Moments like this

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While the pie was cooking me and beau were trying to decide what to have for dinner, but the only thing that sounded good to me was pumpkin pie and the smell of it cooking wasn't helping,
"So nothing else sounds good to you?" Beau asked
I thought about it for a second
"Maybe chicken and rice" I told him
"So chicken and rice for dinner then?" He said
"Yeah, that and pumpkin pie are all that sound good" I told him
"Alright, I'll go start dinner and check your pie" he told me
"Baby I can cook" I told him
"It's okay, I'll cook tonight, you always cook" he said
I pecked him on the cheek as he got up, I didn't have anything to do so I went upstairs and into the room that was going to be the nursery and I sat on the floor leaning my back against the wall, trying to imagine how I wanted to decorate this room, it was a pretty blank canvas to work with, dark gray walls and dark brown hardwood floors, I couldn't decide whether I wanted to paint the room or leave it gray, dark gray kinda seems like a sad color for a nursery, but on the other hand I wouldn't know what color to paint it, we can't just do pink or blue, obviously not doing black, maybe we could do a pastel yellow or green, and I know people are going to say "yellow and green are boy colors" no they are not, there's no such thing as boy colors or girl colors. we could do just about any color, except black, gray or white, there was two colors I was torn between, pastel blue and pastel yellow those were the two colors I was torn between, I was leaning more towards blue, then there is always the crib situation, I don't want to separate them, but I don't want to put their cribs too close together, I could always just set them up like the hospital nursery's do, just far enough apart for someone to walk between them, I could see it coming together, I don't know how long I had been sitting there, beau walked into the room, he saw me sitting on the floor and came to sit next to me
"What are you doing love?" He asked
"Just, thinking about how to decorate" I told him
"Well, what do you have so far?" He asked
"I can't decide if we should paint it pastel blue or pastel yellow" I told him
"I think blue would be nice" he said
He put his hand on my thigh, I put mine on top of his
"Baby? Is something wrong?" He asked
"No, just, scared" I told him
He leaned his head against mine
"There's nothing to be scared about love" he said
"There are lots of things to be scared about, like what if I'm a bad mom?" I said
"You're not going to be a bad mom, you're going to be a great mom" he told me
"I'm still scared," I told him
"You're going to do great love, you're already doing amazing" he said putting his hand on my stomach, I put my hand over his
I felt a tear roll down my cheek,
"Thank you beau, I needed that" I told him
"You're welcome love, oh I forgot, I came to find you because dinners ready and I put your pie in the fridge" he told me
"Okay" I said
"You're not ready to eat?" He said
"Not yet, I just want to sit here with you for a little longer" I told him as I closed my eyes
"Okay love" he said
We sat there for god only knows how long, but in that little moment, time seemed to slip away, nothing else mattered in that moment, and it was these small little moments we'd get to spend together before the babies get here, that felt so amazing and easy, not having to think about telling people about the babies, not worrying about doctors appointments, nothing else mattered except for the two of us sitting there together, well technically the four of us sitting there, but it didn't matter, because these small moments, meant the world to me.

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