Road trip

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Estella's POV
"Did we get everything?" I asked beau
"I think so love," he told me
We were going to see beau's sister Emily, from West Virginia to New York is about a 5 hour drive, give or take, beau hadn't told her that I was coming either, she didn't even know I exist, let alone that I'm pregnant with beau's babies, this is going to be fun, anyway we decided to drive that way we(mostly me) could get out every once in a while to stretch our legs, and more bathroom breaks because you know peeing every 20 to 30 minutes while on a plane with god only knows how many other people who might need the bathroom, and the cherry on top, airsickness, I get airsick when I'm not pregnant so I could only imagine what it would be like while I'm pregnant, I'm almost certain that I spent two and a half days packing, we were staying for a week but I had to of packed at least two weeks worth of clothes, because I'm getting to the point of playing Russian roulette with my clothes, I had some t-shirts that fit snugly a month ago and some that were just a little too big, pants on the other hand, I attempted to pack two pairs of jeans and a pair of maternity jeans, that way I knew I would have at least one pair of jeans that fit, then the rest of my pants were different colors of yoga pants, I stole back my sleep shirt from beau with my favorite pair of sleep shorts, they were black with little moons and stars on them, I know by myself I had two or more bags literally full of stuff, one bag for all my clothes, one for toiletries, a tote bag full of things I've been craving the past few days, and I had a blanket, pillow and my stuffed animal in the front passenger seat, judge me all you want, I get cold easily, so my blanket is coming with me, beau on the other hand has one suitcase and a Walmart bag with his toiletries, but to be fair, I do share the blanket with him on occasion(I'm kidding)
"Are you sure we have everything?" I asked
"Yes love, my two bags, your three bags, and your bed set," he said jokingly
"You can never be too peppered," I told him sarcastically
This man, we were going on a five-hour drive and he was wearing blue jeans a T-shirt and tennis shoes, while I'm wearing one of his shirts and a pair of black leggings and black socks, screw shoes I'll put them on if I need too, we went through the house making sure everything was turned off and every window and door was locked, then we were on our way. We weren't ten minutes into the drive and I was already digging through my bag of snacks
"Baby, do you want to stop somewhere to get lunch?" Beau asked me
"Yes, that sounds amazing," I told him as I put the bag back in the back seat
"Alright, we have McDonald's, Taco Bell, Chick-fil-A, Berger King, subway, or Wendy's, what sounds good to you love?" He asked
"Hm, Chick-fil-A," I said like an excited little kid
I love Chick-fil-A, it's probably my favorite fast food restaurant, we got there and ordered our food, and Beau looked at me with an unsure look when I told him I wanted a spicy chicken sandwich with a yogurt parfait, fries, and a dr. Pepper
"Baby, you don't like spicy food or Dr. Pepper," he said
"No, I don't but apparently they do," I said pointing at my stomach
Beau chuckled at me
"Alright then," he said
We got our food and jeez when they say spicy they mean it, I downed my drink as soon as I finished my sandwich, I definitely should have saved the yogurt parfait for after the sandwich
"That was extremely spicy," I told beau
"Spicy and downing a large carbonated drink aren't the best combo, and now you're going to have to pee in about ten minutes," he said
"If even ten minutes," I told him
I picked up my cup and started to eat the nugget ice out of it, beau looked at me quickly before turning his eyes back to the road
"What?" I asked
"I didn't know you chew ice," Beau said
"Only nugget ice like this," I told him
He chuckled
Beau was right, about 15 minutes later I had to pee, we stopped at a gas station and I dug through the back seat to find my slides, went inside went to the bathroom then got distracted, beau was already back outside getting gas while I got another drink, I knew beau would kill me if we had to stop any time in the next 30 minutes but, I was thirsty, like extremely thirsty, I got myself a bottle of pink lemonade and beau a Gatorade, checked out and went back to the car, beau was getting in the car when I got to the car, I handed beau his drink and he smiled at me
"Thank you, love," he said
"You're welcome," I told him
"Please don't down your drink again, I don't want to have to stop in another 15 minutes," he said jokingly
"Okay fine," I told him
