Meeting his mom

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I woke up that next morning sweating, I had a nightmare, but I couldn't remember what it was about, whatever it was about it woke me up at 6 a.m., before Beau was even awake, and he's always the first one up, I went downstairs got a big glass of water and went back upstairs to try and go back to sleep, but whatever I had dreamt was still making me scared, of what? I have no idea, I couldn't remember what the dream was about but apparently, my body could, I never went back to sleep, and I didn't feel tired, once beau woke up we had breakfast and then started getting ready to go visit his mom, which was making me extremely nervous, I didn't know anything about this woman, and she was about to be my babies grandma and my mother in law, beau has never really talked about her or any of his family, I threw on some High waisted black leggings and a white t-shirt that was starting to get a little snug with a pair of black vans, beau on the other hand, had a pair of suite pants and a white button up shirt and dress shoes, I looked him up and down, not knowing if he was kidding about going to his mom's house and we were going someplace else
"What's wrong love?" He asked
"What's this for?" I asked gesturing to his outfit
"What do you mean love?" He asked
"Why are you all dressed up just to go see your mom" I said
"Well, um, my mom is... Well, old school you could say" he told me
"Well, do I need to go change?" I asked
"No, of course not love," he said coming closer to me, he put one of his hands on my stomach before he leaned down and placed a kiss just above my belly button
"Are you sure?" I asked
"as long as you're comfortable you don't have to change," he told me
We left the house right at 12 o'clock, I was getting more nervous by the minute
"How far away does your mom live?" I asked beau
"About 45 minutes," he told me
"Will you tell me a little bit about your mom?" I asked
"Well, she's... um..." he said
"Is that a good or bad thing?" I asked
"Both, she's just.... Kinda hard to understand and decipher" he said
"Well, what about your dad? What's he like?" I asked
Beau dropped his eyes to the speedometer and then quickly back up to the road,
"I don't know my dad," he said his voice brittle
"Oh, I'm so sorry," I told him
"It's okay," he said
"Why don't you know him?" I asked
"Well, my mom slept around and she knew who my dad was but she didn't ever tell him about me, and she told the guy she was with at the time that I was biologically his, sooner rather than later he found out, and left my mom, so the only father figure I had in my life left when I was about 3 years old," he said
"Oh, Beau, I'm so sorry," I told him
"It's okay love," he said grabbing my hand and squeezing it a little
"And don't you ever think that I'll leave you or our kids, mine or not." He added
"Beau, they kinda have to be yours, I haven't slept with anyone else," I told him jokingly even though I wasn't joking
we got to his mom's house, it was a very cute little two-story cottage house, it was white with light blue shutters and matching door, I stood in front of Beau's car staring at the little house, beau walked up next to me and put his arm around me
"Nervous love?" He asked
I nodded my head at him
"Don't be, she's going to love you" he said
We went up onto the wraparound porch and knocked on the blue door, a lady with brown hair and little gray spots in her hair, wearing a blue button-down shirt and some khaki pants with black ballet flats, came to the door
"Oh, Beau, I'm so glad to see you! It's been too long, and look at this beautiful young lady" She said giving us both hugs
"How rude of me! Come, come inside" she added
We went inside with her and followed her into the living room,
"So who is this absolutely beautiful young lady?" She asked
"Mom, this is my fiancée, Estella," he told her
"Oh your fiancée, huh?" She said putting her hands on her hips
"Estella Williams, ma'am," I said to her
"It's amazing to meet you Estella, I'm Aurora Smith," she said
"Good to meet you too ma'am," I said
"Oh, Please honey call me Aurora," she told me
"Mom, we have something else to tell you," Beau said
"You do? Well why don't you two come have a set" she said gesturing to the red velvet couch, we sat down on the couch and I took a deep breath, beau had brought our most recent ultrasound pictures to show his mom, she sat down in a matching red velvet chair across from the couch
"So, what is it that you wanted to tell me?" Aurora asked
Beau pulled a little envelope out of his pocket and handed it to her
"Open that, that's what we wanted to tell you," he told her
She opened the envelope and pulled out the four folded-up ultrasound pictures, she slowly unfolded them and looked at each one closely and carefully, she looked at me and beau then back to the pictures
"Are these real?" She asked softly
We both nodded our heads at her in unison
"I'm going to have two more grandchildren?" She asked in a sing-song voice
Beau nodded his head again
"Oh, I'm so happy for you two!" She said getting up to hug us both again,
I smiled at her and leaned over to beau
"She took that way better than I thought she would" I whispered to him
He chuckled at me
