Chapter 25: The Secret That Was Never a Secret (Part 1)

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Batuk standing in the evening Satsang of Uttarasaadhaka Gurukul was narrating his story. After becoming the biggest cattle shed in the state, Batuk and Swaraa went to learn the work of fruits. At that point, Batuk became silent after telling his story.

Batuk was waiting for the reactions of the Gurukul residents. Everyone was silent and was looking at Batuk with great excitement and wonder.

When no one spoke, Bharat Kumar decided to speak.

"Then both of you learned the trade of fruits and started doing its business as well." Bharat Kumar said breaking the silence.

Batuk smiled and added 'yes' to Bharat Kumar's 'yes'.

"That's how you learned other things and traded them." When another student asked, Batuk again agreed.

The child clapped as momentarily as he got the answer, in the entire Gurukul including the aacharyas supported him. Batuk accepted everyone's greetings with great love.

Everyone felt that there had not been a single moment when Batuk had boasted of himself. Many times in between, he was definitely proud of his wife Swaraagini, but the shadow of arrogance was far away from Batuk.

Even on that evening of Uttarasaadhaka Gurukul, Batuk was standing in simple clothes. If no one knew that he was Seth Batukeshwara, then anyone would have thought him to be an ordinary person.

Here ordinary means poor because, in the changing times, when the number of ignorant people increased, they made expensive clothes mandatory for the rich. Due to the increasing sway of the ignorant, it was believed that the one who does not wear expensive clothes is not rich.

It is a different matter that many poor and fraudsters have started resorting to expensive clothes to show themselves as rich. They would stand in front of the ignorant wearing expensive clothes and those ignorant would consider those poor as rich.

Even in those times, Batuk had no attachment to expensive clothes. Once his friend said that Batuk's condition would not improve even if he became very rich. That was absolutely correct.

Batuk felt that by telling his story, he had given everyone a base, so now everything he said would be easily understood by everyone.

"Friends, all this was possible because of the knowledge given by our aacharyas and the blessings of Mother Nature. I have neither gone to the temple nor performed any religious ritual in the last six years. But I have everything that those people who chant the name of the God day and night and go to temples do not have." Batuk started his talk by Saying.

As Batuk had apprehension, whispers broke out in the Satsang as momentarily as they heard so.

"Batukeshwara ji, I have found in my study that people cannot leave God even if they want to. I also saw that there is no harm in God if taken in the right sense. For example, no God supports caste. No God asks for violence, cheating stealing, etc. Followers of every God believe that bad deeds have unpleasant consequences. In this way, the existence of God is not wrong. I want those people to continue to believe in God and to improve their lives. What can I do about it?" Bharat Kumar asked.

Bharat Kumar had asked his question very easily and accurately, the only reason for it was that he had brainstormed a lot on that subject.

"Didn't this question come to your mind because of your parents?" Batuk asked Bharat Kumar on the contrary.

Hearing so, Bharat Kumar was surprised and said 'yes'.

"There's no need to be surprised, friend. I know because something similar has happened to me like you. If you ask realistically, every student of Uttarasaadhaka Gurukul has to face this problem after going out from Gurukul. If you believe in God for the happiness of the family members, then the knowledge of Uttarasaadhaka Gurukul is insulted. And if you don't believe in God, then at every step the family members keep on intimidating you in the name of God. Even if the family members remain silent somehow, the society members enter the house and threaten them in the name of God. Saying every unpleasant incident as a punishment for disobeying God, makes you feel self-conscious because, at some point or the other, you feel that your family members are facing this trouble because of me. Am I right?" Batuk clarified and asked the rest of the students.

Everyone supported Batuk in one voice.

"The problem is that after living in Uttarasaadhaka Gurukul for the last ten years, I have come to understand that God is nothing but a word. But my family members live in the same society where it is believed that even a leaf does not move without the will of God. In such a situation, it seems almost impossible to explain to the family members that the word God only takes credit, while Mother Nature is the doer of everything." A young student spoke his mind.

Everyone agreed on that also.

"My house is far away from the village. That's why the visits of people to my house are almost negligible. So I was able to explain to my family members about Mother Nature. My grandfather quickly understood that God seemed to favor the rich while Mother Nature treated everyone equally. After that, under the leadership of Grandfather, everyone stopped believing in God and also stopped fearing God. That year we also had a good crop. The family members were very happy, then one day I don't know from where a monk came and scared the family members very much. On hearing his words, the grandmother fell ill on the second day and on the fourth day the idol of God again came to my house." A student expressed his anguish.

The student had thought that everyone would show sympathy to him, but everyone laughed after listening to him. Although everyone had sympathy, the way the student spoke, everyone laughed.

"Friend, very bad happened to you..." Everyone was saying in their mind, yet none of them could control their laughter.

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