A busy day

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I woke up to the sun being in my eyes, I sat up and stretched, I looked around the room, I had completely forgotten I fell asleep in the living room, I looked over to where beau had fallen asleep and like normal he was already up, the blanket had been moved and I was wrapping completely from head to toe in it, my hair looked like I stuck my finger in a power outlet, it was a mess, that's why I normally braid my hair before I fall asleep. I got up and went to the kitchen, beau wasn't there. I went upstairs and looked for him there, I still couldn't find him, I went outside to see if his car was gone, when I got outside he was standing in the driveway at the window of embers car, she handed him a small brown paper bag, he said something to her but I couldn't tell what, when ember drove away I hurried back inside to make sure beau didn't see me. He came in with the small bag and saw me sitting on the couch
"Morning love," he said then smiled at me
"Where did you go?" I asked
"I just went to pick something up" he said
"And what was that something?" I asked
"It's a surprise" he said calmly
I raised my eyebrow at him, he smiled at me again
"For who?" I asked
"It's for the babies" he said
"Can I see it?" I said
"Not yet, because it's also a surprise for you" he told me
"Hmm" I said
"What?" He asked
"You've been acting weird the past couple days" I told him
"No I haven't" he said as he smiled at me
"Yes you have, as long as I've lived her you haven't spoken to your mom once then yesterday you decided to call her?" I said
"Um, actually she called me" he said
"Why'd she call you?" I asked
"She was having a rough day and needed someone to talk to" he said calmly
"If you say so, speaking of which, does she know about me and the babies?" I asked
"Shit, I've completely forgotten to tell her" he said
"Maybe we could go visit her, I would love to meet her," I told him
"Okay I'll see when she would want us to come over," he told me
"Can you try to make it as soon as possible?" I asked
"I'll see what I can do love" he said before he went upstairs
I started getting hungry, so I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge, there wasn't anything in the fridge that looked appetizing so I went to the pantry, there wasn't much of anything, but I did find some peanut butter, and it looked extremely good, I have to be in the mood to eat peanut butter and apparently today I was in the mood for peanut butter, it looked like I would be going grocery shopping today, we didn't have much in the pantry and not much in the fridge, I grabbed a spoon and sat down at the table and started eating the peanut butter straight from the jar, that's when beau came back downstairs
"Peanut butter at eight in the morning love?" Beau said
"It was the only thing in the pantry that the babies wanted" I told him, he chuckled at me
"Alright then" he said
"I have to go grocery shopping later today, are you coming?" I asked him
"Yeah, I'll come" he said sounding distracted
"Is something wrong love?" I asked him
"No, just thinking" he said
"About what?" I asked
He walked over and kissed me on the top of the head
"Just some stuff I have planned" he said
While he was standing there I swapped my finger though the spoon of peanut butter and touched my finger to the tip of his nose then I giggled at him
"Oh yeah?" He said as he did it back to me
We both laughed at each other, he wiped his nose on a paper towel then came over to me and wiped my nose off, he stared at me and smiled
"What?" I asked
"You're beautiful" he told me
I felt my cheeks heat up as I smiled back at him
"Thank you, beau," I said
He fixed himself a bowl of cereal then came and sat next to me while I ate my peanut butter, I ended up eating a little more than half the jar of peanut butter. as beau was washing his bowl out
"So what all do we have planned for today love?" He asked
"Um, as far as I know we only have to go to the grocery store, why" I said
"Just wondering" he said

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