"Speaking of grandchildren, Mom, when was the last time you heard from Millie?" Beau asked
"Oh, I haven't spoken to your sister in ages, last I heard she had just had Luna" Aurora told Beau
"Luna? Is that her name?" He asked
"Of course, you didn't—" she cut off
"I haven't spoken to her since before Luna was born, I only knew she was born because you told me," Beau said
I held onto Beau's arm trying to comfort him,
"Oh, I'm sorry honey," his mom said
"Why did you ask?" She added
"Because, I just haven't heard from her in a while, speaking of, where are Emmie and Theodore?" Beau asked
"They're upstairs," she said
"Oh well, do you think they would like to meet Estella?" Beau asked
"Of course they would, who wouldn't" she said
"Okay we'll go upstairs and—" Beau started but Aurora cut him off
"Oh it's alright, no need to put more strain on Estella," she said
"You can call me Ella ma'am," I told her
"But Estella is so much prettier," she said
"Thank you," I said
"Hold on I'll get Emmie and Theo," she said before she called them, they came running down the stairs, they weren't as old as I thought they'd be, the girl Emmie was about 14 and the boy Theodore was about 16
"Emmie, Theo, look who decided to pay us a visit," she said to the kids,
"Beau, is that really you?" Theodore asked
"Hey, little bro!" Beau said getting up and hugging his brother
"Bee!" The little girl said before running into Beau's arms
"Hey monkey," Beau told her
I couldn't help but smile, it was so sweet to see Beau this happy to see his brother and sister, and hearing the nicknames he has for them
"Why haven't you come over sooner" the little girl asked
"Well monkey, I've been kinda busy," he said moving aside so the two could see me sitting on the couch,
"Who's she?" The little boy asked first
"You brought a girl!" The little girl squealed
"Monkey, Theo, this is Estella," Beau told them
"Estella is such a beautiful name!" Emmie said as she ran over to me
"Thank you, I think Emmie is a very nice name," I told her as I booped her nose, she giggled at me
"Something wrong Theo?" Beau asked
I smiled at the boy and waved
"It's nice to meet you, Theo," I told him
He laughed awkwardly
"Theo you don't have a thing for my girl do you?" Beau asked jokingly
I could see Theodore's face flush
"No of course not," he said
"Good because we have some news for you two," Beau told them dividing a look between them
"What is it bee?" Emmie asked
"I think Theo should sit down next to Emmie for this," Beau said
Emmie was sitting next to me, Theodore came and sat on the other side of Emmie
"What is it!" Emmie asked again
"Mom may I see that envelope" Beau asked
His mom handed him the envelope with the ultrasound pictures in it then Beau handed it to Emmie
"The surprise is in that envelope monkey," Beau told her
Emmie opened the envelope and unfolded the pictures, she looked at them while Theodore looked over her shoulder at them, Emmie looked at Beau then at me
"You guys are having a baby!" Emmie said
"Not a baby, monkey, there's two babies," Beau said
Emmie squealed, Theodore almost looked like he'd just seen a ghost,
"When are they going to be here?" Emmie asked
"November," I told her
"Aww, why does it have to be that long?" She asked
I brushed a piece of her blond hair out of her face then used my finger to pull her chin up,
"Sometimes good things take time Emmie," I told her
She smiled at me and then hugged me
"Can I feel them?" Emmie asked sweetly
"Oh, you won't be able to feel them move for a little while longer," I told her
"Awe man," she said
Beau walked over and sat on the armrest next to Theodore and put his hand on Theodore's back
"Something wrong Theo," Beau asked
"Nothing," he said flatly
"Can we start coming over more bee?" Emmie asked beau
"As long as it's okay with Mom," Beau told her
Emmie turned and looked at Aurora with puppy eyes
"Can we Mom? Can we?" Emmie asked
"I don't see why not, as long as you don't bug Estella too much," she said
"Oh, no they won't be any problem," I told her
Emmie hugged my arm smiling
"When can we come over?" Emmie asked
"Whenever is okay with your mom," I told her
"Mom?" She said
"Whenever it's okay with Estella and Beau," Aurora said
"Can we come over tonight bee?" Emmie asked
"I don't see why not," Beau said
She squealed again, obviously excited
"Theo, are you going to come?" Emmie asked her brother
"No, I think I'll stay here this time," Theo said
"What all do I need to bring bee?" Emmie asked
"Anything you might need monkey," Beau told her
"Okay" she squeaked before she ran upstairs
Theo followed her up,
"Are you sure she's not going to drive you insane Estella?" Aurora asked me
"No she'll be fine," I told her
"Okay whenever she starts to get on your nerves send her back," Aurora said jokingly
"Nothing really gets on my nerves, I'm sure she'll be fine," I told her
"Well if she does, feel free to send her back," she said again
"Okay, thank you ma'am," I said
"Ooh, are you two staying for dinner?" She asked
"Well, Mom, that might depend," Beau said
"What do you mean by that?" Aurora asked
"Well, Estella is still having a little trouble stomaching some things," Beau said
"Well, we're having chicken noodle soup, can she eat that?" She asked
"Maybe," I said

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