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I would like to state that, beau smith(Mr. Smith) is a 22 year old teacher and Estella Williams is an 18 year old student who is about to graduate. Also there are some spicy 18+ scenes, not a lot, just be warned.
Characters you need to know
Main character: Estella Brooke Williams-student, a week away from graduating, smart, but also naive, caring, thoughtful, fun, homebody, red hair, blue eyes, very pale skin tone, pretty, 5"4.
Main characters boyfriend: beau Leo smith-teacher, smart, kindhearted, funny, fun loving, polite, good with kids, brown hair, green eyes, super sexy, a little muscular, tannish skin tone, 6"5.
Main female Child: Victoria Elizabeth smith-child, sweet, caring, intelligent, innocent, loving, thoughtful, talented, kindhearted, funny, polite, red hair, green eyes, honest, friendly, emotional, pale skin tone, pretty, pure, hight will change.
Main male child: victor flint smith-child, intelligent, funny, polite, hyper, friendly, talented, innocent, caring, fun loving, blue eyes, brown hair, tannish skin tone, hight will change.
Main characters mother: Ashley Williams-lawyer, kind, loving, good cook, polite, thoughtful, brown hair, blue eyes, 5"2.
Main characters father: Daniel Williams-mechanic, kind, hardheaded, funny, caring, smart, hardworking, red hair, green eyes, 6"3.
Main characters best friend: ember Lopez-student, 18 years old, smart, loving, caring, cute, funny, thoughtful, talented, LGBTQIA+, good cook, good with kids, blonde hair, blue eyes, palish skin, 5"2.
Please note!
None of this is real! It has never happened to me or anyone I know. It's purely fiction!
That is all. Thank you for choosing my book, I hope you enjoy it.

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