Chapter 8: The Root Cause Of Poverty (Part 7)

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"Your words seem to be correct, but there are wishes which were fulfilled by God." The General Minister said as he was trying to say that God exists.

"Okay, so please tell me whether all the wishes are fulfilled?... No, only about ten percent of the wishes are fulfilled. Am I correct?" Krishna Chandra said and looked around.

Everyone's first reaction gave proof of his words.

"Everyone present in the court made many wishes to their respective Gods. Please tell me the status of all your wishes." Krishna Chandra said again.

Krishna Chandra instantly got the answer again from everyone's facial expression.

There were also a few people whose wishes were never fulfilled.

"As I said, only ten percent of wishes were fulfilled. If each one of you inspects deeply then you all will find that these are those wishes that you feel a strong possibility of being fulfilled. The word possibility comes from belief. Confidence generates self-confidence, and that self-confidence gives direction to the power of attraction within us. This power of attraction is the medium of dialogue between us and Mother Nature. When the force of attraction gets the direction, then our desire reaches Mother Nature straight and fast. Mother Nature immediately starts fulfilling that desire. Thus wishes are fulfilled by nature not by God, that too through our faith." Krishna Chandra described.

Maximum seemed satisfied with the description. Surendra Daasa was still thinking.

"A great sage once said to me that every moment of life is the slave of man's will, what do you want to say about this?" a Pundit asked as he wanted to understand the sage's wording.

Till now, the Pundit thought the sage was mad because everyone else said, we are slaves and God is our owner. Every moment of human life happens according to the will of God. Now he met a young scholar who was giving proof of the sage's wording, so automatically sage's wording popped up in Pundit's mind.

"After knowing the truth about Mother Nature, similar questions came to my mind, then I started searching about it. My topic was that if Mother Nature gives everything then is it possible that our life should go as we want? Then in research, I saw a strange truth. Every human being experiences everything from birth to death by his own will. We, humans, write our destinies. Whatever happens to us is not written anywhere, neither in our horoscope nor on the forehead nor the palm. Neither is anyone sitting to write our fate nor does God have any hand in it. Everything happens according to our wishes. The first and greatest miracle is the will of man. Wish is the ultimate Vardaan (boon) given to us by Mother Nature. I wanted to tell my thoughts to many, for the fulfillment of this wish, I am standing here today and telling my thoughts to all of you. You all wanted to hear me, that's why all of you are here and listening to me. Whoever has the desire to understand me, only he will understand my words. All that has happened is nothing but a mere coincidence, which we all wished for at one time or another." said Krishna Chandra and looked at Keshava Kumara.

King Ballabha Kumara stood up from his seat and bowed to Krishna Chandra.

The king was also followed by his courtiers in true spirit. The crowd also wanted to do the same but they did not, because of their leader, they could not do it.

"If so, I want to end my address with a few more words?" Krishna Chandra said as he was asking for permission from the king.

"Sure aacharya," King responded.

"Every boy born is only human, he has no caste. Therefore the rights of all boys should be equal. In which the right to education should also be there. Maybe the whole court may not understand my point, but Rajan (king), please pay attention. A family in which there is one intelligent person, that family is known as a normal family, but a family in which all the persons are intelligent is known as the best family. The army in which some soldiers are strong is the normal army, but the army in which every soldier is strong is the invincible army. Does the same principle not apply to the boys of the state? If there are some educated boys in a state, then your state is normal as always. Now imagine your state where every boy is educated. How will that state be?" Young aacharya said.

The king's mouth was left open.

"The state whose boys are illiterate is called a cursed state, but if every boy of a state, whether Kshatriya or Neech, is educated, it will be the most advanced state in the history of mankind." Krishna Chandra said again.

The king looked at the General Secretary and the General Secretary immediately gave his approval.

The king along with his soldiers openly apologized to Krishna Chandra.

After watching that scene, the Crowd got a glimpse of what had happened in the Brahmin Sabha. The Father of Tejasraja was absolutely right. No one can win from Krishna Chandra.

"Even though people like you brought reforms in my state, history will say that the kingdom of Raja Ballabha Kumara was the most advanced state. Aacharya, I never doubted your intentions but I was compelled. Please show generosity and forgive me and my soldiers. I give you permission for your classes. From today, whoever wants to come to you to study, can come, whether he is a Brahmin or an Achhoot. All your shishyas will be equal whether he is a prince or a Neech kumara." The king stared at Tejasraja and said.

"Thank you, now I want to go, my shishyas will be waiting for me." Saying aacharya Krishna Chandra Shastri left without insulting anyone.

Tejasraja and his fellows did not dare to look up. Their shame was extreme.

"One more thing, I cannot walk anymore, please send someone..."

"...I drop you home aacharya." General Secretary Surendra Daasa said while interrupting Krishna Chandra who suddenly came back. 

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