A trip down memory lane

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                                     Beau's POV
She fell asleep on the couch again, this was starting to become nearly a daily occurrence, she'd fallen asleep with her head on my lap and I had my arm wrapped around her laying on her stomach, finally being able to feel the little flutters of our babies kinda blew my mind, I can only imagine how it feels to her, four months ago I wouldn't have ever imagined I would be sitting here with this beautiful woman that's carrying our babies, laying on me, it all almost feels like a dream, she looked exhausted, she had her hands folded under her head and her knees pulled all the way up nearly to her stomach, she probably was just as exhausted as she looks, I really didn't want to put more stress on her by taking her up to meet my sister, but she really wanted to meet her and her kids, she stirred a little and I froze not wanting to wake her, she woke up enough to roll over without falling off the couch then she was back asleep, I brushed a little piece of hair out of her face
"You're so beautiful Estella" I whispered to her knowing she probably wouldn't hear me,
She snuggled closer to me,
"Looks like I'm going to be here for a while," I said to myself
I leaned my head back against the couch and before I knew it I was asleep, 30 minutes later I woke up, she was still asleep but somehow she flipped from her head laying on my lap to her feet being in my lap, I chuckled, wondering how in the world she managed to flip herself, she stirred, she rolled over to face the back of the couch and wrapped her arm around the top of her stomach, she didn't even really look pregnant, she just looked a little bloated, but I knew if I closed my eyes for too long she'd be 8 months pregnant, I was at a point where I wanted time to slow down and speed up at the same time, four months ago feels like such a long time, I remember almost every detail of every weekend we spent together before we found out that she's pregnant, I remember every time I snickered at her when she would wrap herself in a whole king sized blanket, I remember every time she would jump on top of me to wake me up in the morning, I remember thinking that her face is the only face I want to see first thing in the morning, and I remember the earlier parts of her pregnancy, when we would stay up half the night sitting in the bathroom floor, when I had to go to the store every other day to get pickles, when she was so tired she could barely get out of bed, I remember the first thought I had when she told me she was pregnant was god I hope the baby has her beautiful blue eyes and red hair, I could remember all of these things but they were starting to feel so long ago, like it had been years since we had even met, which wasn't far off, we met a year and a half ago, all the students had just come back from Christmas break and I was straight out of college, I had just started that day, I greeted everybody that came through the door, she was the last person to come into class(she was nearly late) she smiled at me and asked my name, I gave her a smile back and told her my name, she went to sit next to her best friend in one of the middle rows of chairs, she had turned 17 in august, I had turned 21 in September, of course, I knew liking a student like that or having that kind of relationship with her could risk my job, my whole career, which is why I did nothing, for nearly two years I greeted her at the class entrance and told her goodbye every day, the way she would smile when I did made my heart stop for a second, she still smiles at me like that, every time she's happy or excited, she smiled at me just like that when we found out the gender of the twins, she smiled that smile at me when I proposed to her, best of all she smiles like that every morning, when I wake up and she's still sleeping, I give her a kiss on the forehead before I get out of bed and she smiles that very smile that made me fall so hard nearly two years ago, whether she knows she does it or not, it's the reason I get up every morning seeing her smile that smile at me every morning in her sleep, is the highlight of my morning.

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