Time needs to slow down

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There's only a little over a week before I'm 3 months pregnant, and I was ecstatic, we would finally be able to find out the genders of the babies so we could start getting ready for them, we have absolutely nothing yet, the only thing we've gotten done was cleaning out one of the spare bedrooms to turn into a nursery, of course, we cleaned out the one closest to our bedroom, and beau wouldn't let me help, I got to sweep the floors that was it
"Beau, I can help, please just let me help you with something," I said
"Mm, I've got it, baby," he said while he took the metal bed frame apart
"Ugh!" I groaned
I started to sweep the places where we had already gotten the furniture out, there were only a few places I couldn't sweep, where the bed currently was and where one white dresser was, I glared at Beau, and right as I did he turned to look at me, he saw the way I was looking at him and laughed
"You can look at me like that all you want Estella, you are not helping move heavy furniture," he told me, I crossed my arms over the broomstick
"Why can't I help?" I asked
"Um, let's see, you're growing two more humans inside of you," he told me
"It'll be fine! It can't be much worse than going up and down all those stairs all day every day" I said then frowned at him
"Yes, it could, I don't want you to overexert yourself," he told me
"Ugh," I said then continued to sweep the floors,
Beau packed up all the furniture that was in the guest room and stowed it away in a little shed in the backyard, while he did that I swept and mopped the floors, there wasn't much else we could do until we find out the genders of the babies, once I got done with the floors I went to leave the room, as I stood there with my hand on the doorknob about it close the door I looked around the empty room, clean dark hardwood floors and gray walls, this was going to be the room our babies grow up in, I put my hand over my stomach, I felt like I might cry, these damn hormones are getting the best of me, beau walked up behind me and put his hand around my shoulders
"Is there something wrong love?" He asked me
I sniffled, then shook my head
"Nothings wrong, there's just so much that I can't believe," I told him
"Like what?" He asked
"Like the fact that there are two humans growing inside me," I told him
"What else?" He said
"That our babies are going to grow up in this room," I said, he pulled me into a hug,
"I know, it's crazy to think about," he said
I pulled away from Beau and flattened my dress to my stomach with my hands,
"Like, how is there two humans in there" I said
He laughed and put his hand on my stomach
"It's crazy isn't it?" He said
"It's more than crazy, how on earth can my body do the crap it does? How does my body hold two whole babies for nine months? How does my body know to grow two more humans?" I said I was truly in awe at what my body was capable of doing
"It really is amazing isn't it," Beau said
"Amazing and crazy," I said
Later that day I was on Amazon looking at baby clothes, showing some of the ones I thought were cute to Beau, there were onesies that said "mamas little cutie" and some that said "daddy's girl" There was even one that said "sorry boys my heart belongs to daddy" everything was so freaking adorable, then I remembered the amount of baby clothes we're going to need, we're going to need two of everything, I sighed
"What's wrong love?" Beau asked
"Nothing," I told him
"Something is wrong, what is it," he said
"Just remembering the amount of stuff we need, we're going to need two of everything," I told him
"It's okay love, we still have six months," he said
"Yeah, you're right," I said
"Plus we'll be able to start getting ready soon," he told me
"Yep, in exactly one week and five days," I told him
"See, as soon as we find out we can start getting everything ready," he said
"Baby," I said
"Yes love?" He said
"Do we have any chocolate ice cream?" I asked
"Um, maybe, I'll go check," he told me
"Thank you, love," I said
He went into the kitchen and when he came back he had a small bowl in his hand, he sat down on the couch next to me,
"Here's your Chocolate ice cream, love," he said as he handed me the bowl,
"Ugh, thank you so much," I told him
"You're welcome," he said, then kissed my forehead

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