I'm sick of being sick

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I started packing up my stuff on Monday night, I wanted to spend as much time with my parents as I could before I left, god only knows how often I'll get to see them. Hopefully, I'll get to see them a decent amount once I'm gone. God knows mom's going to want constant updates on the baby. I went down to the kitchen to see if I could find something to eat. Mom was in the kitchen cleaning up,
"Hey honey, what's up?" she asked
"I'm going to try to find something I want to eat, which has been pretty hard lately," I told her
Mom turned to face me, walked closer to me, and pulled me into a hug
"I know honey," she said
She pulled herself away from me a little bit,
"When I was pregnant with you, all I wanted to eat was popcorn and ice cream," she said then chuckled
I managed a little laugh
"The only thing I've really been able to eat is pickles," I told her.
She chuckled, and I smiled at her
"Well tomorrow I'll be sure to grab another jar of pickles at the store," she told me.
"Okay. Do you by chance know where the open jar of pickles went?" I asked.
"Yes, they are in the fridge on the top shelf, they should be right up front," she told me
"Thanks, Mom, it's the only thing not making me sick," I told her
"I know, honey. Eat as many as you want, I can buy more" she told me
I went to the fridge and took out the pickles, I set them on the table, then went to grab a plate and fork. I sat down and put three on my plate, I put the lid back on the jar, and I ate the three pickles I put on my plate, they somehow tasted better today than they did a few days ago. I opened the pickle jar and put two more on my plate, once I was done with those, I went and sat on the couch with dad
"What's up kid," he said when I sat down next to him
"Nothing, I just want to spend as much time as possible with you and Mom before I leave," I told him
I laid my head on his shoulder, he put his arm around my shoulders
"Are you feeling any better today?" Dad asked
I snuggled closer to him
"A little bit," I told him
He started rubbing my shoulder
"Have you found anything you can hold down yet?" He asked,
"Pickles," I told him
"Really? I thought you didn't care for pickles" he said
"I don't usually unless I'm just in the mood for them," I told him
"At least you getting something in your system," Dad told me
"Mmhmm," I said
My eyes started to get heavy, I figured I would just close my eyes, I wouldn't fall asleep. I sat there listening to the background sound of the TV, and before I knew it I fell asleep. The last thing I remember was opening my eyes to see that Dad was carrying me to my room. I didn't wake back up after that until the next morning, I woke up at 9:30 in the morning
"Jeez, I slept for nine and a half hours?" I said to myself.
Luckily, I had stayed in my pajamas all day the day before. I went downstairs to get something to drink,
"Morning sleepy head," Mom said
"Morning," I said
"Did you sleep good?" Dad asked while poring milk into his cereal
"Extremely, that was probably the best night of sleep I've gotten in weeks," I told him
"Good," he said
"Oh, Ella I went to the store and got two more jars of pickles for you this morning," Mom said
"Thank you so much, Mom," I told her
"You're welcome honey," she said
I went to the cabinet next to the sink and pulled out a tall glass cup, I went to the fridge filled the cup up with cold water, and chugged it. I set my cup down and took a few deep breaths to catch my breath,
"Thirsty hun?" Mom asked
"Extremely," I told her
I went to the fridge and got the pickles I grabbed a plate and sat across from Dad, I pulled out three pickles, then put the lid back on the jar, once I finished my pickles I looked up to see Dad starring at me with an amazed look on his face
"What?" I asked
"You really weren't kidding when you said you only wanted pickles," he said playfully
"Yeah," I said with a laugh
I got up and put my plate in the sink and the pickles back in the fridge. I filled my glass up with more cold water, I drank it a lot slower this time. I went back up to my room and packed up quite a few of my things, the only things that were left in my room that weren't in boxes were my bedding, my stuffed animals, my clothes, my shoes, and a few other things. Around 4 o'clock I decided to go see what my parents were doing. I went downstairs, and before I did anything else I got another big glass of water, once I finished it I went to the living room and Mom and Dad weren't there, I went upstairs to check their room, they weren't there either. I ran to my room and looked at my phone, I had gotten a text from them an hour ago,
Mom:"We went out to see one of your dad's friends for a while. Figured you wouldn't want to come. We're going to grab dinner on the way home, I'll text you before we order to see if you want anything. If not there are two and a half jars of pickles in the kitchen. I'll see you when we get home hun"
Estella:"Okay, thanks mom. Be careful, love you"
I went back to my room as soon as I got back to my room I got a text from Beau
Beau:"How are you doing love?"
