Home away from home

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I moved in With Beau a few weeks ago, I Had Started
Looking for a job, And I have my First ultrasound Coming up. I was for the most part happy with my new life, of course, I missed my parents, but I could go see them whenever I wanted, I was standing In the kitchen Making dinner For myself, and beau He came in the Front door
"Baby I'm home" he called
"I'm in the kitchen Love" I called Back,
I heard His shoes on the Hardwood floors, Then I felt his hands wrap around me, he kissed me On the cheek,
"How was work Love?" I asked Him.
"It was good. How was your day Baby?" He asked
"Well I was in the Bathroom all morning, but Once I felt better I unpacked the last of my stuff," I told him
"That's great baby," He said
"Speaking Of great, are you still Going to be able To come to the Ultrasound Tomorrow?" I asked him
"I wouldn't miss It for the world Love," he told me,
I smiled,
"What are we having for dinner love?" He asked
"Well, I'm making fried pork chops with mashed potatoes and green beans," I told him
He put his head on my shoulder
"Are you going to be able to eat?" He asked
"Maybe, the smell hasn't made me feel sick like everything else, so I might be able to," I told Beau
"Hmm, hopefully, you will, you've barely eaten in weeks," he told me
"Barely is an understatement, all I've had to eat for the past 5 weeks is pickles," I said
"Are you sick of them?" He asked
"No, not really, but it's also not by choice," I told him
He chuckled
"Exactly, as long as you are healthy, the baby is healthy," he said, he rubbed one hand up and down my stomach,
"Your right, Beau," I said
He kissed my cheek
"Do you need any help cooking love?" He asked
"No, in fact, dinners done," I told him
I made myself a small plate of food, not knowing if I was going to be able to eat, I made Beau a plate and set it on the table, I grabbed two forks and gave one to him then sat down next to him.
"Well, here goes nothing," I said picking up a bite of potatoes, I put the fork in my mouth,
"You know what? This actually tastes good" I said
He laughed
"I'm glad you've found at least one other thing you can eat," he said
"You and me both, those pickles are good, but they give me god-awful heartburn," I said.
I ended up eating my whole plate and another plate. after dinner Beau did the dishes, and then we sat in the living room and watched TV, I had my head on Beau's shoulder and I had my legs tucked underneath myself,
"Beau," I said
"Yes, love?" He said
"Have you ever wanted kids?" I asked
He chuckled then laid his head against mine,
"Well, I've thought about it before, I've never really minded kids, I had one older sister and a younger sister and brother growing up so I was used to having younger kids around," he said
"I didn't know you had sisters and a brother," I said
"Yeah, I haven't seen my older sister in years, the last time I saw her she had a 3-year-old son and a daughter on the way, and that was almost 3 years ago," he told me
"Oh wow, why haven't you seen her in so long?" I asked, he smiled
"Well she and her husband moved to New York right after they got married, she doesn't come to visit us often," he told me
"Oh, Beau, I'm sorry," I told him
"It's okay, I'm just glad I got to meet my nephew once. I only ever got told when my niece was born, I don't know her name or what she's like" he said
"Oh, Beau," I said
He shook his head at me
"It's okay, Estella," he told me
"Why don't you go visit them?" I asked
"Well I haven't wanted to bother them and now I can't leave you," he said
"Beau, I could come with you," I told him
"You're right Estella, we should go see them sometime soon," he said
"Okay, I just want to let you know, we either have to go before I enter the 3ed trimester or after the baby's born," I told him, he kissed the top of my head
"Got it love," he told me
"Also, Beau, it's summer which means you don't have to go to work, so where have you been going?" I asked
"Well, I have kind of a part-time job for over the summer, they've needed me all week this week, most of the time they only need me once or twice at most three times a week," he said
"Okay, if you say so," I said
We stayed and watched TV for a couple more hours, we decided to go to bed around 10 pm, Beau held me in his arms until I fell asleep. I woke up at around 3:30 am, when I woke up my back was facing Beau, and I was still in his arms, I slowly and carefully pulled his arm off my waist and slid off the bed, I originally got up to get a drink of water, I got to the bedroom door then I got sick, I ran to the bathroom, putting my head over the toilet just in time, all of my dinner came back up,
"So much for being able to eat," I said to myself,
"What's wrong love," Beau said walking into the bathroom
"Oh, I was talking to myself," I told him
"Well, what did you say? It sounded like you were upset" he said
"I said: so much for being able to eat," I told him
He got down on his knees next to me,
"It's okay love, you'll find something eventually," he told me, I tried to chuckle but when I did, I gagged, Beau held my hair back
"Are you okay, love?" He asked
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," I said trying to catch my breath,
"Do you want me to go get you some water?" He asked
"Yes please," I said
He got up and walked out of the bathroom, he came back with a big glass of water a few minutes later
"Here you go love," he said handing me the glass
"Thank you," I told him right before I chugged the glass of water
"Are you feeling any better?" He asked
"Yeah, I think I can go back to bed now," I said trying to stand up, my legs wobbled
"Estella," Beau said
"Hmm?" I asked trying to balance myself
"Come here, before you hurt yourself," he told me,
Picking me up bridal style
"Beau, I can walk," I told him
"It looked like you were having trouble," he told me
"Okay, if you say so," I told him
He set me back down in bed, handed me my favorite stuffed animal, laid the blanket over me then climbed in bed, wrapping his arms around me, he kissed me on the forehead,
"Good night love," he told me
"Good night," I said smiling at him
He moved his hand so that it was on my stomach
"Good night to both of you," he said
He wrapped his arm back around me, and pulled me to him, while my heart melted.

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