Crazy cravings

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Over the past few days my cravings have been getting weirder and weirder, like yesterday I decided that a peanut butter and hot Cheeto sandwich sounded good, it actually wasn't bad, then today I made Oreo cottage cheese, horrible idea but it didn't taste bad, definitely weird though,
"Baby, are you putting cottage cheese on an Oreo?" Beau asked me
"Yep, why?" I said
"Just wondering, that sounds pretty gross," he said as he smiled at me
"It's actually not horrible," I told him
"If you say so love," he said
"Do you want to try some?" I asked
"Um, I think I'll stick to coffee today," he said as he poured a cup of coffee
"Okay, suit yourself," I told him
He chuckled at me, walked by me, and kissed me on the top of the head as he went to sit in his chair at the table, I ate about half a pack of Oreos with cottage cheese, and once I was done I put everything away and went upstairs to change my clothes, I was studying myself in the mirror, in a sports bra and underwear, looking at my tiny bump, I looked myself up and down in the mirror and noticed something
"Beau" I called over my shoulder, he was doing something in the bedroom
"Yes love?" He called back
"Can you come here for a minute?" I asked him
He came into the bathroom, wrapped his arms around me and put his head on my shoulder
"Is something wrong love?" He asked
"No, it's just—do my boobs look bigger to you?" I asked him, I'm only about an a cup, but today it looked like I was a c cup, beau looked at me through the mirror
"Maybe just a little," he said
I sighed and leaned my head back on his chest
"Love, you just have to remember, your body is going to be constantly changing over the next few months," he told me
"I know," I said
Beau stood there holding me in his arms until I started to get cold, I decided that since we didn't have anything to do today and we were just going to stay home, I would just wear one of Beau's shirts and a pair of sleep shorts, I walked out of the bathroom, beau was laying against the headboard of our bed
"I love it when you wear my shirt," he said as he smiled at me, I walked over to the bed and climbed in it with him, I laid my head on his chest and snuggled up next to him
"You're cold love," he said as he rubbed his hand up and down my arm, he pulled a small throw blanket off the bed and laid it over me
"You're not cold?" I asked him
"No, I'm pretty comfortable," he told me
"Mm," I said
"Is something wrong love?" Beau asked
"No, just tried," I told him
I pulled the blanket up to my shoulders and snuggled closer to him, my eyes started to get heavy, and before I knew it I had fallen asleep. I felt Beau get out of bed, and when he did, he tucked the blanket under my legs, my hands and feet were freezing, and I curled up into a ball trying to keep myself warm, having Beau next to me had been helping keep me warm, I pulled the blanket up over my shoulders and tucked my hands in it, I probably looked like a swaddled baby, but I honestly didn't care, I was freezing. After a while I felt the bed sink back down next to me, beau pulled me back into his arms, holding me against his chest,
"God you're cold, I can feel your hands through the blanket" he whispered to me
I don't think he realized that I was so cold that I was barely sleeping, I nuzzled closer to him, and I felt him reach over me and grab our comforter and then cover me up with it,
"There, maybe that will warm you up" he whispered
"Thank you, love," I whispered back
"I didn't know you were awake," he said
"Kind of," I told him
"I'm surprised your teeth aren't chattering," he told me
"Me too," I said
As I started to warm up I fell asleep completely. When I woke up Beau was gone and the curtains were closed, I grabbed my phone off my bedside table to check the time,
"It's 5:30 already?!?" I asked myself
I got out of bed and ran downstairs, and there Beau was, sitting at the table, when he saw me come running down the stairs he jumped out of his chair,
"Whoa, whoa, what's wrong love?" He asked me
"I didn't mean to sleep that late," I told him
"It's okay love," he told me
"But I haven't started dinner, it'll be 6:30 by the time it's done now," I told him
"Baby, I cooked," he told me
"You did?" I asked
"Yes, I made you some chicken and rice," he told me
"Thank you, Beau," I told him
"You're welcome love," he said
He knew I wasn't able to eat a lot of things, but chicken and rice was one of the things I could stomach at the moment, the smell of it reminded me of being at home when I was younger, cold winter nights, a big cup of hot chocolate, a plate of chicken and rice and my mom and dad watching a movie with me. It seemed like it was yesterday, but at the same time, it felt so far away, in a few months I would have my own kids to do that with, the thought made me automatically put my hand over my stomach
"Is something wrong baby?" Beau asked me
I shook my head waking myself from whatever daze I was in
"What?" I asked him
"Is something wrong? You look like you don't feel well" he told me
"I feel fine, I was just thinking," I said
"About what?" He asked
"About when I was little and it would start to get cold so my mom would make chicken and rice with hot chocolate and we would watch a movie together," I told him, he smiled at me
"Well, I think we might have some hot chocolate, and I know we have movies," he said
"The Grinch?" I asked referring to the "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" movie, it was one of my absolute favorite movies
"I think so," he told me
Beau made us each a cup of hot chocolate and a plate of chicken and rice, we sat down on the couch and put the Grinch on, while we were eating I realized it was the middle of May
"You don't mind that we're acting like it's 30 degrees outside, in May?" I asked beau
"Nope, not one bit, if you wanted to eat chicken and rice with hot chocolate for the next 6 months of your pregnancy I wouldn't care, as long as you and them are healthy," he told me, putting his hand on my stomach, I smiled uncontrollably at him
"Thank you, Beau," I said.

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