Chapter 19: Private Results of Private Examinations (Part 4)

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The farmer was about to cry when suddenly a look of surprise appeared on his face. He asked his son twice again. The son repeated the same thing both times. Then the farmer came to know that the yield was very good. The yield was so good that the entire debt of a sahukaar was repaid.

The farmer went to Rasik's house thanked him and presented him with a gold coin as a token of gratitude which he had bought after selling some grains.

In that way, Rasik also started getting everything easily, which Dev and Jagdeesh got.

On the other hand, everything was snatched from Batuk. The results were direr after the next two free tries.

Batuk had to return all the money, and he also had to pay damages. Many did not get money and compensation, so they appealed to the king. After the investigation, the king declared Batuk a thug and also ordered his soldiers to snatch Batuk's property.

Batuk had not done anything for his father so far, so he did not want to depreciate his father's property. One morning the father found that his son and daughter-in-law had left the house. By writing a letter to the king, Batuk told all the truth and requested that his innocent father should not be tortured.

Batuk did not know what happened to his family again, because for two and a half years now he had been working as a laborer in the fields of a zameendaar. He lived with his wife in a bad condition in a dilapidated hut in the fields.

Batuk used to look at the landlord's mansion every day, every day he remembered its ruined splendor and every day he wondered where and what mistake he had made.

Wracked with guilt, Batuk had not yet come to a genuine conclusion.

"Batuk, we reached to Gurukul." When Rasik said, Batuk returned to the present with painful memories of the past.

Batuk was not irritated by his landlord's haveli (mansion), he used to remember his good days after seeing the landlord's mansion. In the same way, Batuk was not irritated by the splendor of his friends; he was just remembering his old happiness. That's why Batuk had no enmity with the greenery of his friends' fields; just his ruined field was reminding him that once the best crop was grown there.

Because of the horses, everyone reached the Gurukul much before lunch.

In front of Batuk was the institution whose every student had earned fame, happiness, and immense wealth in the world. On hearing the name of Uttarasaadhaka Gurukul, everyone used to understand that the said person would definitely be successful in his life. No student studying here had ever had to work under anyone in life.

Yes, the Uttarasaadhaka Gurukul did not produce servants but used to produce owners, kings, technical experts, scientists, artists, and social workers.

In front of such a great institution, Batuk stood who was backward in every aspect of life.

Some students standing outside the Gurukul recognized Batuk he was Batukeshwara, the topper in the mound exam. They surrounded him. Friends were very happy to see that.

"Wonderful, everyone remembers our exam," Jagdeesh said in surprise.

"Everyone remembers the one who came first in the exam," Dev said looking at Batuk.

Batuk did as Dev had expected. Batuk made an excuse and sat away from the children. Rasik started laughing and joking with the children and very quickly Dev-Jagdeesh also joined him. They started having fun with the three children by being like children.

The friends were enjoying themselves, not knowing how much pain they were unknowingly causing Batuk. Batuk also wanted to have fun with the children, but his reality was so pathetic that he could not even laugh. Batuk had thought that he would ask the pradhanaacharya the reason for his plight, but that also became difficult due to the company of his friends.

Batuk was the last to enter the Gurukul with frustration in his mind. He thought that leaving his friends with the children, he would immediately meet the pradhanaacharya. He quickly started going in front of the classes. But also Batuk was recognized as the victorious Batukeshwara. As momentarily as the students recognized him, they started chanting his name and he was surrounded again.

Innocent children did not see his present condition. He was the victorious Batukeshwara for them.

All three friends were also pleased with Batuk's applause; this was proof that they were true friends to date.

The pradhanaacharya Deependra along with other aacharyas was having some sort of discussion when his ears heard the shouts of Batukeshwara. Everyone came there. All four touched the feet of all the aacharyas and took the nectar of their blessings.

The pradhanaacharya noticed that Batuk's happiness was not genuine. It did not take long for Batuk to understand that the pradhanaacharya had read it.

Batuk told the truth to the pradhanaacharya without pretending too much.

"Child, Watch your Friends, They are playing with the children, having fun remembering the old days. You also go there; I believe that your mind will be calm. And you will automatically know your mistake. The answer to each question will be found automatically. Go Batukeshwara, Calm the mind." The pradhanaacharya suggested.

"You will have to answer, the pradhanaacharya...I am incapable and also helpless. For the last three and a half years, I have been trying unsuccessfully to understand everything. Don't know how many saints I have asked and have followed the path shown by them. After getting the horoscope checked by many pundits, I have done the remedies suggested by them. As far as I know, I have gone to all the temples of those Gods and worshiped them, I have donated what was said... Neither God nor the answer was found. My condition has only gone from bad to worse... Gurudev..." While telling Batuk, he was in tears, but he did not let even a single tear come out of his eyes.

"It is a great surprise winner Batukeshwara, being a student of Uttarasaadhaka Gurukul, standing in Uttarasaadhaka Gurukul in front of your former pradhanaacharya, discussing God's, horoscopes... You are really in deep trouble." The pradhanaacharya said angrily.

The pradhanaacharya wanted to ask that what is the difference between you and those boys who have not studied in Uttarasaadhaka Gurukul.

When the pradhanaacharya expressed his anger, Batuk started stealing glances.

"Uttarasaadhaka Gurukul was formed with only one purpose. The founders of Uttarasaadhaka Gurukul had only one dream... to share the knowledge... to bring the knowledge that used to be available to the rich to the common man. And I have full faith that every aacharya to date has done this work honestly. Without asking about anyone's caste or religion, knowledge has been made available to him. Uttarasaadhaka Gurukul's work ends in making knowledge available to everyone like you. After that, the work comes to your share. How to use the knowledge is your responsibility...the disciples have to take care of it. No aacharya can go with you. I am very sorry to know that a winner like you who is well aware of Mother Nature and her power had to take refuge in God. Batuk, there is an opportunity, introspect your mistakes. We'll talk some other time." the pradhanaacharya spoke.

The pradhanaacharya left after telling the bitter truth.

Embarrassed Batuk could not dare to stop him even if he wanted to. His friends were diving into the ocean of joy and Batuk was sinking deeper and deeper into the ocean of sorrows.

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