Chapter 25: The Secret That Was Never a Secret (Part 7)

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"If it is clearly visible that the path is small and the destination is far away. This path will not reach the destination, then...?" A young student asked promptly.

"What if that small road is further connected to the main road?" Batuk asked the same in reverse.

The young student could not answer.

"Friend, there is a limit to our vision, but Mother Nature can see even that which we would probably never be able to see even if we tried. You have to think about whether you are interested in the path or the destination. Focus on the destination and forget the paths." Batuk replied.

Batuk, who had been standing for a long time, felt that everyone's questions were over, so he started moving forward with the intention of sitting down when another student stood up.

"Should we stick to the same method even if there is loss instead of profit?" The boy asked seriously.

This question of the child disturbed the peace prevailing in the evening Satsang at the same moment. Obviously, this was an important question.

Batuk and the pradhanaacharya looked at each other proudly and smiled. Batuk asked with a gesture, "Please pradhanaacharya, come and answer it." To that the pradhanaacharya replied that he was getting more relief in sitting. Then Batuk advised himself to stand for some more time.

It was clear that Batuk had not done any labor for a long time. Due to that, his body was unable to bear the pain at the moment.

"Vaidya ji sometimes gives us bitter medicine when we are sick. While drinking it, it seems that the poison will be sweeter than the medicine. That medicine spoils the taste of our mouths and our mental state. Our mind tells us that we have taken the wrong medicine. But the very next morning our sickness subsides. Many times we feel that loss is happening but the reality is not like that. You do have to keep in mind what you get to learn. Thank Mother Nature for that lesson and if you see any other solution, try that too. Do not even once bring the thought in your mind that you have chosen the wrong path. Because he has shown you the way from which you asked for help. That's why that path is sure to be right." Batuk gave a simple answer to the child's difficult question.

Batuk felt better when he saw that the boy asking the question had calmed down and the rest of the students were also at ease.

"I don't know why...I doubt the same thing because Mother Nature knows everything, so why would she deliberately put us on a wrong-looking difficult path? Why can't they, first of all, suggest to us such a solution that is simple as well as looks right." Bharat Kumar clearly said.

Batuk, having prepared himself mentally for the next few questions, was ready for that question.

"My wife also disbelieved the same thing. Now let me show you the relationship between me and Mother Nature. Six years ago I sat in meditation and saw myself as a child. I saw myself last night before coming to Gurukul. That night I told Mataashiri the same thing that I used to say every day for several months to my little friend Swaraa. I said that after getting educated at Uttarasaadhaka Gurukul, I would become so big that everyone would know my name. I will help everyone by being big. Then see everyone will bless you because you have given birth to me." Batuk spoke.

Batuk had a big smile on his face while speaking. No one noticed his smile.

"Friends, if you pay attention, then you will come to know that every incident that happened in my life after that night happened for the fulfillment of that wish of mine. Every wrong and right path I chose was taking me toward my destination. Studying by copying, becoming a winner, losing everything, meeting Gurudev again, telling about Mother Nature to my wife Swaraagini, striving together for her wishes...all happened for one wish of mine " Batuk said while having fun.

Batuk had already told his story. As shortly as he said so, everyone started trying to connect the links of his story. Everyone was finding his point absolutely correct.

"So many small roads combined to form my main road. How many failures together wrote my success story? This friend of yours at the age of thirty, Batuk, is known throughout Aryavarta by the name of Seth Batukeshwara. Many times I have heard with my ears when people said to bless the parents who gave birth to Batukeshwara." Batuk said happily.

The Gurukul residents saw that Batuk became emotional while speaking. His eyes were moist, the whole Gurukul was sobbing proud of him.

"Friends, you would be surprised to know that the position which I got at the age of thirty, I could have got at the age of twenty-two only. If only at the age of six I would have understood Gurudev's words. He had told on the very first morning of Gurukul that Mother Nature gives everything without taking anything. It was I who ignored Gurudev's knowledge. It was I who chose the wrong path. Mother Nature was helpless because she had to follow my instructions. So it is not Mother Nature who sends us on the bitter or difficult path to success. It is we who keep making things difficult for Mother Nature. We are the ones who keep wandering until we find the right thing. The moment we ask for the best from Mother Nature, that very moment Mother Nature starts paving the way for our success, but sometimes even she finds it difficult to integrate things. The time when she is making a great plan, in that time we create a new problem for her by choosing the wrong path. Now Mother Nature has to face every new challenge and constantly has to make our path that leads to the best we seek. Just imagine how difficult we make the work of Mother Nature with our little knowledge. So yes friend, Mother Nature does not make the wrong-looking difficult path for us. Mother Nature's nature is such that she makes easy and shortcut ways for everyone." Batuk said giving his perfect example.

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