadhaka gurukul and a new practice called Sanjh (evening) Satsang also started.

So the principle to remember is that at the end of the day, all children should be given answers to various questions that come to their minds. So that when they go to sleep, their minds become calm, and true and tested knowledge also reaches their mind in the form of information.

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