A day out

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I woke up before Beau and Emmie again this morning, but today it was 7 A.M. instead of 6, I got out of bed making sure not to wake Emmie or Beau, surprisingly coffee sounded extremely good today,  I went downstairs and made a pot of coffee leaving it on keep warm knowing beau was going to want some when he wakes up, I fixed my coffee the way I like to drink it: two or three teaspoons of sugar and a little more than half a cup of coffee then the rest is creamer, not long after I sat down at the table beau came down, he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and looked almost surprised when he saw me at the table
"Morning love," I told him
"Morning—what are you doing awake already?" He asked
"Apparently the babies decided that coffee sounded good this morning so I got up and made coffee, there should be enough for your morning coffee too," I told him
"Look at you being a trophy wife before we're even married," he said
"Isn't that what you signed up for?" I asked jokingly
"That's only part of it," he said as he walked past me and kissed the top of my head
Beau made his cup of coffee and came to sit with me at the table, I had already drank over half my cup of coffee before Beau even sat down
"There's not any food that sounds good to you love?" Beau asked
"Um, scrambled eggs sound kinda good," I told him
"Alright," he said getting up
While Beau was making scrambled eggs, Emmie came downstairs, beau looked over his shoulder
"Morning monkey," he said
"Morning," she said rubbing her eyes
She came and sat down next to me
"Do you want some breakfast monkey?" Beau asked her
"Mhm," she said obviously still tried
Beau brought two plates over to the table and set them in front of me and Emmie before he sat down with his plate
"Thank you, love," I told him
"You're welcome," he said
I took a few bites of my eggs and then looked at Beau with wide eyes
"What?" He asked
"The babies really like eggs," I told him as I smirked at him
He chuckled at me
Once we finished eating we decided to kill some time before we went baby shopping(as Emmie requested that she help pick stuff out for the twins) we were going to watch a movie, me and beau let Emmie pick the movie, and she wanted to watch miss peregrine's home for peculiar children, I had heard of it but I don't think I've watched the whole thing before, I actually really liked it though, after that we figured since it was only 9:45 we could watch another movie, we let Emmie pick again and this time she picked national treasure, now this movie I had seen a few hundred times and it was probably one of my favorite movies, and once that movie was over, we decided to have lunch then go shopping, I went into the kitchen looking for something to make for lunch, and the babies decided that sandwiches sounded good, so I got out everything for sandwiches(Bread, mayonnaise, cheese, lunch meat, etc)
"Emmie, Beau" I called
"Yes love" Beau called back
"Lunchtime" I called
They both came into the kitchen, Emmie still looked a little sleepy
"What are we having?" Emmie asked
"I got the stuff for sandwiches out, but if there's something else you want I'm sure we could find it," I told her, she nodded her head at me
We all made our sandwiches and sat down at the table,
"Where all do you girls want to go today?" Beau asked
I looked at Emmie
"Well Emmie wanted to help us pick out baby stuff," I told him
"Love, I have no idea where that would be," he said softly
"Well, let's try Target and we'll go from there," I said looking at Emmie as she nodded her head while I spoke,
We all finished eating and went to get dressed, I put on a pair of skinny jeans with rips in the knees which were starting to feel a little tight, a white and navy blue striped shirt, and black ballet flats then I pulled my hair back into a ponytail, Emmie had the cutest white sun dress with yellow flowers on it and matching yellow ballet flats, and beau had blue jeans with a white shirt on and black tennis shoes, we got to target and as we were walking in emmie insisted that she hold my hand, we found the baby clothes first, Emmie immediately picked up a pink sleeper that had a bear face on it and showed it to me,
"Awe that's cute Emmie," I told her
"Can we get it?" She asked
"We have to make sure it's the right size then we can," I told her
"What size do we need?" She asked
"Newborn or 0 to 3 months," I told her
She went back to the rack she found the sleeper on picked up the same one but smaller and handed it to me, I looked at Beau while Emmie was looking around close to us
"Beau look how tiny this sleeper is," I said
"It is pretty small," he said
"This is how small they are going to be?" I asked
"Most likely love," he said
I held the sleeper up to Beau's chest just to see how small it really was,
"Just look how small that is!" I told him
He chuckled at me before Emmie came up with a small white dress with animals on it and a pink jacket,
"That's adorable," I told her
