What in the world!?

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A few weeks later
Spring break was a month ago and I graduated 3 weeks ago But, I've been feeling sick for The past few weeks too. I Don't Want specific Foods, I've felt Like throwing up Every morning Even though most of the time I never actually puke when I do, I feel tired all day Every day, I've Had a headache Almost every day this week. This weekend Beau Wanted me to Come over to Spend the weekend With him.
Beau: "Hey baby Are you coming Over this weekend?"
I smiled at his Text
Estella: "I don't know if that's a Good idea,"
Beau: "Why not? Is Something Wrong?"
Estella: "Kinda but not Really. I've just felt more sick lately."
Beau: "Like what kind Of sick?"
I shook my head at his question
Estella: "I haven't wanted To eat for the most part, I feel like puking Every day, I've been tired and had a
Headache all week, and I was supposed to start my period this week, but I haven't. I figured it's from stress"
Beau: "I'll be over in A few minutes."
I got scared when he said that. Was something wrong with me?
Estella: "What? Is something wrong beau?"
Beau: "I'll explain When I get there"
I started to get more Worried. Was Something really wrong? What did Beau know That I didn't? I started to pace my bedroom, worried something was seriously wrong with me. I finally sat back down on my bed and took a few deep breaths. It felt like my heart was about to jump out of my chest. I grabbed my favorite stuffed animal, my stuffed poodle I've had since I was about 6 years old, it had probably seen better days, but it was still my favorite stuffed animal. Some people might say "you're 18 years old why do you still have a favorite stuffed animal" To that I say mind your business. It took Beau about 30 minutes to get To my house When he got there he texted me.
Beau: "I'm here. Will your parents Let me in?"
Estella: "Maybe if I come down And tell them you're My "friend."
I ran Downstairs, Mom and Dad were in the living room watching something I didn't pay much attention to.
"Mom one of my Friends is here!" I called to them "Okay hun" Mom called back.
I went and Opened the door To see Beau smiling At me
"Well, are You going to come In?" I asked him Playfully.
He walked In, kissed me on the forehead, and looked me in the eyes. He Had a serious expression on his Face.
"Can we go to Your bedroom To talk?" He asked me, I raised my Eyebrow at him
"Okay, come on," I told him and Lead him to my Room.
He closed The door behind Himself, I Didn't Realize that he had A Walmart bag in His hand until now
"What's that?" I asked.
He scratched The back of his neck, was it actually that bad? So bad that he didn't want to tell me?
"Well. Estella Given, what you told me, about How you've been feeling the past Week..." he said And fake coughed Into his fist
"What is it, Beau?" I asked
"Well Estella, I think that You might be pregnant." He said softly.
I stood there in shock, I don't know how long I was standing there, I came back to reality when Beau walked over to me and put his hand on my back. I was stunned, I didn't know What to say. I looked over at Beau
"Pregnant?" I asked,
he nodded. I slowly went To sit on the edge Of my bed, Beau came and Sat next to me. Then it all clicked. Nausea, not Wanting to eat, Feeling tired, and headaches. Beau was right, it All adds up. He grabbed my hand
"I got this. So we Can be sure." He told me, handing me a pregnancy Test box.
I held The box in my Hand, taking everything in.
I put my head on Beau's Shoulder, he started rubbing my back
"Estella, It'll be ok. No Matter what." He told me.
I finally got Up and went to The bathroom. Beau sat against The wall outside The door, I took the test
Then set it on The counter. I went and Sat next to Beau When I sat down he grabbed my hand
"How Long do we have To wait?" He asked
I put my head on his shoulder,
"5 minutes," I Told him. He laid His head on mine
"Everything is Going to be fine Estella." He told me.
I closed my eyes and waited. This short 5 Minutes today Felt like an hour. I sat with my Head on Beau's Shoulder and my hand in his.
"How much longer?" He asked quietly.
I checked my Phone
"Only 2 More minutes," I said.
The Two minutes go By deathly slow
"Okay, it's time," I told him.
He followed me Into the bathroom, I stared at The face-down Pregnancy Test And took a deep Breath "Here we Go." I whispered.
I picked it up And slowly flipped It over
"What does It say, Estella?" Beau asked softly.
"I—l'm—it's Positive," I Told him.
I felt sick so I Sat down on the Toilet, Beau crouched in front Of me and pushed my hair out of my face
"It's okay Estella, we'll figure this Out. No matter What you decide To do, I'll be here With you." He told me.
I cupped my hand over my stomach, Beau Put his hands On both sides of my face and Kissed me.
"It's going to Be okay Estella." He said softly.
"I'm having a Baby?" I Whispered Mostly to myself.

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