Chapter 21: This Is My Friend (Part 4)

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"I have received this knowledge for the first time." The person said jokingly.

"Because this knowledge is available only in Uttarasaadhaka Gurukul, I am surprised to see how the knowledge of Uttarasaadhaka Gurukul came to Seth Batukeshwara...."

"...look at that...he is in the third chariot." The person interrupted Jagdeesh and said that because he suddenly saw Seth Batukeshwara.

The commotion in the crowd suddenly increased a lot. Jagdeesh had to struggle a lot with the crowd to see Seth Batukeshwara's face. After a lot of hard work, when he saw Seth Batukeshwara, the word 'Batuk' came out of his mouth, because the face of Seth Batukeshwara was identical to his friend Batuk.

Batuk's beard was still disheveled like in the old days. He was also not wearing any special clothes. Onlookers were praising Batuk's style as 'the great man who likes simplicity.'

"It is really Batuk only," Jagdeesh said.

A person standing nearby heard Jagdeesh's words then anger emerged on the person's face.

"Please gentleman, you must call him Seth Batukeshwara ji...he is a great person." The person spoke irritatingly.

"But he is my friend Batuk." Surprised Jagdeesh told his truth.

Hearing so, the person felt even worse. He felt that this rude person was making excuses instead of apologizing for his rudeness.

Have you seen your condition? You calling him friend, have some shame." The person scolded Jagdeesh and said.

Jagdeesh was more surprised to hear so.

"What do you mean sir; I have three big houses and twenty acres of land." Showing his expensive clothes, Jagdeesh tried to reveal his status.

The person laughed out loud instead of being impressed.

"Sir, you have heard the name of Seth Sadananda of Dharamgarh." The person asked with great love.

Jagdeesh was shocked for the third time because in the middle of the conversation, why did this person start talking about Seth Sadananda? He felt that that person was trying to find out whether Jagdeesh knew about the eminent people of the society or not.

"Yes, he is the zameendaar of the nearby village." Jagdeesh expressed as if he knew Seth Sadananda very well.

"Yes the same, he has a hundred acres of land and at this time he is standing with you as a part of the crowd to welcome Seth Batukeshwara. Now you guess where you appear in front of Seth Batukeshwara ji." The person said very politely while trying to show Jagdeesh his status.

Jagdeesh was surprised for the fourth time and that time he was also embarrassed.

Jagdeesh found himself quite helpless in front of Batuk. Before Jagdeesh asks how that person did know about Seth Sadananda. Even before that, the person explained by the gesture that he was Sadananda, the owner of a hundred acres.

"But he is really my friend." Those words came out of Jagdeesh's mouth very innocently in a very slow voice.

Jagdeesh's style was telling that he cannot compete with Sadananda, but he is not a liar either.

"Ok-ok now I understand you. You can really be his friend because he addresses everyone as a friend only. But sir, the elephant, and the mouse can never be friends. Today no one in Aryavarta who does not know him. There is no business that he does not do. I will only say about his wealth that wherever he goes for a few months, he buys a house and starts living there with the whole family. Have you seen the house named Anand Kunj, which was being renovated at the northern end of this city?" Sadananda asked while explaining to Jagdeesh.

Yes, I had passed by there last month, but sir, Anand Kunj is not a house, it is a haveli (mansion)." Jagdeesh said as he tried to correct Sadananda.

Jagdeesh thought that Sadananda had mistakenly called the haveli to the house.

"Sir you are right. That is Haveli, but that is Haveli for poor people like me who have just a hundred acres. But for Seth Batukeshwara Anand Kunj is just a small house, who has the capacity to donate even to kings." Sadananda corrected Jagdeesh on his behalf and told him.

"So did he buy that mansion too?" Jagdeesh asked, startled again.

"Not by him, by Seth Batukeshwara ji... Arguing with you is useless, before the flowers of my garland wither, I will try to meet him." Saying, Sadananda started leaving, then after thinking something, he turned back.

"Well, won't you go to meet your friend?" Seth Sadananda asked mockingly and left without waiting for an answer.

Sadananda became dynamic but Jagdeesh became inert.

It took some time for Jagdeesh to regain consciousness.

The crowd kept on increasing. Jagdeesh saw Seth Batukeshwara for a moment and ran away to the market.

Jagdeesh gave money and hired horses to two people and instructed them to bring Dev and Rasik without stopping.

The messengers reached their destination quickly because of the horses.

On receiving the message like an emergency, Rasik immediately wrapped up his work and reached Dev after a day's journey.

Dev was waiting for him, so both of them quickly went to Jagdeesh's house.

Jagdeesh had been waiting for five days. Don't know why he had not eaten food properly for so many days.

Rasik and Dev reached him on the sixth afternoon.

Jagdeesh did not even inquire about the well-being of his friends and told them about the incident at the door itself.

"You want to say that the Seth Batukeshwara we have been hearing about for so many years is none other than our friend Batuk," Rasik asked seriously.

"It cannot happen. Don't forget that Batuk is a master of lying." Denying Batuk's claim of being rich, Dev explained.

"I also think the same but how to find out the truth?" Jagdeesh asked.

"It's easy; you didn't even ask for water, let's go and be the guest of our friend Seth Batukeshwara." Rasik gave reprimands and suggestions at the same time.

Hearing so, Jagdeesh felt that physical violence should be done with Rasik.

"Hey, I've been sleepless for five nights, I can't remember when I had a full stomach and you want to drink water," Jagdeesh told his sorrow.

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