Getting better

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I woke up again at 7 am, Beau was still asleep, and I felt hungry so, I went downstairs and had my pickle breakfast, which consisted of three pickles and a big glass of water, not the most balanced breakfast, but it's better than not nothing. My doctor's appointment wasn't until 1:30 pm, so I crawled back in bed with Beau, I held my stuffed animal in my arms between me and beau, Beau put his arm over my waist and pulled me closer to him, and my eyes started to get heavier, as I drifted back off to sleep. When I woke up again at 10:30 Beau wasn't in bed, I stretched my arms over my head, then got up to find Beau, I went downstairs,
"Beau?" I called
"In the kitchen love," he called back
I went to the kitchen, Beau was making eggs, he was still only wearing gray sweatpants
"What are you doing?" I asked walking closer to him
"I'm making fried eggs, do you want to try to eat some?" He said
"Sure," I said
"How did you sleep last night love," he said
"Okay once I got back to sleep, my back hurts like hell, I must've slept wrong," I told him
"Well, why don't you go sit down and I'll bring you an egg," he told me
"Okay," I said
I went and sat at the table, Beau set a small plate with one fried egg on it, in front of me, I picked up my fork and took a bite, it was barely in my mouth before I rushed to the trash can,
"Okay, I'll take that as a no," Beau said walking over to me, he grabbed my hair and held it back
"We're going to have the pickiest baby ever," I told him, he chuckled
"We'll just have to keep trying to find something," he told me
I went back to the table to sit with Beau while he ate, before he sat down, he grabbed a jar of pickles and brought it to the table,
"Thank you, beau," I told him
"You're welcome, love," he said
I ended up eating four pickles, I got up and went to the cabinet grabbed a tall glass, I filled it up with water, and went back to sit with Beau, I downed the whole glass of water in one go,
"Thirsty love?" He asked
"Very," I told him
I looked at the clock on the stove, 11 o'clock, Beau saw me looking at it,
"What time do we need to leave?" He asked
"Around 12," I told him
He cleaned up the plates from the table and we went to the living room, I was snuggled up against him,
"What about you love, have you ever wanted kids" he asked
"Well, I wanted to have at least one baby," I told him
"Do you have any siblings?" He asked
"Kinda," I told him
"What do you mean kinda?" He asked
"Well, before I was born, my mom got pregnant with a baby boy, but he ended up sick and didn't make it," I told him
"Oh, love, I'm sorry," he told me
"It's okay. a few months later she found out that she was pregnant with me, she just prefers not to talk about my brother" I told him
"Understandable," he said
I snuggled closer to him,
"What time is it?" I asked he checked the time on his phone,
"It's 11:45," he told me
"We need to be getting ready," I told him
"Okay," he said
I got up and went upstairs, I put on a T-shirt that was a size or two too big for me and some black leggings,
Beau was wearing a white T-shirt and dark blue jeans,
"Who's driving?" He asked
"You, I think I'm too nervous to drive," I told him
"Okay, love," he said
We got in the car a started driving, Beau was the one who drove to the Doctor, I was excited but Nervous at the Same time. Beau Was holding my hand the whole way
"Nervous Love?" He asked
"A little," I told Him,
"It's okay. We're just going To see him for The first time." He said
I looked at him
"Him?" I asked,
He smiled at me
"It's going to be A boy," he told me,
I shook my head
"No way Beau, it's Going to be a girl, I know it," I told Him,
and he smiled at me
"Whatever you say, love," he told me.
We got there Checked in And waited to Go back, we had To wait about 20 Minutes Before A nurse came to Get us. I Followed her back, Beau walked behind me, still holding my hand.
