Chapter 17: Now What Are You Waiting For? (Part 2)

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Dev said that he was moving his hands and feet in his sleep.

"I had a very strange dream," Rasik said in a panic.

"Tell me something new. I haven't seen a single normal dream since coming to this mound. What are girls? I have completely forgotten this. A few centuries ago I had a dream of a girl, after that, only you three appear in my dreams." Dev expressed his pain while getting upset.

Batuk was looking at both of them in astonishment.

"She was not a girl but a teenager. You told me." Rasik made Dev realize his mistake.

"You saw this Batuk...this fool was not leaving me even in that dream. Instead of saying my friend you should tell her your feelings, he was saying you should tell her that I cannot marry before the completion of Gurukul's education. Hey, let me do something in my dreams that I can't do in reality.' Dev said, almost crying.

Rasik was ashamed of the mistake he had made in Dev's dream.

Batuk came and encouraged Dev.

"Hey Batuk, you never told your dreams. Jagdeesh has also narrated his dreams. He also does not see anyone except the four of us in his dreams. But you never told me anything." Rasik said in surprise.

Dev was also surprised to hear that.

"I hear a woman's voice in my dreams...maybe she is a girl...don't know who it is, what it is, that's all I hear. If I say that there are ghosts on this mound, then you people will separate me from yourselves by accusing me of insulting the teachings of Gurukul. That's why I keep quiet. There are no ghosts in Gurukul but they do exist in the outside world. Especially in such deserted places. I think there will be a ghost village on this mound that we have disturbed. That's why all that is happening to all of us. But neither you people nor the aacharyas of the Gurukul will accept this. That's why I remain silent. Mataashiri says that one silence means a hundred happy moments...." Batuk was continuously saying all so in his mind, but he did not utter a word from his mouth.

Rasik-Dev was watching him. Unaware of that, Batuk was in his dream world.

"No need to dream in his sleep, he can dream while awake." Rasik laughed out loud when Dev told his assessment.

Batuk's attention was distracted by Rasik's laughter.

"No, I don't dream," said Batuk, lying for the first time.

Immediately Batuk realized that he had lied for the first time after becoming a student of Gurukul. Embarrassed, Batuk started looking for a place to hide as if his friends had come to know about his lie.

"Where is Jagdeesh?" By asking, Dev pulled everyone's attention from the world of dreams and brought them to the real world.

Everyone found Jagdeesh lying in his field.

When they went closer, they came to know that Jagdeesh was not just lying down; he wanted to inhale the fragrance of soil in his soul.

Batuk did not understand anything, but seeing Jagdeesh, he also sat in his field.

Rasik found that to be mere foolishness.

Unlike Rasik, Dev understood that Jagdeesh was doing something special. Thinking, Dev also went to his field and while walking started to guess what is necessary for the field now. Whatever pebble he found while walking, he would throw it out.

Dev came to Batuk's attention. He saw that Dev was busy clearing his field further. That's why he also started sorting pebbles from his field.

Sorting pebbles seemed like a waste of time to Rasik.

"The field is ready, what are you waiting for? Finish the work by sowing the seeds." Rasik said in his mind and went to the cottage.

Batuk had come to the field just because he saw Jagdeesh was present in Jagdeesh's field, then he started picking pebbles like a Dev, at last, he saw Rasik who was going to the cottage, so he felt that Rasik must be planning to do something important that will be beneficial for the farm. Ready to follow Rasik too, Batuk started watching Rasik carefully.

Thinking his friends were mere fools, Rasik went inside and picked up all the seeds of his share. Yes, Rasik was all set to clear his final exam.

"Hey, I don't even know how to sow, if I ask them, they will make fun of me... I wish! I would have paid attention in aacharya Aatmaarama's class." Rasik stopped thinking.

Rasik saw the seeds and immediately made a new plan. He divided the seeds into four parts and proudly returned to his field with the seeds of the first part.

Before Dev could say anything to him, Rasik sprinkled all the seeds in the field. Dev got very angry. But he calmed down thinking that as always he would learn from the policy of 'mistake-correction'. But this time he was afraid that this policy might force Rasik to repent.

"Seeds are not sprinkled, they are sown, and even I know this too. Rasik is the most foolish person on the earth, how he even call himself a scientist?" Batuk said in his mind.

After that Batuk went to Jagdeesh.

"Jagdeesh, the field is ready, why don't we sow now?"

"Batuk, I am waiting for the right time. The right time has not come yet." Jagdeesh said while throwing the new stone that was in his hand.

Batuk did not know what the right time was or when the right time would come. All he knew was that by imitating Jagdeesh he would pass his exams. So Batuk returned without asking any further questions.

After lunch, when everyone was relaxing, the sound of birds disturbed their rest. They were happy to hear the chirping of birds on the same mound which till that day they had not heard even the sound of a small insect. They could not believe their eyes because for so long they had not seen anyone other than themselves. They felt very strange seeing so many birds in front of them that day, yet all of them were happy.

The sound of the birds seemed to be melodious music.

"But why are these birds only in my field? Is this a miracle of Mother Nature? Does Mother Nature want to say that I am very special?" Rasik said proudly.

"I am not sure about you, but your farm is definitely a special one." Dev scoffed.

At first, Rasik did not understand his mockery. The movement he understood, the color of his face went away. He ran into the field shouting at the birds. In the hot afternoon, he was blowing the birds away from his farm, but the birds were busy cleaning each seed scattered by him.

All three enjoyed the condition of the scientist friend. When there was nothing left in the field, the birds willingly flew away.

"Wicked creatures, do you think I had opened a restaurant here?" Rasik shouted but did not desist from his antics.

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