Nice to meet you

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Two hours and twenty minutes later we were there, the house was beautiful, it was a big White House with stone pillars in the front, we decided that we would come back for our bags, we also decided that I was going to stand behind beau until his sister opened the door, not because we were scared but because we wanted to surprise her, beau knocked on the door and waited, we heard a dog starting to bark before I heard the door open
"Beau, it's good to see you!" Emily said hugging him, I was standing back enough that she didn't touch me
"It's good to see you too Emily, it's been way too long" Beau replied
Finally curious, I stuck my head out from behind Beau and looked at Emily, she was beautiful, her skin was just a few shades darker than mine, and she had beautiful long wavy brown hair and brown eyes, she saw me and looked at Beau,
"Beau, who's that little mouse behind you?" She asked
Beau motioned for me to come out from behind him, I stood next to him and gave Emily a soft smile
"Emily, this is Estella, my fiancée," Beau told her
"It's great to meet you, Estella," she said and came to hug me, I kept the bottom half of my body from touching hers, so she wouldn't feel my bump quite yet,
"Is something wrong Estella?" she said as she let go of me
"Please, call me Ella," I told her
"Well, I'm so glad you two could come, there have been quite a few changes since I last saw you, Beau," she said
"Come on, come inside" she added
When we walked inside there was a hallway with doors and entranceways on both sides, a man holding a baby no older than two months old came around the corner of one of the entranceways he came and stood next to Emily, he was just a few inches shorter than beau and had black shaggy hair
"Beau! What's up dude" he said like a college frat boy
"James! Nothing much, I can see you have your arms full though, who's this" Beau asked
"This is Nova, the newest member of the family, the girls are outnumbering the boys by a mile now," James said
"Where are the other two?" Beau asked
"They're running around here somewhere, so tell me Beau, who is this little girl you brought with you" James asked looking at me
I smiled but his calling me a little girl kinda felt weird
"James this is Estella, my fiancée," Beau told him
"She looks a little young to be engaged, I'm kidding! Nice to meet you, Estella," he said
"Nice to meet you," I said softly
"Well a few things have changed since I last saw you too Emily," Beau said
"Something more than you having a fiancée?" She asked
"Something a little bigger than me having a fiancée, baby?" Beau said
I took off the huge hoodie Beau let me wear, I smiled at Emily, we had no better idea of how to tell her, so we decided to do something different, she looked at Beau and raised one eyebrow
"I'm not sure I understand what you're saying," she said
"Have her turn to the side beau," James said obviously understanding what we were trying to hint to Emily, I turned to the side flatting my shirt against my stomach showing her my baby bump, she looked at Beau then looked at me, she lifted her hand to point at me and looked at beau
"Are you saying?" Emily asked
"What? That Estella's pregnant? That's exactly what we're saying" Beau said smiling at Emily
Emily let out a small breathy laugh
"Oh Beau this is amazing, is it a boy or girl?" Emily asked
"Well um, both," I said softly nearly a whisper
"Wow Beau, you've almost caught up to me in one try," Emily said
I chuckled, I saw Beau's face flush a tiny bit
"Yeah, speaking of, where are Luna and Skye?" Beau asked changing the subject
"They're probably in the living room, come on I'll show you two around" Emily said
She showed us around the whole house which was a two story five bedroom, three bathroom house with a living room, den, dinning room and a huge kitchen, the color scheme was pretty much the same as beau's house, white, gray and black, except for the kids' rooms, Luna had light pink walls with glow in the dark stars on the ceiling, her window had a little reading nook with a pink cushion and stuffed animals on it and white shelves on both sides of the window, she had a small pink canopy bed with a pink unicorn bed set and her bed was full of unicorn and puppy stuffed animals, she had little pictures of ballerinas on her walls and a little toy box at the end of her bed, while skye on the other hand had blue walls with planets hanging from the ceiling, he had the same reading nook except the cushion was black with space themed stuffed animals, he had a black trundle bed with a space themed bed set, then we finally met Luna and skye, Luna had long straight blonde hair with blue eyes and skye had his dads black hair with green eyes, Luna was extremely sweet and shy, while on the opposite side Skye was still sweet but he was very talkative, telling me and beau everything that's ever happened in his six years of life, he's very smart little kid though, we all went to the living room and sat down, while beau, James and Emily were catching up Luna climbed up into my lap and wrapped her legs around me, I smiled at her and pushed a piece of her hair out of her face, she leaned in and hugged me, when she sat back up she looked surprised
"What's this?" She babbled in a soft voice as she pulled my shirt up and tapped the tip of her finger on my stomach
"Luna put Ella's shirt down," Emily told her calmly
"She's okay," I told Emily
"Are you sure?" Emily asked
"Yeah, she's fine" I replied as I started to bounce my Knees making Luna smile at me
"She's just curious," I added
Luna gently grabbed a piece of my hair that was falling into my face, she held it in her hand and looked at it for a second before she placed it behind my ear like I had done hers
"Pretty," she said softly
