time is a thief

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I'm two months pregnant today, I have the smallest little baby bump, the time has gone by way too fast lately, and there's still a lot of stuff I can't stomach yet, Beau insisted that I don't need to get a job, mom and dad decided that they wanted to come visit
"Beau" I called
"Yes love" he called back
"Did you make the bed?" I called while I was trying to cook dinner for everybody, I was making one of the only things I could stomach so far, chicken and rice
"yes love, I made the bed," he said as he walked into the kitchen
I had been panic cleaning all week, knowing Dad would want to see the entire house to make sure it was "safe" and overall "good enough" for me and the baby to live in
"And you picked up the dirty laundry from the bathroom floor?" I asked beau
"Estella, you need to stop worrying, I'm sure no matter how much we work our butts off you're dad most likely find something wrong with the house" he told me
Then the doorbell rang,
"I'll get it, love," Beau said
He went and opened the door, I could only hear muted murmurs until they all three came into the kitchen,
"Ella!" Mom said walking over to hug me
"Hey Mom," I said hugging her back
She pulled away from me and looked me up and down, she spun me to the side,
"Oh, look you've started to show!" She said I chuckled
"Barely Mom," I told her
Dad walked over and hugged me,
"Hi Dad," I said
"How have you been doing?" He asked
"Good actually, I've finally found a few foods I can hold down," I told him
"That's great, and has he been taking care of you," Dad asked gesturing to Beau, I smiled
"Better than I could've imagined Dad," I told him
"This is a very beautiful house, Beau," mom said
"Thank you, mrs. Williams" beau said
"Oh, please Beau, call me Ashley," Mom told him
Beau looked extremely surprised,
"What are you cooking Ella?" Mom asked
I turned to face her,
"Well, there's still not much I can stand to eat, so I'm making chicken and rice, one of the only things I can stand to eat," I told her
She caught a glimpse of the refrigerator from the corner of her eye,
"Oh, Ella! When did you get ultrasound pictures?" Mom asked
"Those are from a few weeks ago Mom," I told her
"When's your next appointment, Ella?" She asked
"I think it's next week, why?" I said
"Can I come with you?" She asked
"Sure I don't see why not, I'm pretty sure I can take 3 other people in with me if you want to come to Dad," I told them
"We'll be there, what time and where?" Mom said
"Um I don't remember what time, but I'll send you the date and address," I told her
I finished dinner and started making everyone a plate I made myself a small plate not knowing if I was going to be able to eat, I set the table
"Mom, Dad, Beau dinner time," I told them, they were all standing at the entrance of the kitchen
"Love, you didn't have to set the table, I could have done that," Beau said
"It's okay Beau, I can do it," I said
Everyone sat down and started eating, I was skeptical about eating, I hadn't felt the best all day, but I took a bite of it, and I was able to eat it,
"So Ella, have you picked out any baby names?" Mom asked
"Mom, I'm barely two months, we don't even know the sex of the baby," I told her
"Better to be prepared," she said
"Speaking of which, Mom, me, and Beau are butting heads on whether the baby is going to be a girl or boy, so what do you think?" I asked mom
"Well, I know a mother can feel whether she's having a boy or a girl, I knew from the day I found out I was pregnant with you that you were a girl," Mom said
"Well, I think I'm having a girl, but Beau thinks I'm having a boy," I told her
"In that case, I think it's a girl," she said
I gave Beau the "you know I'm right" look he smiled and rolled his eyes at me,
"Dad you're being really quiet, are you okay?" I asked
"Yeah, I'm fine, kid," he said
"Well, if you guys want to we can show you around the house" I offered,
"Oh, Ella, have you started on the nursery yet?" Mom asked
"Mom, we don't have anything picked or started yet, we're waiting until we find out the sex," I said
She chuckled,
"Okay if you say so, but if you need any help, I'm only a call away," she told me
We all ate our dinner, mom and Dad wanted to see the house, beau's house was a four bedroom 3 bathroom house with a living room kitchen, and walk-in pantry, we showed them around the downstairs part of the house first, when we started up the stairs, I had to stop a little over halfway up to catch my breath, it was a lot of stairs after just having dinner, it was a lot of stairs period, but it was worse after eating,
"Ella, are you okay?" Mom asked
"Yeah, Mom, I just had to catch my breath," I told her
"You're going to hate these stairs when you're about 5 months pregnant," Mom said
"I'm sure I'll be fine Mom," I told her still a little out of breath, we showed them the second floor, and then we went back downstairs to the living room,
"Well, it's getting late, we should probably be leaving so you can rest," mom said
"Mom, I feel fine, you don't need to rush," I told her
"Oh, but you still need to rest Ella," she told me
"Mom, it's only 8 o'clock, I'm not going to be tired for another two hours," I told her
"Still, you look tired Ella" Mom said
"Okay, if you say so, Mom," I said
I hugged Mom and Dad goodbye and walked them to their car when beau and I went back inside I sat down on the couch while Beau went into the kitchen, he came back a few minutes later with a small tub of strawberry ice cream
"You know the exact way to my heart," I said
"Well, considering you haven't been able to eat much lately, it's pretty easy to tell, but still I've always known the way to your heart," he said while walking over and handing me the ice cream and a spoon, he sat down next to me and put his arm around me, I snuggled into him,
"Thank you, baby," I told him
"You're welcome love," he said
I opened the ice cream but before I could get a bite to my mouth I yawned 3 times in a row
"Love, I think your mom was right, you seem extra sluggish tonight," he told me
"I told you I feel—" I got cut off by another yawn
"Anyway I feel fine Beau," I told him
"If you say so, love," he said
I ended up getting more sleepy by the minute, yawning every few seconds,
"Love, are you sure you don't want to go lay down and rest?" Beau asked
"I'm sure, I just want to stay right here with you," I told him
"Love, we sleep in the same bed," he told me
"I know, I just want to stay here," I said closing my eyes
"Okay, love," Beau said as he started to rub my arm,
I laid snuggled up next to Beau as I fell asleep, I opened my eyes for a second when I started to feel like I was moving, Beau had picked me up and was carrying me to bed, he laid me in the bed tucked my stuffed animal in my arms and covered me up with the blanket, he got in bed with me and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to him. I woke up at 3:20 am because I had to pee, I went in the bathroom turned on a small light, and sat down, it wasn't until a few seconds later when my eyes adjusted to the light that I noticed that there was a small smear of blood in my underwear, I grabbed the counter trying to keep myself from falling,
"BEAU!" I screamed,
He came flying into the bathroom, half awake only wearing gray sweatpants, he looked me up and down on the toilet
"B-B-Beau I-I-I think s-s-something's wrong," I told him
He looked a little confused,
"B-B-Beau t-t-there's b-b-blood" I couldn't even finish my sentence because of how terrified I was, I was in tears
"Okay love, stand up slowly and put your pants back on," he told me, he was trying to act calm but I knew he was just as terrified as I was, he picked me up bridal style and ran downstairs, he set me in the car and buckled my seat belt, I was too stunned and scared to move, he got in the driver seat and started the car and we were racing down the driveway,
"B-B-Beau, w-w-what if I-I-I k-k-killed our b-b-baby?" I said crying hysterically
"Love, you didn't do anything. Everything is going to be fine" he said trying to sound calm, but he didn't know I heard his voice shaking, I wrapped my arms around my little bump and prayed that everything was okay.
"B-B-Beau, I-I-I'm s-s-scared," I told him still crying hysterically.
"I know love, I know, we're almost there," he told me.

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