That was fast

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The next 4 days were mostly a repeat of Monday. Friday was the day I was graduating. It came all too fast. I was sitting in my cap and gown, and I still didn't feel the best, somehow I had gotten even more tired, and the smell making me queasy was getting worse too. I was one of the last people to be called to get my diploma because my name starts with an e and they went in alphabetic order. I walked across the platform got my diploma, and went to sit back down with my parents. Mom put her arm around my shoulders, I leaned my head on her shoulder,
"Still not feeling good sweetie?" She said
"No, in fact, I think it's gotten worse," I told her
"If it's not better by this week I'll take you to a doctor." She told me
I nodded. I didn't even have the energy to stay after pictures. I'm glad my mom wanted me to ride with her, I did not feel like driving. I sat in the back seat with my head against the window, my head started to hurt, so I closed my eyes. I didn't mean to fall asleep, but I ended up falling asleep barely 5 minutes into the drive. I slept the rest of the 25 minutes, I woke up to my mom shaking my arm to wake me up
"Estella, we're home hun," mom told me
"Huh?" I mumbled
"We're home honey." She said again
"Already?" I asked
"Ella, you slept the whole way here," she told me
I woke up completely and got out of the car, I went straight to my room and laid down, Mom came in a few minutes later
"Still not feeling good?" She asked me
"No, I'm so tired," I told her
She walked over to my bed and put the back of her hand on my forehead,
"You don't feel feverish," she told me
I yawned and rubbed my cheek with my hand
"Okay well, just get some rest hun," Mom told me
"Okay," I said.
Mom walked out of my room. I rolled onto my side and started to drift off to sleep, I was only asleep for 30 minutes, but when I woke up I had a lot of texts from Beau.
Beau:"Are you feeling better today love?"
Beau:"I didn't see you after you got your diploma, are you doing okay?"
Beau:"I haven't heard from you in a while, are you okay?"
Beau:"Love. Are you okay?"
Beau:"Did I upset you?"
Estella:"I'm okay beau, I fell asleep once we got home. I still feel like crap, I think it's gotten worse, not a lot just a tiny bit. My mom said if I'm not better by this week she's taking me to the hospital, I think she's overdoing it a little, it's probably just a bad stomach bug or something. I'm sorry I didn't answer you"
Beau:"It's okay love, I'm sorry you're still not feeling good. If it's a stomach bug, why haven't I caught it? I kissed you the day you started to get sick."
Estella:"It might just take some time to catch up to you? I don't know what else it could be."
Beau:"Me either love,"
Estella:"I'll probably be over it in the next few days"
Beau:"Okay, if you need anything, let me know"
Estella:"Okay, I'll talk to you later baby"
Beau:"Okay love"
I decided to get out of bed and make something to eat. I went downstairs and looked in the refrigerator, everything I saw seemed to make me queasy, I moved to the pantry, and I only found one thing that didn't make me feel sick, pickles. An unopened jar of pickles seemed extremely delicious, I don't usually eat pickles unless I'm extremely in the mood for them. Today must be one of those days I figured. I got the jar of pickles and grabbed a fork and plate, I sat down at the table, pulled one pickle out of the jar, and set it on my plate so I could close the lid, I picked up the pickle and took a bite of it, it actually tasted really good. I finished that one then I pulled out two more and ate those, they were really hitting the spot today. After I ate the next two, I pulled one more out and ate it. Once I finished it I went back to my room.

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