Monday already?

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That weekend passed in a blur. It went by way too fast, luckily I only had this last week of school before I graduate, then I'm free to do as I please. Me and beau said our goodbyes on Sunday afternoon. I tried to make the drive go slowly but I barely remember the drive from his house to mine. My mom and dad were in the living room when I got home
"Mom, Dad I'm home!" I called once I got in the door.
"Did you have fun, Estella?" My mom called
"Yeah" I called back, walking to my room
I felt exhausted for some reason. I hadn't done much, but I felt extremely tired. I opened my bedroom door to find that my mom made my bed for me while I Was gone, I set my tote bag down next to my bed and laid down on top of the blankets, I felt hot, and I didn't want to wrap up in my blanket like normal. I figured I was probably catching a cold or something. I didn't fall asleep like I thought I was going to. I ended up just laying there looking at the ceiling until Mom called me down for dinner. I went down sat in my chair and started picking at my food,
"How was your weekend Ella?" Mom asked
"It was good. It went by way too fast though" I told her.
"Well kid, are you excited about graduating this Friday?" Dad asked
I continued to pick at my food
"Yeah, I'm really excited," I told him
"Well, do you know what you're going to do once you're done with school? Like have you thought about College or anything" he asked
"Oh Daniel, give the girl a break she's not even done with school yet," Mom told him.
"No, Dad I haven't thought about it yet. I figured I would work it out over the summer" I told him.
After dinner, I helped Mom with dishes.
"So, Estella any cute boys that you're interested in?" Mom said.
"Um, there's one guy," I told her.
"Ooh, what's his name, what is he like? Tell me everything!" She said.
I was hesitant to tell her about Beau, but I decided I might as well just do it.
"Well, his name is Beau and he's tall, taller than Dad, he has brown hair and brown eyes and he's really sweet," I told her.
"He sounds nice honey. Beau is a nice name, you don't hear it often." She said
We finished with the dishes, and I decided to go to my room, I was still exhausted, but I still didn't know why. I flopped face-first onto my bed and picked up my phone, I had a text from Beau.
Beau:"I hope you had a good weekend"
Estella:"I did. It was probably the best weekend I've ever had."
Beau:"I'm glad. I can't wait to see you at school tomorrow"
Estella:"Me either. I'm really tired, I think I'm going to go to bed early tonight."
Beau:"Okay love, goodnight."
Estella:"Good night."
It was only 8:30 but I was exhausted. I put my head on my pillow and wrapped myself up in a blanket, it didn't take long before I was drifting off to sleep. When I woke up I was almost late for school, I had slept a full 11 hours, without waking up. That was new for me, I usually wake up at least twice every night to go to the bathroom. I dragged myself out of bed and quickly got ready for school. I grabbed a granola bar on my way out the door. I got to school right on time. The day went by at a pretty normal rate. My last class of the day was with Beau, which made it a better way to end the day. Once school was over, Beau met me in the school hall, he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him.
"How was your day love" he asked me.
"Good, how was your day?" I asked him.
"It was okay, it would have been better if we'd spent the day together again." He told me.
He looked me in my eyes,
"What's wrong love?" He asked,
I sighed,
"Nothing. I've just been really tired." I told him
"I'm sorry love," he said, putting his chin on top of my head
"Mmm," I mumbled.
He walked me to my car, keeping his arm around my waist the whole way.
"Go home and get some rest love." He told me.
"That's the thing, Beau, I slept almost 12 hours last night and I still feel exhausted," I told him.
"Hmm, are you about to start?" He asked quietly as if someone was going to hear us
"I don't think so," I told him
I pulled out my phone and checked my period calendar, I wasn't supposed to start for another week or two,
"Nope, not for another two weeks," I told him while showing him my phone.
"I don't know love. It could be anything," he said.
He opened my car door for me,
"Just go home and get some rest." He told me.
I slid into my car,
"Okay," I said.
He kissed my forehead
"Are you sure you can drive?" He asked
"Yeah, I'll be fine," I told him.
"Okay, love. I'll see you tomorrow." He said.
He kissed my forehead again
"Okay, see you tomorrow," I told him,
He closed my car door for me and waited until I drove away to start walking to his car. I got home and went straight to my bedroom and wrapped up in my blanket. I wasn't going to fall asleep, my eyes felt heavy but I wanted to stay awake, I decided to get up and clean up my room a little. I couldn't stop yawning the whole time I was cleaning. Once I got done, I sat back down on my bed, picked up my phone, and saw a text from Beau.
Beau:"Did you make it home?"
Beau:"Okay, I was just making sure"
Estella:"I'm safe at home. I'm still super tired but I'm home."
Mom called me down for dinner, we were having my favorite tonight, steak, and broccoli with mashed potatoes. I sat down in my seat and started picking at my broccoli, the smell of it hit my nose and made me queasy,
"What's wrong Ella?" Mom asked.
I looked up at her, she looked worried.
"Nothing, I think I might just be getting sick," I told her.
"What do you mean sick?" She asked
"Well, I've just been really tired and for some reason the smell of the broccoli made me feel a little queasy," I told her.
"Hmm, maybe you picked up a stomach bug from somewhere." She told me.
"Yeah, probably," I said.

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