I Sat on the bed And waited again Until a girl, a
couple of years older Than me, walked in And smiled at me
"Hello, you're Estella Right?" She asked
"Yes," I told Her
"Nice to meet You and this is?" She said
"This is my boyfriend, Beau," I told her
"Nice to meet you, Beau. Are y'all Excited to see The baby for the First time?" She Asked
"yes, we Couldn't wait," I told her
"Just a random question," I said to the doctor
"Yes," she said
"When would we be able to find out the gender?" I asked
"Well, we can usually tell at around 3 months," she said
"Okay, thank you," I told her, as I laid down on the bed, she pulled a bottle of gel out of a drawer,
"This is going to be cold," she told me
"Oh wow, that is cold," I said as she put some on my stomach,
"You guys want pictures right?" She asked
"Yes please," I told her,
She pressed the device to my stomach and moved it around, she pointed at the screen, and my eyes followed her finger
"There's two little feet," she told me
I smiled, When I looked over at Beau and he Was smiling bigger than I have ever seen anyone smile
Before. She continued to move The device around
"There's a hand" She pointed to The screen again, She moved the device a Few more times Then wiped it off and put it Back down
"Everything looks great," The doctor told us,
she handed me a towel to Wipe my stomach Off, while she Printed the Pictures
"Okay here You go," she said Handing me the Pictures "You can Make your next Appointment At the front desk," She told me
"Ok, thank you," I told her
We walked back out to the lobby, I scheduled my next appointment, then we went back home. When we got home, I put the ultrasound pictures on the refrigerator, Beau came up behind me and put his arm around my shoulder, I laid my head on his shoulder,
"I can't believe that tiny thing is inside me," I told him
He rubbed my arm and put his other hand on my stomach
"It's crazy isn't it," he said
"Extremely," I told him
I looked up at him then back to the ultrasound pictures
"I still i don't think it's hit me that I'm actually pregnant" i told him
"It will love, you just have to give it time" he said
"Speaking of time, i think i actually want to eat something other than pickles" i told him
"really?" He asked
"Yeah, it's still not technically food but something other than pickles" i said
"What is it?" He asked
"Strawberry ice cream" i told him
"Well, it's something other than pickles so, looks like I'm going to the store" he said
"Thank you so much, baby" i told him
I went and sat in the living room and watched say yes to the dress, it's been one of my favorite shows since it came out, i watched tv for about five minutes before i decided to get up and get a drink, i looked in the fridge the only thing i found was orange juice, i decided to try to drink some, I got a small glass and only filled it about half way, i took a small sip, and i was actually able to drink it with out getting sick, i drank two whole glasses of orange juice, then i went back to the living room and watched tv for about 5 more minutes before beau got home,
"Estella, I'm home" he called from the front door
"In the living room love" i called back
He came into the living room with a small tub of ice cream and a spoon,
"Here's your strawberry ice cream, love" he said handing me the ice cream
"Thank you so so much, you're the best" i told him
"You're welcome, love" he said
I took the lid off the ice cream and took a bite and it was like being able to taste again after being sick, beau sat down next to me on the couch, i leaned against him while i ate the ice cream
"Better than pickles love?" He asked
"Way better than pickles" i told him
He chuckled at me, i looked at him
"Whats so funny?" I asked
He put his arm around me and kissed the top of my head
"Nothing, love. I'm just glad we found something else you can eat" he told me
"You and me both" i told him
We watched tv until about 4;30 pm, when i got up to cook dinner, i decided to make spaghetti for dinner tonight, when i was done cooking i made myself a small plate and then made beau a plate,
"Dinner is done baby" i called
"Okay, coming" he called back
Beau and i sat down to eat, I tried to take a bite of my spaghetti, but the smell hit my nose before i even got my fork to my mouth, i put my fork down and covered my nose and mouth, beau started to rub my back,
"Well, that's a no to spaghetti," he said
"I'm so hungry, but everything is making me sick" i said almost in tears
"Oh, love, i wish there were a way i could help" he told me
He pulled me against him, i ran my hands though my hair
"Does anything sound good to you, love?" Beau asked
"Not real—actually Mac and cheese sounds really good" i said
"Okay, do we have any Mac and cheese?" He asked
"I think we have a box or two, I'll go check," i said starting to get up
"No, I'll go get it and and make it for you, you've already had to Make one dinner tonight" he said
"How did i get lucky enough to have you in my life?" I asked him playfully
"I'm the one who should be asking you that" he said
Beau made the macaroni for me and gave me a small plate, i took a small bite, and actually ate it,
"Did we finally find something you can eat?!" He asked
I smiled at him and took another bite,
"I think so!" I told him
"It looks like I'll be going to the store to stock up on strawberry ice cream, pickles and macaroni" he said
I chuckled, and continued to eat,
"I guess so" i said
I ended up eating two and a half plates of macaroni, Once Beau and I were done we went back to the living room, we watched TV until we got tired, and went to bed at 10:30 pm, I put on one of his t-shirts with a pair of short shorts, i came out of the bathroom, my hair in a messy braid,
"You look beautiful, love," beau told me
"Thank you, Beau, even though I look like I just left the homeless shelter," I told him
"You Still look beautiful" he said
I climbed into bed with him and snuggled up next to him, wrapping my arm around his torso, he wrapped his arms around me, he turned his lamp off, we both laid down, he still had me in his arms,
"Good night love" he told me
"Good night" i said
I fell asleep faster than I've ever gone to sleep before and for the first time in weeks, i slept through the night without waking up to puke.

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