Sea sick salmon leads to happy tears

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                                Estella's POV
Not surprisingly the smell of Beau's salmon made me feel sick, so I had gotten up and ran to the bathroom, I stood in front of the sink and splashed a little cold water on my face, then when I looked in the mirror, my face had the slightest green tint, when I came out of the bathroom beau was talking to our waiter, he looked extremely serious, he didn't realize I was watching but I couldn't hear what they were saying from where I was standing, once the waiter left I went back to the table and sat down
"Are you okay love?" Beau asked
"Yeah, I'm fine, the smell of your food made me feel a little sick, that's all," I told him
"Oh, I'm sorry love," he said
"It's okay, it's not like you knew it would make me sick," I told him
Beau seemed a little on edge today, he seemed nervous like he was going to mess something up, maybe I was just overreacting, my shrimp Alfredo looked really good even though I don't like shrimp, I took a small bite to see if I would be able to eat it without getting sick, because apparently the babies are being picky today, I put the fork in my mouth and I was able to eat it, my eyes lit up because it actually tasted good
"I thought I didn't like shrimp," I told beau
He chucked at me
"I thought so too," he said
I ate a little over half of my plate before I slumped back into my chair and put my hand on my stomach, beau smiled at me
"What?" I asked
"You look cute," he told me
I snickered at him
"I cannot wait to get home and take these jeans off," I said
"Don't you want some dessert?" He asked
"Mm, depends on what they have," I told him
"A black tie mousse cake," he said
"Mm, maybe, what else is there?" I asked
"Strawberry cream cake or there's a Sicilian strawberry cheesecake," he told me
"Ooh, a strawberry cheesecake?" I said
"Yeah," he said
"Okay, I think I'll have one of those," I told him
Beau waved our waiter over and ordered the cheesecake, but he didn't order himself anything
"Why didn't you get anything?" I asked
"They didn't have anything I care for," he told me
"But beau, you love chocolate mousse cakes," I said as I saw the dessert menu out of the corner of my eye
"Yeah, but I'm not really in the mood for chocolate today," he said
Beau? Not in the mood for chocolate? Chocolate is his favorite
"But Baby, chocolate is your favorite," I said with confusion, why wouldn't he tell me the real reason why he didn't want dessert?
"You're right it is, but I'm just not in the mood for it today," he told me
I felt so confused, there was something up that he didn't want me to know, a minute or two later the waiter came back with my cheesecake
"Here's your strawberry cheesecake ma'am," he said as he set the plate down and hurried on his way, I picked up my fork and looked down at the plate to see the words "Will you marry me?" Written in chocolate on my plate, I looked up to Beau and he was holding a small black box with a ring inside of it, I covered my mouth with my hands and felt tears start to roll down my cheeks
"Estella, you are the most beautiful, caring, funny, and selfless woman I've ever met, will you marry me, Estella?" He asked
I nodded my head
"Yes" I whispered barely loud enough for him to hear, he smiled at me and put the ring on my finger, he got up and kissed me, I pulled my lips away from his
"I love you, beau," I told him
"I love you too Estella," he said
I could still feel tears on my cheeks, that's why he's been acting weird, he's been planning on proposing, I heard people in the restaurant clapping and got nervous, I don't like being the center of attention, I couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the day, today was perfect, we finally got to find out the gender of the babies and beau proposed, I don't think I could be any happier, of course taking those damn jeans off was pretty close, as soon as we got home I changed out of my jeans into my favorite shirt which was just one of beau's old gray t-shirts with holes in it and a pair of black sleep shorts, then I went and curled up on the couch with beau
"Caffeine crash love?" He asked
"Mmhmm," I told him
The two cups of coffee I had this morning were making me hyper until we got home, my eyes started getting heavy and before I knew it I was asleep

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