About 20 minutes later, I had wrapped myself in my blanket and I was half asleep, of course the car wasn't the most comfortable place to sleep but I was tired, plus I didn't really have anything better to do, I heard beau turn up the radio, "lady" by Brett young was playing, it sounded like it had just started, I'm not a heavy sleeper but I'm also not a light sleeper, I'm somewhere in between, so when beau placed his hand over my stomach and started to sing along to the song i was a tiny bit more awake, I still wasn't fully awake but my brain understood that beau's hand was on my stomach and that he was singing to himself or he thought he was singing to himself, his singing voice was actually really nice, he obviously thought I was asleep enough not to hear him, beau would move his hand up and down a tiny bit and I could feel the little flutters again, I stirred, still not fully asleep but not completely awake either, the song ended and the next song that played was "I loved her first" by heartland, I had no idea beau liked country music, beau continued to sing along softly, the little flutters were almost in rhythm with beau's singing, at least that's what it felt like, feeling the flutters made me stir and wake up a little more, I was more awake now rather than asleep, I stayed with my head laying on my pillow which was laying against the window of the car, I was still extremely tired I had barely gotten 5 hours of sleep the night before, every time beau tried to get me to lay down I would make up a reason of why I couldn't lay down quite yet, like I would say: I still have stuff to pack or I have to grab something from the kitchen, random stuff like that, beau heard me every time I would come into the bedroom and he would try to convince me to lay down but I was panic or nervous cleaning or I think it was a mix of both, I was so excited but also so nervous to met his sister, it was like the list of people we still had to tell about me and beau being together and engaged and the babies was just getting longer as time went on, i curled myself up into the car seat more, I was freezing
"Baby, I'm cold" I whined
"Love, it's 80 degrees in June, there's no way you're cold," beau said
"I am" I whined
"Alright," he said before he moved his hand off my stomach and reached into the back seat for something
He dug around in the backseat a little then handed me a black hoodie with a small smiley face on it
"Here put this on and I'll turn the heat on," he told me
I sat up, unbuckled my seatbelt, and slid the hoodie over my head, it was huge on me, bigger than Beau's T-shirt
"Beau, whose hoodie is this?" I asked as I buckled back up and got comfy again
"Mine?" He said
"It's really big," I told him
"Yeah? Doesn't everyone buy hoodies like a size or two too big?" He said
"I do, but I don't know if everyone does," I said
He slid his hand back over onto my stomach and smiled at me, I put both my hands over his, almost pinning his hands to my stomach
"They were bouncing all over the place while you were asleep," he told me
"I know, I think that's what woke me up," I said with a giggle
"It was probably that spicy sandwich you ate," he said
"Maybe—look!" I told him in surprise
"Baby, what's wrong?" He asked
"Somebody is over here stretching," I told him pointing to the right side of my stomach where there was a little bump poking out
He chuckled
"Looks like someone is mad about having to be stuck in there with someone else," he said jokingly
I gently used my hand to try and push the bump down, when I pushed it down I felt them both move around like they were switching places
"Whoa, did you see that beau?" I asked
"No but I felt it, they think they're having a little party in there," he said smiling at me
"I guess so," I said smiling down at my bump
It was four o'clock which meant that we only had about two more hours of being in the car, give or take, had I really slept for an hour and a half? I got a craving for pineapple juice, which I just so happened to bring a few cans knowing I would need a can or four, I reached back into the backseat and got a can, I downed the whole little can in one go, the babies started moving around again
"Seems like they really like pineapple juice," Beau said
"They really do," I told him
We stopped to get gas and so I could go to the bathroom, when I got out of the car the hoodie Beau let me wear went all the way down to my lower thighs, it completely hid my baby bump, and the sleeves swallowed my arms, there was at least five inches of the sleeves that hid my hands, I stood there and flapped the sleeves for a minute before beau came around the car
"Baby, where did your arms go?" He said jokingly
"This hoodie makes me feel tiny," I told him trying to roll the sleeves up enough to get my hands out but they just kept falling back down
"Well, my t-shirts already make you look smaller and that hoodie is two sizes bigger than my shirt," Beau told me
"Makes sense," I said
I got stopped by a woman in her mid to late twenties while I was walking into the bathroom
"Oh my, honey is everything okay?" She asked me clasping her hands together
"Excuse me?" I asked as calmly as I could
"I asked if everything was okay, are you hurt?" She answered
"I'm perfectly fine ma'am, what makes you ask?" I asked her
