What just happened?

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It was a sunny Friday afternoon, a week before spring break, it was about 2:30, it was my last class of the day. The class I sit in the back of the class, I sit there for a reason, that reason being I've had the biggest crush on my teacher. I sit in the back so he can't see when I bite my lip when he does certain things, like when he licks his lips or pushes his glasses up on his nose. He wore A blue button-up, and a brown vest,his medium-length brown hair was a little messy today, with khaki pants, and his glasses. He looks even better with His glasses on at least, that's what I think. I was in a daze, if someone asked me to repeat the last 10 minutes of class, I wouldn't be able to. I was practically drooling on myself when He suddenly Calls my name, I snap out of the daze I was in.
"Um, what was the question, Mr.Smith ?" I asked a little too cheerful.
"Come see me After class, Estella." He told me, pushing his glasses up on his nose.
"Okay, Mr.Smith," I said faster than needed.
"What could He want?" I asked myself.
About 30 minutes pass
I started bouncing my leg and tapping on my desk, I was staring at The class bell, Waiting impatiently For it to ring Finally, After what feels Like forever, it rings. Everyone else Starts packing Up their stuff, But I stay put. Once everyone Had left, he waved his hand at me for me to come to the front of the room, I got Up and walked over to Mr.Smith he pushed His glasses up On his nose,
"What did you need me for again Mr. Smith?" I asked,
"Will you come With me to my Office, please Estella" he said.
I followed him To his office, He walked in And stood Next to his Desk, I followed behind him, I sat down In the chair In front of his desk, He stood In front of me, leaning on his Desk,
"Why did you need me Again Mr. Smith?" I asked
He turned his head Away from me, And cracked A little smile.
"Listen, Estella, I know you have feelings for me."
He said.
I looked at him And smiled, knowing he was right
"What are you talking about Mr. Smith," I asked.
He crossed his ankles and his arms,
"Estella," he leaned Closer to me,
"I've seen You biting your Lip in class," he said slowly.
"I'm not stupid." He said, his voice Low.

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