See you tonight.

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My hair was A mess when i Walked out of beau's
Office. I got a few Steps away from the Door before he came Out behind me,
"Estella" he said.
I turned Around to face him
"Yes beau?" I asked.
I was smiling, When he made eye Contact with me he Smiled too,
"Well... I was Wondering if you'd Like to come Over to my place Later?" He asked.
I rubbed my Arm "Yeah that sounds Nice" I told him. He walked me to my car, with his arm around my waist the whole time. before he Left he kissed me on The forehead
"See you tonight Love" he said,
Then closed my Car door for me. I smiled the Whole way home. My mom was waiting at the Door for me Crap it was late, Later than I usually come home
"Where have you been Estella?!" My mom asked
I rubbed the back of my neck nervously,
"I was just with a Friend.." i said
mom raised Her eyebrow in Suspension
"I'm sorry mom I completely forgot To text you and tell You I was hanging out With friends" I told her She still looked like She didn't believe me
"If you say so hun." She told me
I ran to my Room, excited to see beau tonight. I sat on my Bed and texted beau,
Estella:"Am I staying with you Tonight?" I watched my Phone waiting until It lit up
Beau:"Do you want to Princess?"
I smiled at the Text, typing back
Estella:"Of course;)"
Beau:"See you then Love"
I hopped off my Bed and ran a brush Through my Hair. I pulled out one of my Small tote bags from my closet and began Throwing essentials in it (Brush, tooth paste Tooth brush, etc) I pulled on a cute Crop Top and a tight Black skirt. I spayed my Favorite perfume, grabbed my Tote bag and went Downstairs. mom was sitting At the table
"Where are you Going Estella?" She asked
"I'm going to spend The weekend with Some friends" i Said innocently.
"Which friends?" She asked.
"Oh, just ember" I told her.
"Oh... okay then, I guess I'l See you when You get home." She said. I smiled at her
"Ok bye, love you, Mom" i said.
I walk out of the door and jogged to my car. I got in my car And texted ember
Me:"Hey will you cover For me?"
She texted back In a quick second.
Ember:"Cover for you? what the fuck are you up To now Ella!?"
I giggled at Her message.
Me:"I'm going to See someone And my mom thinks I'm staying with You"
I waited for Her reply, when it Finally came in
Ember:"Ella, are you going to see your enemy?"
I smiled.
Me:"no will You just cover for Me?"
Ember:"Fine for how Long?"
Me:"The weekend?"
Ember:"Fine, but you have To give me every Detail and you have to tell me Who it is"
Me:"Ok. I'm going to see Beau."
I didn't wait for her Text to come back Before i started my car and drove Off. It took me About 30 minutes to get To his house, i got out and Walked up to the Door and knocked, Beau opened the door And smiled at me, He grabbed my Waist and pulled me to him He put his Forehead against mine
"I missed You" he said, I giggled
"Beau, it's only Been an hour and A half" i told him, He smiled at me.
"Will you just Come inside already?" He asked.

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