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When I woke up Luna and Beau were already out of bed, I got up and threw on a pair of black leggings and a white T-shirt, beau and Luna were in the living room when I came down the stairs, Beau smiled at me
"Morning love," he said
"Good morning" I yawned
I went and sat on the couch with Beau, Luna immediately climbed onto my lap and pulled my shirt up
"I don't know if they're awake yet sweet girl," I told Luna
She leaned forward and laid her head on my chest, I rubbed my hand up and down her back, and Beau wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pecked my cheek
"Baby," he said out of nowhere
"Hmm?" I replied my eyes half open still kinda sleepy
"Me Emily and James were thinking about maybe taking the kids to the b-e-a-c-h," he said spelling out the word beach
"I didn't know there was one of those in New York," I said surprised
"Yeah, just a little way away from here" he explained
"I didn't bring a s-w-i-m-s-u-i-t," I told him
"Plus I don't think mine would fit anymore" I added
Everything had started to grow within the past month or so, my hips were slowly getting wider, but my boobs, however, were not taking it quite as slow, it felt like I woke up one morning and all of the sudden I went from an A cup bra to a D cup bra, I had also started to notice that my thighs were getting a little chubbier too, none of which I would complain about for the most part, of course, there were downsides, like my boobs being sore, my lower back starting to hurt, and my pants being noticeably tighter
"We could see if Emily has an extra one or we could go get one," Beau said
"I don't think Emily would have one that will fit either" I explained
Emily has a much curvier body than me, I hadn't seen her before she had kids but, she had almost a perfect hourglass-shaped body
"I think going to pick out a new one would be the best option" I added
Beau smiled at me
"You're probably going to have to leave Luna here love," he said
I pulled Luna away from my chest to look at her
"I have to run to the store Luna I'll be right back, okay?" I told her
She nodded her head and climbed off my lap then went to play with her little pink play kitchen, I went upstairs and grabbed a pair of black ballet flats, then me and beau told Emily where we were going and that we would be right back, beau had me look up a Walmart close by(so we wouldn't get lost, whether he wanted to admit it or not) there were quite a few different swimsuits to pick from, beau, of course, had to pick the most ridiculous one out of them all, beau pulled a swimsuit off the hanger and showed it to me, it was a two-piece neon green swimsuit
"You want me to wear that?" I asked jokingly
I didn't want a bathing suit that brought more attention to me than necessary at the moment, if it wasn't for that I would actually love to wear it, I love bright colors, but I didn't want attention from strangers in a place I wasn't familiar with
"I was really just playing love," he said
"No, baby, I would love to wear that, but I don't want that much attention" I explained
"Baby no matter what you wear you'll turn heads," he said
"I mean, just look at this beautiful body you have" he added as he grabbed my hips
"Please, I look like I eat donuts all day every day," I said
"No you don't, you just look pregnant," Beau told me
"Oh really? I would have never guessed" I said sarcastically
"Baby don't be like that, you're showing that your body is capable of doing amazing things," Beau said
"You are growing two humans inside of you, that's pretty damn amazing" he added
"I still don't wanna wear a neon bathing suit today," I said
"Okay, you don't have to get it, I was showing it to you as a joke anyway" Beau explained
Eventually, I found a bathing suit I liked, it was still a two-piece but there were very limited one-piece bathing suits to pick from, the bathing suit I found was a white bathing suit with cow spots on it, it had a tie to hold it up around the neck, a tie for the back and the bottoms had little bows on each side, we picked up a few other things we needed like sunglasses sunscreen beach towels and we got beau a pair of blue swim trunks, then we were on our way

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