Planning the surprise

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                               Beau's POV
There we sat, she was snuggled into my side, as she had her hand on top of mine lying on her stomach. I still couldn't believe that this beautiful woman was carrying our kids, I don't know how I got lucky enough to have her in my life. As we sat there together I thought about telling her what I had planned to do in a month or so, but I didn't want to ruin the surprise. As she sat against me watching TV I didn't pay much attention to anything but her, she looked up at me and smirked
"What?" I asked her
"What are you looking at like that?" She asked
"I was looking at how beautiful you are," I told her as I smiled down at her, she smiled back up at me,
"Thank you, Beau," she said before she went back to watching her show. We were sitting there a while, I was about to get up to go to the bathroom when I heard her snore a tiny bit, I moved my head enough to see if she was asleep, she was. I wiggled my arm out from behind her head and slowly laid her down on the couch. When I came back from the bathroom she was still asleep. She looked so peaceful, I can only imagine how tired she is, her daily routine must be exhausting, it starts at 3 sometimes 4 in the morning when she gets up to go to the bathroom because she feels sick and most of the time I hear her  get up and go in the bathroom with her, she goes back to bed after about 30 minutes of sitting on the bathroom floor, then she's back up by 9 o'clock in the morning when she gets out of bed she goes to the bathroom then she comes back and she fixes up the bed not perfectly but just enough to make the room look put together, then she comes down stairs and has one of 4 things to eat, those things being, pickles, ice cream, flaming hot Cheetos or macaroni and cheese, most of the time with a big glass of water or orange juice, then no matter how much I protest or try to help she loads the dishwasher with what few dishes got dirty that morning, then if there's no doctors appointments or grocery shopping to be done she'll tidy up anything that needs it, and she cooks dinner for me and her almost every night and five times out of ten she can't eat it because it makes her feel sick, and after dinner she'll finally allow me to help her clean up the kitchen, I clean the table and stove and put the left overs away while she finishes loading the dishwasher, and put that all on top of growing two more humans inside of her, that's a lot of work. Sometimes it frustrates me that she's so stubborn and hard-working, I wish she would let me help her more than she does, she doesn't need to be working so hard. I decided that while she was asleep I would help her as much as I could before she woke up, it had already been a long day for her, I went upstairs and cleaned the entire bedroom and our bathroom, then I moved downstairs, loaded the dishwasher and cleaned up the kitchen, I walked through the house cleaning up anything I thought she would have, I went back to the living room and she was still asleep, I figured I'd let her sleep as long as she needed, she had only been asleep for about an hour and a half or so. Then I decided I would work on my surprise for her, I texted her best friend to ask for help
Beau:"Hey ember, I need your help with a surprise for Estella"
Ember:"First, who is this? second, how'd you get my number?"
Beau:"It's beau, or you might know me better as Mr. Smith, I'm Estella's boyfriend, I got your number from her phone."
Ember:"Oh yeah, I remember now, didn't you get her pregnant?"
I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed,
Beau:"Yes. Are you going to help or not?"
Ember:"that depends, what are you doing?"
I told her everything I had planned and she agreed to help me, once she got to the location i asked her to, she called me, I went up stairs so Estella wouldn't hear us,
"So this one?" She asked panning the camera over the display
"No, no, the one that's a little more to the left" I told her, she panned the camera more left
"This one?" She asked
"No, the next one over" I told her
"Okay got it, but how do I pay?" She asked
Shit I didn't think this part through, I thought about it for a second
"Um, do you have Venmo?" I asked
"Yeah?" She said
"Text me how much it is and I'll send it to you" I told her
"Okay got it mr. Smith" she said
I chuckled at her
"Ember we're not at school, you can call me beau"
"Okay, I got it Mr—I mean beau" she said,
"Okay I gotta go make sure Estella didn't hear us" I said
"Alright I'll bring it to you tomorrow at what time?" She asked
"Uh, anytime before 8 am or anytime after 11 pm" I told her
"Why that early or that late?" She asked
"Estella wakes up at 9 in the morning then goes to bed at 11 at night" I told her, I heard footsteps down the hallway
"Jeez she sticks to schedule th—"
"I gotta go, she's up" I told ember before hanging up.
Just as I put my phone in my pocket Estella came into our bedroom,
"Were you talking to someone just now love?" She asked

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