Getting to know you

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We ended up staying at Beau's mom's house for dinner, I only got about half my bowl of food down before I started feeling sick,
"Bee? Why does food make Estella sick?" Emmie asked beau
"Well, monkey, it's because the babies are telling her that they don't want whatever it is," he said
I thought it was a pretty cute way of explaining the nausea to a kid,
"But why don't they want chicken noodle soup?" She asked
Beau leaned a little closer to Emmie and smiled at her
"Because they want all these weird things that Estella doesn't like," he told her
"Like what?" She asked
"Like the other day, she was eating Oreos with cottage cheese on them," Beau told her
"That sounds gross!" Emmie said sticking her tongue out
"You know Emmie, you have a lot of questions for a little girl, I used to be just like you when I was little," I told her
"Really?" She said
"Mhm," I told her
I turned my attention to Theodore, who was sitting next to Aurora, he hadn't said much all night,
"Theo? Are you upset? You've barely said a word" I said
"I'm good, Estella," he said
"Oh, Estella, you're so good with kids!" Aurora beamed
I smiled at her
"Thank you, I don't know where I get it, I haven't been around kids much," I told her
"I could hardly tell," she said
"Really?" I said
"Yes really, oh, I forgot to ask, is there anything I could get you that you'd be able to stomach?" She asked
"Um, do you have any pickles?" I asked
"I think so, hold on let me check," she told me
"See monkey, they eat all kinds of weird stuff" I heard Beau telling Emmie
I stuck my tongue out at him making Emmie laugh, aurora came back with a small jar of pickles and a fork
"Will these be okay Estella?" She asked
"Yeah, these should be fine, thank you, pickles were the only things I could stomach for the first month or two, pickles and orange juice," I said
We all talked over dinner and stayed a little while after, but waking up at 6 in the morning was taking its toll on me when beau told Emmie we were getting ready to leave she ran upstairs and came back down with a small suitcase that had unicorns and rainbows all over it, we said our goodbyes then after beau gave Emmie a piggyback ride to the car he helped her get her bag in the trunk of the car, I couldn't help but smile the whole way to the car, seeing how close beau is to his siblings, even when he doesn't see them much, is the sweetest thing, on the way house Emmie asked all kinds of questions, she had more questions about the babies then anything else
"What are the babies' names?" She asked
"Um, we don't have names picked out yet," I told her
"Are there any names you like?" She asked
"Atlas and Athena," I said
"Ooh, I like those names," she said
"Monkey, I'm sure Estella's getting tired—"Beau started to say but I playfully hit his arm
"She's fine beau, so Emmie, what kind of stuff do you like to do?" I asked her
"I like to read and make bracelets and paint," she said
"I used to love to paint too," I told her
"Why don't you paint anymore?" She asked
"Hm, I don't know actually," I told her
"You should start painting again!" She told me
"Maybe I should," I said
Once we got home I tried to help Emmie get her bag out of the car but as always Beau insisted he would get it, we got inside and Emmie squeaked
"Bee, your house is so much prettier than I remember!" She said
She started running through the house looking in every room
"She's got a lot of energy doesn't she?" I said
"That's Emmie for you," Beau said
We followed behind her as she went through the house, she got to the nursery and looked around, she looked back at me and beau standing in the doorway
"Why is this room empty?" She asked, the empty room making her words echo
"This is going to be the babies' room," I told her
"But, where are their cribs and stuff?" She asked
"We still have to get them, monkey," Beau told her
"Ooh, can I help pick stuff out?" She asked
"Sure, we'll see if Beau will take us to look at baby stuff tomorrow, how's that sound?" I asked her
"Amazing!" She said
Once she finished checking out the house she started to act tired
"Alright monkey, where are you going to sleep?" Beau asked her
"Where can I sleep?" She asked
"Um, you can sleep in one of the guest bedrooms, or me and Estella can come sleep on the couch with you," Beau told her
"Can I sleep with you and Estella?" She asked
"Alright, come on," Beau said as he started walking to the living room
"No, I want to sleep with you and Estella," she told beau again
"We're going to sleep on the couch with you Emmie," I told her
"But, I don't want to sleep on the couch," she said pouting
Me and beau looked at each other, both of us knowing exactly what she was talking about, she meant she wanted to sleep in the bed with us,
"Alright, come on monkey," Beau said
We went upstairs and took turns getting ready for bed, we let Emmie go first, she came out of the bathroom in a black t-shirt that was way too big on her, on the front it said "Callahan auto parts Sandusky, oh" with some little pink shorts under it
"Hey, little sucker, that's my shirt," Beau said teasingly, she just giggled at him
Then Beau insisted that I get ready for bed next, and I decided that Emmie had the right idea, I went into Beau's closet and stole one of his gray t-shirts, and put on my night shorts, I put my hair into two messy braids and went to get in bed, when I walked out of the bathroom emmie was sitting in the middle of our bed, it looked like she had been talking to beau while I was changing
"Oh I see, both of you are stealing my clothes now," Beau said
I thought about it for a minute, I hadn't ever seen the shirt Emmie was wearing in Beau's clothes before, I went and climbed in bed with Emmie while Beau went to change, when I got in bed Emmie hugged me, she looked up and me with a sweet look on her face
"Estella?" She asked
"Emmie?" I said
"Will you braid my hair?" She asked
"Okay, come sit right here," I told her as I crossed my legs and patted the bed in front of me, she scooted in front of me and pushed her hair over her shoulders, her hair was short, not too short to braid, it was just a little past her shoulders, beau walked out of the bathroom while I was braiding her hair, he smiled at me, he was wearing his gray sweat pants that he always wears to bed, but instead of not having a shirt on, he had a lighter gray shirt on,
"Alright there you go Emmie," I told her as I rubbed the sides of her shoulders, she turned around and gave me another hug,
"Thank you, Estella," she told me
"Emmie, you can call me Ella, if that's easier for you to say," I told her, remembering how much I used to struggle to say my own name
"Okay," she said as she crawled back to the middle of the bed and pulled the blanket up over her, I pulled the blanket over my own legs, and she slid down into the bed and smiled at Beau again
"I'm pretty sure that's where I lay," Beau said teasingly as he climbed into bed next to Emmie, she giggled
"Not anymore," she told him
"Why you little" Beau said as he started tickling her making her squirm
Seeing how much Beau cares for his sister and how they play around together, made my heart melt into a puddle, me and beau got settled into bed and I clicked my lamp off, I was lying facing Emmie when I felt her grab my arm, and pull it over her, then she did the same thing with beau's arm, I smiled to myself, Emmie was the first one asleep, it wasn't long after she fell asleep until I fell asleep, today had been a long, busy and amazing day all in one.

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