icky Jerky

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When we got back to Emily's house I went to put my new bathing suit on and make sure it fit, I took it into the bathroom leaving the door cracked open a little, and then put the bottoms on, then I was only able to tie the top string of the bathing suit
"Baby!" I called to beau
"Yes love?" He called back
"Can you come help me please" I called
"What can I do for you?" He asked playfully as he walked up behind me
"Can you help me tie this?" I asked as I headed him the strings of the bathing suit
He tied my bathing suit and then looked in the mirror in front of us, he stopped for a second then smiled
"Damn baby," he said as his arms snaked around my stomach until he had one hand on either side
"When did that happen" he added
"This happened about four and a half months ago," I said playfully as I put both my hands over his
"I know that, I meant when did you explode like this," he said
"Hm, I don't know, it just kinda happened," I told him
"I like it, it looks good on you," he said
"You think so?" I asked
"Mhm" he replied
He gently placed a kiss on my shoulder, I smiled and leaned my head back on his shoulder, beau started to sway his hips making me sway with him, we stood there for a while until Beau felt that my skin was getting cold, I threw on one of beau's t-shirts and headed downstairs, forget shoes I'll be fine without them, I got down the stairs and Luna came around the corner, she had a little sun hat on with a red and white polka dot one-piece bathing suit, she stood in front of me and put her arms up towards me, I picked her up and put her on my hip, she smiled at me and I smiled back
"You look like you're ready to go swimming," I said
She nodded her head at me
Beau came down the stairs behind me, he wrapped his arms around my hips and placed his head on my shoulder
"Don't you two girls look pretty" he said making me smile
"Luna, say thank you, Uncle Beau," I said to Luna
She smiled and bit her finger softly placing her head on my chest
"She's embarrassed," I told beau
"It's okay," he said as He walked past us putting his hand on top of Luna's head as he walked by
Emily came around the corner of the kitchen entranceway with Nova in her arms, she smiled at me
"Are you two ready?" Emily asked
"I think so, are you ready Luna?" I asked trying to get her to lift her head
"What's wrong Luna?" Emily asked
"I think I embarrassed her a minute ago," I told her
"How?" She asked with a smirk
"Beau came down and said we looked pretty and I asked her to say thank you, but she bit her finger and laid down on my chest," I said
Emily tried to see if she could get her to sit back up
"She's asleep, that's why she won't sit up," Emily said smiling
"Poor thing," I said rubbing Lunas back
"Just go lay her on the couch, I'll have James take her to the car, and we'll be ready to go," she said
"As soon as I find novas car seat" she added
I took Luna to the couch and laid her down on the back seat where the L-shaped couch met, so she wouldn't roll off as easily, I went to find Beau, and I found him in the kitchen leaning against the white marble counter eating something that looked like beef jerky
"What are you eating baby" I asked him
"Deer jerky that James made" he replied
"Do you wanna try some?" He added
I clutched my stomach and ran to the trash, I put my head over the trash can and gagged, just the thought of deer meat made me sick
"Are you okay love?" Beau asked softly
"Mhm" I groaned
I started to breathe through my mouth so hopefully, I wouldn't be able to smell it
"I'm sorry baby," Beau said as he started to rub his hand up and down my back
Emily walked in with Nova in her car seat on her forearm
"Okay, I think we're—Ella? Is something wrong?" She asked
"No, no, I'm fine," I told her as I sat down in a chair
"Are you sure? You look pale" she said
"I'm okay, beau was eating some deer jerky and it made me nauseous," I told her
"Okay well I think we're all ready to go," she said

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