She gave me the little outfit before she went back to looking around,
"Do you think she knows we need boy clothes too?" Beau asked jokingly
"Maybe," I told him
This time Emmie came back with a little pink mitten and hat set
"Awe Beau look at the tiny little mittens," I said showing them to him
"Those are pretty cute," he said as he smiled at them
"Hey Emmie," I said just as she was about to go back to looking around
"Yes?" She said
"Don't you wanna look at some boys' clothes too?" I asked her
"Mm, maybe," she said
Me and beau chuckled as she went back to looking around
"I guess it's up to you and me to find boy clothes," I told Beau
"You mean it's up to me?" He said jokingly
I gasped at him and playfully pushed his shoulder, emmie found a few more outfits that she liked, there was a onesie that said "sorry boys daddy said no dating" that beau said was true and one that said "daddy's girl" and of course beau approved of that one and emmie also found a white mitten and hat set that had little pink flowers on it, then me and beau picked out a few boys outfits, like a onesie that said "mamas boy" and one that said "little dude" and a couple more, then we got to the maternity clothes and god did they look comfortable, I ended up getting two pairs of maternity jeans and two shirts, there wasn't much else for babies at target so once we checked out and we were in the car I looked up where there was some baby stores around us, there was a buy buy baby store close by so that was our next stop, we did pretty much the same thing, found some outfits for the twins and if we would have had a way to bring a crib home we would have gotten a crib(or two), instead we got a few other baby things like swaddle blankets, berp cloths, baby blankets, and some pacifiers and pacifier clips, I know some people might say "you still have six and a half months to get ready" I know that, but time goes by quicker than we want it too, so I'd rather be prepared way before I need to be, rather then being unprepared with two babies about to be born, and technically speaking no one is ever fully prepared for a baby or two babies, there's no secret manual for people to read before they have a baby, you just have to learn your babies needs and figure it all out along the way, then eventually you'll get the hang of things. Once we got all the bags loaded into the car Beau looked at me
"Where are we going to put all this stuff love?" He asked
"We'll hang all the clothes in the closet and until we have someplace to put everything else we'll just have to put it all somewhere in the nursery," I told him
"Alright then love" he said
"So do we have any ideas for dinner?" I asked both Beau and Emmie
Beau checked the time on his watch: 3:30
"What sounds good to you love," Beau asked
"Um, Steak sounds really good," I said
"Alright well, dinner time isn't for another hour and a half so, what do you girls say to killing a little more time?" Beau said
"Yeah!" Emmie said
Beau chuckled and I smiled at her
"What did you have planned love?" I asked beau
"I have a couple of ideas, we could go to another store or two, we could see a movie or I could take y'all to get Starbucks and then get your nails done," Beau said
I looked at Emmie and she smiled at me with an "you know the answer" kind of smile,
"I think Emmie and I are going with option number three," I told Beau giving him a sweet smile
"Alright then, let's go," Beau said
I don't remember the last time I had my nails done, the last time I had my nails done was two years ago, and the reason I haven't been since is because I ripped one of my nails completely off my finger, the whole nail not just the acrylic nail my actual nail, so I haven't been since,
"Alright, Emmie what do you want?" I asked her as we pulled into the Starbucks parking lot
"A caramel ribbon crunch please," she said sweetly
"Two caramel ribbon crunch drinks and whatever you want love," I said to Beau
"What size?" He asked
"Um, a grande and venti please love," I said
Beau ordered mine and Emmie's drinks along with something for himself(a paradise drink refresher)
"Love, was it a bad idea to give Emmie coffee?" I asked beau
"Well one of three things is going to happen when the coffee hits her system," Beau said
"And those are?" I asked
"Coffee crash, coffee high, or coffee high then coffee crash," Beau said
"Oh god," I said covering one side of my face
We parked in the nail salon parking area and that's when the coffee hit Emmie, she was a bouncing giggling mess, it was as if you mixed a bouncy ball with laughing gas, or like giving someone who's just had laughing gas a weed brownie or edible, and seeing Emmie bouncing around and giggling made me and beau laugh, and all over again it was the small sweet moments like this one that made the world slow down for just a few minutes, and everything was perfect, for that small moment in time, I'd forgotten about everything in the world besides me, beau, Emmie and the twins

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