Craving after craving

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A week later
We took Emmie home yesterday, aurora said she had a check-up today or tomorrow, I don't remember what she said, damn pregnancy brain, I can't remember crap I swear, and I was starting to feel self-conscious, the whole "I feel as big as a whale" thing, even though I have two whole reasons to be gaining weight, and I've barely even gained weight, I've only gained around 30 pounds and everything that I've read(I also started with the over googling thing, yeah that's fun) says that I should have already gained 50 to 60 pounds, that seems like a lot to me, but on the other hand, I'm having twins, so maybe it's not actually that much? Before I got pregnant I was only about 130 pounds, I don't know, I guess this is my sign to stay the hell off Google. me and beau had already eaten dinner and we were watching our nightly movie before bed when I got a sudden craving for candy canes
"Beau" I whined
"What's wrong love?" He asked
"I have a craving for candy canes, but I don't know where we would get them in May," I told him
"What about an alternative? We have some peppermints, will that work?" He asked
"Maybe, I don't know," I told him
He went and found the peppermints, and handed them to me, I opened one and put it in my mouth,
"Will that work?" Beau asked
"It's not a candy cane but, I guess it'll have to do," I said
"Baby I can go out and try to find some candy canes," he told me
"No, I don't want you to have to go to a bunch of different stores again, it's already almost nine o'clock," I told him
"I don't mind love," he said
"It would be nice, if there were someplace you would be able to find candy canes," I told him
"There has to be somewhere that has candy canes," he said
"Baby it's May, who's going to have candy canes in May" I asked
He picked up his phone and did something
"Ah-ha, Walmart, that's who has candy canes in May," Beau said
"For real?" I said
"Yep," he told me
He got up put his shoes on and left for Walmart, I always feel bad when he offers to go get my cravings at night, I know he offers but I still feel bad, I always feel like I should go get whatever I'm craving, I always immediately think "it's not beau's fault I have cravings" but it kinda is, I laid my back against the armrest of the couch, and started flipping through movies and shows, trying to find something to watch, my phone buzzed, a picture from beau came through, it was a picture of about four or five different flavors of candy canes
"What kind of candy canes baby?" His text read
"Just original please" my text read
I went back to flipping through the tv, and finally, I settled on watching the muppets, childish I know, but most of the time I like kid's movies over anything else, about 20 minutes into the movie Beau got home
"Baby I'm home," Beau said as he took his shoes off by the door
He came over and sat on the couch with me, putting my legs in his lap, he handed me a box of original candy canes
"Ugh, thank you so much, Beau," I told him
While we watched the muppets I ate half the box of candy canes, then I started to let my mind wander in the last 20 minutes of the movie, maybe I let my mind wander too far or maybe I was just curious, but I really wanted to know if beau had any regrets about how we met and how this all started
"Beau," I said
"Yes love," he said
"Do you regret anything?" I asked
"What are you talking about baby?" He asked
"Like do you have any regrets of how we met or dating me before I graduated, that kinda stuff," I said
"Of course not," he told me softly
"So there's not anything you would change?" I asked
"Well, maybe I would have had a talk with your uterus and told it to wait a few more years before deciding to let my sperm reach your egg," he said jokingly
"Or maybe you should have had a talk with your sperm, and told them not to be alive enough to fertilize me, not once but twice," I said jokingly
He pulled me into his arms, I laid my head on his chest
"No baby, I wouldn't change anything." He said putting his hand on my stomach

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