"Well my niece would always wear outfits like that one you're wearing when she was trying to hide bruises that her boyfriend left on her," she told me
"Ma'am I'm perfectly fine, this is my boyfriend's hoodie he let me wear because I got cold. I couldn't be happier with my life" I told her
"Are you sure? I can help you if you need help" she told me
"Miss, I'm fine. My boyfriend treats me amazingly, in fact, we're expecting twins this November" I told her trying to end the conversation
She opened her mouth to say something when Beau came up next to me putting his arm around my waist
"Who's this love?" He asked me
"This nice lady was just asking me a question," I told him
"Is this your 'boyfriend' honey? He looks a little old for you" she said
I opened my mouth to say something but Beau started talking before I could
"Actually, I'm her fiancé ma'am," he told her giving her a soft smile
"Miss I really have to—" I tried to say but she cut me off
"Honey you can talk to me," she said
"Ma'am I can assure you, everything is just fine between me and my fiancé, I just really need to use the restroom," I told her
"How old are you honey?" She asked
"I'm nineteen," I told her exaggerating my age for good measure
"Nineteen, engaged and pregnant?" she said
"Yes ma'am," I told her
"Are you sure everything is okay?" She asked
"I am absolutely positive miss," I told her
"At least let me see your arms to be sure," she said
"Baby you do not have to show her" Beau whispered into my ear
I pulled my sleeve up to show her my arm, which fortunately didn't have any bruises, and for good measure I turned to the side and flattened the hoodie to my stomach, showing her my bump
"We're doing just fine ma'am," I told her
"Now if you don't mind miss, my fiancée needs to use the restroom," Beau said calmly
She was eyeing me and beau as she walked away, beau kissed the side of my head
"What brought this up love?" He asked
"I don't know, I was trying to go to the bathroom when she stopped me asking if I was okay, telling me that her niece would dress like me when she was trying to hide bruises, and when I told her about you and that we're expecting she started pushing even more, that's when you came in and thank god you did, she might have tried to take me to the police if you hadn't come when you did," I told him
"I'm glad, but you should probably go to the bathroom before you need a new pair of leggings, I'll be right outside the bathroom door waiting on you, okay?" He said
I nodded at him before I went to the bathroom with him following close behind me, but it didn't stop there, when I got out of the bathroom I went to see if the gas station had any bananas because I was craving a banana, and even though beau was right there with me, I still got a little weirded out when someone that worked at the gas station came up to us, it was a teenage boy probably about my age, just a few inches taller than me with shaggy brown hair, he almost looked like a shorter less confident beau
"Miss, some lady said before she left that there might be suspicious activity between you two, is this true?" He asked looking me up and down when he stopped talking, obviously wishing I wasn't Beau's girlfriend
"Um, no. She got the wrong idea, she thought that my boyfriend was taking advantage of me and it's not like that" I told the boy
"Okay, but I still have to make sure that nothing is wrong nor that anyone is in danger," the boy said
"Nobody is in danger, me and my fiancé are doing just fine. I was trying to go to the restroom when she stopped me thinking I was being abused because I had my whole Body covered, if you would like I can show you my arms and legs to prove that I'm not in any danger" I told the boy
I showed him my arms, legs, neck, and torso, and the boy's eyes widened a little when he saw my baby bump
"Okay, um, sorry for the mixup ma'am, you and your boyfriend have a nice day," the boy told us as he walked away
"He was seriously checking you out before he saw your bump," Beau said jokingly
"Yeah, Well I guess this means no more leggings and oversized hoodies when we go out," I told Beau as I grabbed a banana and started to slowly walk towards the register where the boy was standing
"Baby you can wear whatever you'd like, that lady obviously had the wrong idea," he told me as he wrapped his arm around me and kissed the top of my head, I could see the boy at the register blushing, trying really hard not to say whatever was on his mind
"But I don't want something like that to happen again," I told Beau as I put my banana on the counter
"Baby I'd rather you be comfortable and have to deal with people like her rather than you be uncomfortable and miserable," Beau told me as the boy rang up the banana
"One ninety-nine," the boy said in a wobbly voice
We paid and went back to the car, my hands were shaking from the two conversations we just had, and I held my hand up for Beau to see
"Baby, it's all over now, I wouldn't let anything happen to you or them," he said as he put his hand over my stomach

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