Beau:"Good, have you found anything you can eat yet"
Estella:"Pickles and water that's all I've had for the past four days"
Beau:"That's better than nothing"
Estella:"You're right"
Beau:"Do you need any help packing?"
Estella:"I don't think so, I've got almost everything packed"
Beau:"When do you want me to come start helping you move stuff?"
Estella:"I honestly don't know, I want to try to spend as much time with my parents as I can before I leave"
Beau:"There's no rush love, whenever you're ready"
Estella:"Oh, I forgot to tell you, I have my first doctor's appointment in two weeks"
Beau:"What day? So I know what day to ask off"
Estella:"Friday, April 7th"
Beau:"Got it"
Estella:"So, you'll be there?"
Beau:"I wouldn't miss it for the world love"
Estella:"Thank you, Beau"
The week came and went, I pretty much did the same things all week, packed what I could, ate pickles for breakfast lunch and dinner spent time with Mom and Dad, stayed up almost all night sick, and repeat.
Sunday morning I decided to text Beau
Estella:"I think I'm ready"
Beau:"Ready for what love?"
Estella:"For you to come start helping me move"
Estella:"Yeah, I mean it's been almost a month since I told you I would move in with you"
Beau:"Baby, you can take as much time as you need. I'm in no rush,"
Estella:"I feel bad though"
Beau:"Estella, it is okay. Talk as long as you need love"
Estella:"I'm done packing, But I think I want to stay with my parents for one more week"
Beau:"Okay love, whenever you're ready"
Estella:"Thank you, Beau"
Beau:"You're welcome love"
Estella:"I'm gonna go get some pickles"
Beau:"Enjoy your pickles love"
Estella:"Okay, I'll talk to you later"
I tossed my phone on my bed and sat up on the edge of the bed, just thinking about how much my life is about to change, I'm moving in with my boyfriend, and I'm pregnant with his baby, I'd never imagined I'd be here, of course, I'm not necessarily complaining. It crossed my mind that I hadn't spoken to Ember since graduation, so I decided to text her
Ember:"Hey girl! How have you been? Are you still sick?"
Estella:"Well about that..."
Ember:"Ella, what do you mean?"
Ember:"Estella, what's wrong."
Estella:"Well I just found out a couple of weeks ago"
Ember:"Estella, if you don't spill it!"
Estella:"You're going to kill me ember"
Estella:"Well, number one, because I didn't tell you sooner"
Ember:"Estella Brooke Williams"
Estella:"Number two because I'm..."
Estella:"Ember, I'm pregnant"
Ember:"Oh my god, WHAT!"
Estella:"It's true ember"
Ember:"Estella, who's the dad?!"
Estella:"You're not going to believe me if I tell you"
Ember:"Estella, just tell me, I'm dying"
Estella:"it's beau"
Ember:"Does he go to our school? I don't recognize that name"
Estella:"Mr. Smith"
Ember:"Oh my god, Estella! You slept with our teacher!?"
Estella:"It wasn't on purpose!"
Ember:"What do you mean it wasn't on purpose!? It takes two to make a baby Estella"
Estella:"I know, but remember when he called me and told me to see him after class?"
Ember:"Yeah I remember"
Estella:"Well, it turns out he knew that I liked him and obviously he has the hots for me too"
Ember:"I can't believe this Estella"
Estella:"Oh, there's more"
Ember:"What do you mean there's more!"
Estella:"Well, I'm moving in with him next week"
Estella:"If it helps, he offered"
Ember:"Estella, you're moving in with a man you got "together" 6 weeks ago!?"
Estella:"Ember, I'm having his baby"
Ember:"That doesn't mean you have to move in with him!"
Estella:"Ember, he wants to be a part of his baby's life"
Ember:"You are insane, Estella"
Estella:"And you're my equally insane best friend"
Ember:"Well, are you able to keep food down yet?"
Estella:"Kinda but not really"
Ember:"What do you mean?"
Estella:"All I've been able to eat the past 3 weeks has been, are you ready for this? Pickles"
Ember:"Pickles? You never eat pickles"
Estella:"Tell me about it, it's legitimately the only food that has not made me feel like tossing my nonexistent cookies"
Ember:"Well, my mom is having a family get-together, so I have to go help with the food and drinks, I'll text you later, okay?"
Estella:"Okay, have fun with your family"
Ember:"Haha ass hole"
Estella:"Glad you think I'm funny, ass hole"
Ember:"Anytime, alright I'll talk to you later"
Estella:"Okay, love you"
Ember:"Love you"

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