Damn these jeans

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Me and emmie got our nails done which took an hour and a half, once we were done we went to have dinner, I was craving steak so, longhorn it was, the smell from the outside alone was amazing, I kept sniffing the air while we were walking in and beau looked over at me,
"What are you doing love?" He asked
"Sniffing the air," I told him
"Why?" He asked
"It smells like steak," I said
He chuckled at me, we had to wait about 20 minutes for a table, and while we waited we talked about baby names getting emmies input on name ideas
"What about Dallas and Daisy?" I asked
"Aren't those names overused like Luke?" he said
"I like those names," Emmie said
"Okay what about Brixton and Belladonna," I asked
Beau wrinkled his nose
"Isn't belladonna an herb?" He asked
"It's a plant," I told him
"A poisonous plant" Emmie added
"I like Brixton though," Beau said
"Okay what about Brixton and Bellatrix," I said
"Do you like the nickname Bella Love?" Beau asked
"Not really, Bella is overused," I told him
"I like Bellatrix," Emmie said
"How about Oliver and Olivia," Beau asked
"Olivia is a little overused," I told him
He chuckled at me
"Who's idea was it to have unique names," Beau said
"I suggested it and you agreed," I told him
Emmie just giggled at us(she was still having a coffee high)
"Alright, what about Arlo and august" Beau suggested
"You want to name our baby after a month?" I asked
He smiled and rolled his eyes at me
"I don't like those," Emmie said
That's a first, she's like almost all the other names
"I like Arlo though," I told Beau
"Well then, what about Arlo and Adeline" he said
"I like those," I said
"I like Adeline but Arlo sounds like a dog name," Emmie said
We kept talking about baby names once we were at our table,
"How about Aspen and Asher," I asked
"I like those names," Emmie said
"I thought we needed a girl name and a boy name," Beau said
"Aspen is a unisex name," I told him
"If you say so love," he said
"What about Alexa and Alexander," Emmie said
"I like those Emmie," I told her
"Those are kinda cute," Beau said
Emmie giggled, and the whole name conversation went on until we ordered our food, I got a steak(obviously) and mashed potatoes with a salad, Beau got a steak with a salad and a baked potato, Emmie got chicken and Mac and cheese, I've never in my life seen someone go to a steak restaurant and order chicken, then after we ordered we continued our name conversation
"How about Nelly and Noah," I asked
"I like Nelly, it's really pretty," Emmie said
Beau set his drink down
"Don't you think Noah is a little overused?" He asked
"Fine how about Archie and Amora," I said
"I really like those names," Emmie said
"Don't you think Archie sounds a tiny bit like an animal name?" Beau asked
"Ugh and to think we have to come up with two first names and two middle names," I said
"What about Bryce and Blakely," Emmie said
"Blakely is a pretty name" I said
We kept going with the back and forth between names, if I liked a name Beau didn't care for it, if Beau liked a name I didn't care for it, I truly had no idea how we were going to come up with two names then two middle names, we got our food and ate, once I was done I slouched back in my chair
"Why is it whenever I wear jeans we eat out" I said
"You're really starting to pop, love," Beau said
I chuckled at him
"What does that mean?" Emmie asked confused
"It means her baby bump is starting to show," Beau told her
"Oohh," she said
"Ugh" I groaned as I sat back up
"Something wrong love?" Beau asked
"No, just overly full," I said
We got to-go boxes for any leftovers we had and paid the bill, as soon as we got in the car I unbuttoned my jeans and sighed a breath of relief, beau chuckled at me
"What?" I asked
He shook his head
"Nothing love," he said
"Are you laughing because my jeans barely fit?" I asked playfully
"No, that's not why I laughed," he said trying not to smile
"Then why'd you laugh," I asked cocking my head
"I—uh—I" he stuttered
Meanwhile, Emmie had passed out in the back seat
"Mhm that's what I thought, you laughed because you didn't think to put a condom on," I said
"Are you complaining?" He asked
"Not really," I said under my breath
"What was that?" He said putting his hand up to his ear
"I said: not really," I told him a little louder
"That's what I thought," he said smiling at me
"Don't rub it in" I said swatting my hand at him
When we got home the first thing I did was take off my jeans and threw them on the floor, I looked around for my favorite night shirt(one of Beau's old gray t-shirts with holes in it) but I couldn't find it, I looked on the bathroom counter where I thought I left it, but still couldn't find it, I grabbed another one of beau's t-shirts and a pair of shorts, if Emmie wasn't here I would have just put his shirt on, but I wasn't comfortable walking around in just a t-shirt with emmie in the house, I walked out of the bathroom and beau was sitting on the bed with Emmie
"What took you so long love?" Beau asked
"I can't find my shirt," I told him
"You mean my shirt that I put in the wash this morning," he said
"The gray one with holes in it?" I asked
"Yes, it's in the wash," he told me
"And that's my shirt, you gave it up when I found it," I told him
"Not how that works," he said smiling at me
"Oh but it is, as your pregnant fiancée that's exactly how it works, I get my pick of your t-shirts," I told him
"Okay just don't take my LA chargers t-shirt please," he said
"I didn't know you were a chargers fan," I said
"Kinda," he said
"What do you mean kinda?" I asked
"I don't really watch football, but that was the last gift I got from my grandfather before he died," he said
"Oh," I said
"Is Emmie asleep again?" I added as I lifted my hand to point at her
Beau looked over at her curled up in the middle of the bed
"Looks like it," Beau said
"We probably shouldn't let her sleep too long," I told beau
"It's only 6, we can let her sleep for probably another 30 minutes or so," Beau said
"Are you sure? I don't want to mess up her sleep schedule and then your mom have to deal with it" I said biting at my nails
"I have a feeling that if it does mess up her sleep schedule she'll be here long enough for us to fix it," he said
"You're probably right," I said climbing into bed next to Emmie
"How long do you think she's going to want to stay?" I added
"I'm sure if she didn't have school and if mom would let her she'd stay until the babies are born," Beau said
"You are probably very correct," I said
He chuckled at me, I sighed as I lay down
"What's wrong love?" Beau asked
"I love Emmie and all but, I wish she wouldn't fall asleep in the middle of the bed, I miss being able to cuddle with you," I said
Emmie was down low enough on the bed that Beau reached over above her head and grabbed my hand, I yawned out of nowhere
"Tired love?" Beau asked
"Kinda," I said as I closed my eyes

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