Could you repeat that?

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The doctor looked at me and then at Beau
"Well I'm not quite sure how we didn't see this last time you were here," she said calmly
I squeezed Beau's hand and looked up at him with a worried look on my face, I turned my gaze back to the doctor when I did she pointed to the screen
"See right here there's two feet, but if I move it over here," she said as she moved the device over my stomach
"There's two more feet," she said
My eyes shot open and were as wide as they could be I looked over at Beau and his eyes were just as big as he ran his free hand through his hair slowly
"Are you saying?" I asked the doctor
She looked at me with the "you already know the answer to this question" kind of look
"You're having twins," she said
I took a few extremely deep breaths and looked at Beau then at my mom she was smiling and patting her knees in excitement I looked back to Beau
"Beau?" I said with a shaky voice
He leaned down to my ear
"It's okay love, we'll figure this out, just like always" he whispered into my ear
"Do you guys want pictures?" The doctor asked nervously
"Y-y-yes," I said still in shock
"Could you make two copies?" Mom asked
"Of course," the doctor told her
We got three pictures of each twin, beau had to hold my arm while we walked to the car, I said goodbye to Mom and hugged her before she left, then climbed in the car, beau closed my door for me, I was still shocked and could barely move, beau got in the car and looked over at me, just as he did tears started to roll down my face, he hurriedly started to wipe them away
"Love, it's going to be okay, there's no need to cry," he told me
I let my head softly hit the headrest of the car and looked over at Beau
"Beau, I'm hardly ready for one baby, let alone two, and at the same time," I told him
"I know love, but we'll figure this out, just like we did when we found out we were having a baby, it's just now, there's two," he told me as he kissed my
Forehead. The whole drive home I kept my hand on my stomach, still so surprised that I could barely remember to breathe, beau held my free hand all the way home, I didn't know what we were going to do, two babies at once? I was terrified, I was terrified before we found out that we're having twins, when we got home Beau led me into the house and sat me down on the couch,
"Do you need anything love?" He asked me
"Just a really big glass of orange juice please," I told him as I stared off into space, he came back with a glass of orange juice like I'd asked for, he walked over and handed me the glass, then sat down next to me and put his arm around me before he pulled me closer to him, he kissed the top of my head, as a few tears started to roll down my cheeks, damn it these hormones!
"Love, there's no need to cry," Beau told me
I wiped the tears from my eyes and leaned into his side
"I can't help it, it's these stupid hormones," I told him
He rubbed his hand up and down my arm, trying to calm me down, it didn't really help, but it was nice of him to try. More tears started to roll down my cheeks again, Beau wiped them away with his free hand, I sniffled then wiped my nose on my shirt,
"It's okay love," he told me
"Beau, this means we're going to need two of everything," I told him
He smiled at me
"It will be fine love," he told me
I realized something when he said that, I sat up and started patting his leg and smiled at him
"Beau I just remembered something!" I told him
"What's that love?" He asked
"I'll be 3 months in a couple weeks!" I told him
"What does that mean?" He asked,
"We'll be able to find out the sex of the babies!" I said excitedly
He put a hand on my stomach and smiled at me
"I still think they are both boys," he said jokingly
I crossed my arms over my chest,
"No, no, no, we're going to have one girl and one boy, I know it," I told him
"It doesn't matter, we're going to love both of them no matter what," he told me
I put my hand over his on my stomach and looked down at our hands
"You're right, we're going to love them no matter what." I said then looked up at beau and smiled.

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