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And just like that, we were a day away from finding out the gender of our babies, I had been bouncing around all day because I was so excited,
"Baby, why don't you sit down for a little bit," Beau said
"I can't, I'm too excited!" I told him
He laughed at me, then walked over to me and grabbed my waist, then he lifted my hand above my head and spun me in a circle,
"I understand you're excited love, but you're going to wear yourself out," he told me
"Ugh, but I'm so excited, we get to find out the gender of our babies tomorrow!" I told him, and he smiled at me
"I know baby, but you're going to keep running around and make yourself sick," he told me
"Ugh, fine, I'm going to go get a glass of water," I told him
"Okay, then you'll sit down for a while?" He asked
"Yes, then I will sit down," I told him
We continued the day as we normally would, and then that night we were getting ready for bed, I was still so excited I didn't know if I would be able to sleep, I crawled in bed with Beau and squeaked out of excitement
"What was that love?" Beau asked
"I'm just so excited!" I told him
He smiled at me and pulled me into his arms
"You still think it's going to be a girl and a boy?" He asked
"I don't think, I know it," I told him
He kissed me on the forehead and then closed his eyes
"Alright well, I think we should get to sleep, I'm tired just from watching you run around the house today," he told me
"I don't know if I can sleep," I told him
"Just try and if you can't then go take a hot shower or something," he said
"Okay, fine," I said
Beau was asleep before I even got comfortable, I laid down staring straight up at the top of the canopy bed and wiggling my feet, I laid there for about ten minutes, I didn't feel tired yet, I got up and sat on the edge of the bed swinging my legs, I sighed, I decided to get up and go to the kitchen, I hadn't eaten dinner, not unless you count peanut butter as dinner, I got to the kitchen and went to the pantry, nothing in there looked good so I went to the fridge, and of course the only thing that looked and sounded good was milk
"Ugh, again?" I groaned to myself
I got the milk out and poured myself a glass, I sat down at the table and drank my milk, when I was done with my milk I slumped back in my chair and put my hand on my stomach,
"Why did the hit the spot" I asked myself
I should really stop talking to myself it's kinda creeping me out, I got up and rinsed my cup out then went back up to bed, I laid down and got comfortable, my eyes slowly started to get heavy and before I knew it I had passed out, I woke up at 10 a.m., surprisingly beau was still in bed, I checked to see if he was still asleep, he wasn't he was just watching out the window, I put my chin on his shoulder
"Guess what today is!" I said
"Morning to you too love," he told me
"I'm so excited!" I said
He smiled at me
"What time is your appointment?" He asked
"12 o'clock," I told him
He sat up on the edge of the bed and stretched,
"Okay well, I'm going to go make a pot of coffee, are you coming?" He asked
"Ooh," I said
"What?" Beau asked
"Coffee sounds really good," I told him
"So I need to make enough for both of us?" He asked
"Um, maybe more than that," I told him
Beau laughed at me then he stood up
"Okay then," he told me
I got downstairs and Beau was already almost done making coffee, I went to try and find something I wanted to eat, I went to the pantry, and the only thing I found that looked good was peanut butter, I got the jar of peanut butter out and got a spoon, I sat down at the table, beau set a coffee cup in front of me,
"I already put creamer and sugar in it for you," he told me
"Thank you, love," I told him
I let my coffee cool off while I ate the peanut butter, I kept checking the time to see if it was time for me to get ready yet, finally, it was time to get ready, I ran upstairs and grabbed the first pair of pants I saw and a shirt, I ended up grabbing a pair of blue jeans and a black t-shirt, I put my jeans on and when I was zipping them up and buttoning them I noticed that there were a little harder to button, once I got them buttoned I left the bathroom and beau was sitting on the bed already dressed
"What took you so long love? Most of the time you're ready before I am" Beau said
"I was having trouble buttoning my pants," I said
"You know what that means," Beau said
Beau smiled at me,
"Don't look at me like that beau" I said playfully
We got in the car and left, I kept bouncing my legs and tapping my hands on my thighs because I was so excited, it's crazy how fast time goes, but at the same time it feels like I've been waiting forever for this, we got there checked in and got put in a room, I couldn't sit still, beau kept laughing at me because I was doing the most random dances, finally the doctor came in, I looked at beau with a "it's finally happening!" Look and he smiled at me
"Are you guys wanting to find out the gender of the babies?" The doctor asked
"Yes," I told her
"Someone's excited," she said
"She hasn't stopped bouncing around in two days, waiting to find out," beau told the doctor
She chuckled
"Alright, cold gel," she told me as she put the gel on my stomach
She pressed the little device to my stomach and moved it around, she pointed to the screen
"There's a little boy," she said
I didn't even have to look at Beau to know that he was smiling from ear to ear, she pressed a button on the machine and it started making a thumping noise
"That's the baby's heartbeat," she told me
I reached for beaus hand and looked up at him, he had the goofiest smile on his face, the doctor started to move the device around until she found the other baby
"Looks like we have a little girl right there," she said
I looked up at Beau and gave him the "haha I was right" look, he smiled at me and rolled his eyes, the doctor played her heartbeat, it amazed me at how there was technology that could hear an unborn baby's heartbeat, we got a few pictures and we were on our way, we got in the car and I looked over at beau,
"You knew I'd be right," I said giving him a cocky smile
"Kinda," he told me
He put his hand over my stomach, I put both my hands over his and smiled at him
"Now we can finally start getting ready," I told him
"Yep, and in fact I have a surprise for you, where is your favorite place to eat?" He asked
"Um, probably Olive Garden, why?" I said
"Because I want to take you to your favorite restaurant," he told me
Hmm, he was acting kinda funny, I don't even know if I'd be able to eat anything at Olive Garden, a lot of food still makes me feel sick, I guess we'll find out.

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