"Thank you, Miss Luna," I told her in a baby voice
Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Beau smiling at me, I wrinkled my nose at him making him chuckle, I continued to play with Luna, not hearing anything Emily James, or Beau was saying
"Baby" I finally heard Beau say
"Hmm?" I replied
"Are you hungry?" He asked
"A little, why?" I asked
"Because Emily and James already ate, so if you want something to eat I can go get you something," he told me
"you'll never guess what sounds good to me right now," I told him giving him a small smirk
"What's that love?" He asked
"Pickles," I told him as I smiled
He chuckled at me
"What's so funny about pickles?" Emily asked
"When I first got pregnant that was all I was able to eat for the longest time, I would go through an entire jar in two days," I said
"Oh god, when I was pregnant with Nova all I could eat was chocolate ice cream," Emily said
"Funny, one of my more recent cravings has been strawberry ice cream," I told her
Luna climbed off my lap and ran over to a little pink and white play kitchen in the living room, she dug through some of her fake food that was stowed away in a little white box and came running back with something in her hand
"Strawberry," she said as she handed me a little wooden strawberry
"Oh thank you, Luna," I told her
Beau went out to the car to look for the jar of pickles I brought, while I was talking to Emily
"How old is Nova?" I asked her
"She's a month and a half," she said
"Do you mind if I hold her?" I asked
"Not at all, here," she said as she laid nova in my arms
She was so small and she had so much hair, her hair was the same color as Emily's, a dark brown almost black, but you could tell the difference between James' black hair and Emily's brown hair, I gently bounced nova in my arms as she cooed at me
"She's so beautiful, she looks just like you," I told Emily
"Thank you, I think she looks more like James but everyone swears she looks like me," she said
"If you don't mind me asking, what made you and James come to New York?" I asked
"Well me and James wanted to travel after we got married, we bought a little apartment here so we could stay for a few months and while we were there I ended up pregnant with Skye, so we decided to pick a spot and stay, we really liked living here so we just stayed put, until three years later when Luna surprised us, we knew we couldn't stay in that little apartment with two babies, so we bought this house and we were set, of course, I miss being able to see beau and Emmie and Theodore but we're always so busy that we end up not visiting enough," she told me
"I can only imagine, all of my family still lives in Virginia so we've never really had to go far to see anyone," I told her
I noticed that Nova was starting to get a little fussy, I started to try and calm her down but she only started to fuss more
"Here, it's time for her to eat," Emily said holding out her arms
I carefully give Nova back to her, Emily pulled her close to her chest and unbuttoned a few of the buttons on her white shirt, she pulled her boob out of her bra and Nova immediately latched on, when she did she made a noise almost as if a little mouse had squeaked, I felt like I was invading Emily's privacy, beau had come back from the car, he came to the doorway and raised his eyebrow at me, I guess I looked uncomfortable, once he came and sat down he realized what the look on my face was about, he handed me the jar of pickles, I held the jar between my legs with my hand on the lid, I leaned over against beau, he tucked my hair behind my ear
"What's wrong love?" He asked softly
"Nothing just, tired," I told him as I closed my eyes
"It's only seven o'clock baby, if you go to bed now you'll be up at four o'clock in the morning," Beau told me
"I know," I said softly
We all ended up talking for another hour and a half before I asked Beau if he would get my suitcase so I could take a shower before bed, Emily had already shown us the guest bedroom where we would stay, it was the second master bedroom in the house, the first being James and Emily's bedroom, James was putting Luna and Skye to bed while Emily was sitting in the living room with me, nova was asleep on her chest
"I take it the tiredness has set in," Emily said
"Well, that was one of my first symptoms, but it hasn't gone away, if anything it's gotten worse," I said with a chuckle
"I understand, this one kept me either in bed or on the bathroom floor the entire time I was pregnant with her" Emily explained
"Been there, that's what made Beau suspect that something wasn't right, while I kept trying to brush it off as a stomach bug or something" I said
"Some stomach bug, right" Emily said with a snicker
"Yeah," I said softly
Beau came back in with my suitcase and toiletry bag and his suitcase, and he took the bags upstairs to the bedroom, I told Emily and James goodnight before I went to get in the shower, I got out of the shower and put my favorite shirt and shorts on, I opened the bathroom door and beau was already laying in bed on his phone, I went and climbed in bed with beau, while I was in the shower he brought the rest of our stuff in(my blanket pillow and stuffed animal, his toiletries) I wrapped myself in my blanket and sighed
"Something wrong love?" Beau asked
"No, just tired," I told him
He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me to him
"You're cold too," he said as he got under the blanket with me
"Mhm" I mumbled
I rolled over to turn the bedside lamp off, and Beau pulled me back to him, my back was against his chest, and his hand slid down to my stomach, I put my hand over his
"This is definitely my favorite part of bedtime," Beau said
"Mhm" I agreed
He kissed my neck, then my eyes slowly started to close

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