Is he up to something?

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Estella's POV
"Were you talking to someone just now love?" I asked rubbing my eyes
"Um, yeah I was just talking to my mom," he told me
"How long was I asleep?" I asked
He shrugged his shoulders
"Two hours, maybe two and a half?" He told me
I looked around our bedroom and noticed the bed had been made properly, there were no dirty clothes on the floor, the floors looked freshly cleaned, our bedside tables were straightened up, the glass doors to the balcony had been wiped down, it smelled like my favorite air freshener "ocean" a very musky smelling air freshener, I walked further into the room to see that everything in the room had been cleaned, including mine and beau's dressers
"Do you like it love?" Beau asked seeing the happy expression on my face
"I love it! I haven't seen the bedroom this clean in a while, beau? Did you do this?" I asked in awe, he smiled at me
"I wanted to help you out some, so while you were asleep, I cleaned the bedroom, our bathroom, and the kitchen and tidied up everything I thought you would while you slept, I knew it had been a long day for you," he told me, I couldn't help but smile,
"Thank you, beau, that was so sweet of you," I told him as I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his torso, a few tears started to roll down my cheeks as he wrapped his arms around me and put his chin on my head,
"You're welcome love, I just wish you'd let me help you more," he told me,
"I know, my mom says I've always been hardheaded and independent, I just forget I don't have to do everything by myself," I told him
"It's okay love," he said
I stayed in his arms, feeling safe and comfortable
"Love, what time is it?" I asked
Beau checked his watch
"It's 4:30 love," he told me, I sighed
"I should probably go start dinner," I told him
"Why don't I cook dinner tonight, love, it's been a long day for you," he said
"Are you sure? You've already cleaned the house-" I said
"Yes, but you are the one growing two more humans" he told me,
"I guess you're right," I said
"What would you like for dinner love?" He asked
"Hmm, oh! You know what sounds really good?" I asked
"What's that love?" He said
"Spaghetti sounds extremely good," I told him
"Alright, spaghetti it is," he told me
Beau made me sit at the dining table while he cooked dinner, he fixed me a small plate because right now we never know if I'll be able to eat or not, I ended up eating my entire plate and getting another plate, after dinner I helped beau as much as he'd let me, which was cleaning up the table, after beau finished the kitchen we went and watched tv for awhile, it started to get closer to midnight, I checked the time, it was already 11:30? I sat up and looked over at Beau, he had fallen asleep, and he had his head leaning against the back of the couch, I patted his arm
"Baby?" I whispered
I patted his arm again
"Baby," I said again
"Hmm?" He said still half asleep
"Are you awake?" I asked
"Mhm," he said
"I can't sleep," I told him
"Did you try love?" He asked, his eyes were still closed
"Not really, you know what why don't you go get in bed, I'll come to bed when I get tired," I told him
"Mhm," he said before he fell back asleep
I scrunched my nose wondering what to do to get myself tried, I got up and turned all the lights except the table lamps off in the living room, I went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator, the first thing my eyes went to was milk, I don't usually drink milk but it looked and sounded extremely good, I placed a hand on my stomach
"Ugh, really? Milk?" I said to no one really, there was no one around to hear me anyway, I pulled the milk out of the fridge and poured myself a glass, I took a small sip to see if I would even be able to drink it, I pulled the cup away from my lips
"Of course, you two are going to make me want milk, this crap taste horrible, but it's really hitting the spot," I said talking to myself for the most part, I sat down at the table and drank my milk, as I sat there I couldn't help but wonder about what beau had said about being on the phone with his mom earlier, in the almost two months I've lived with beau, he hasn't spoken to his mom once that I know of, I'm not even sure she knows about me and the babies, of course, there's always the chance that he's been texting her instead of calling, I still wonder why he was acting so weird when I walked in on him, is he up to something I don't know about? I finished my milk and I felt extremely full, I leaned back in my chair and put my hand over my stomach, I still didn't feel tired yet, but I also had nothing to do, the house was clean and it was midnight, so there was nowhere I could go and nothing for me to do, I got up and ran water in my cup, I decided that I wanted to take a shower, I gathered my clothes and a towel, I decided that I wanted to wear one of beau's plane gray t-shirts and a pair of night pants, when I got out of the shower I felt a tiny bit tired but I didn't know if I would be able to fall asleep, I grabbed a blanket from the living closet and went back to the couch, I threw some of the blanket over beau then laid back on the couch and coved myself up to my chest in the blanket, I'm always cold there are very few times I stay warm, so I laid on the couch wrapped in the blanket and looked for something to watch, I ended up settling on watching twilight, I've seen it so many times that I know almost every word, I grabbed my phone off the table next to the couch and checked the time, it was already one o'clock in the morning
"Ugh," I groaned
I rolled over onto my side and watched the movie, I felt my eyes starting to get heavy and the last part of the movie I remember seeing was the part when Bella was in the hospital after she almost got hit by the car.

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