Damn hormones

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The last few days have been eventful, I think the hormones have kicked in, big time, almost everything has made me cry the past three or four days. I was lying down on the couch when Beau came home with some stuff I was craving, he went to the kitchen and came back with a cup of applesauce that I had asked for and a spoon, he walked over to me and handed me the applesauce, my eyes started to water and I sniffled, Beau crouched in front of me and put his hand on my face,
"Baby, what's wrong?" He asked
I shook my head at him
"Nothings wrong, I just don't know how I got lucky enough to have you," I said as I sat up
"Love, I'm the one that should be wondering how I got lucky enough to have you," he told me wiping the tears from my eyes,
I crossed my legs on the couch and started to open my applesauce
"But, you're the nicest guy I've ever met and I'm just a mess," I said as tears started to roll down my cheeks again, Beau got up on the couch next to me and pulled me into his arms
"Love, you're not a mess, you're the most beautiful, kindhearted woman I've ever met, and you're going to be an amazing mom," he told me,
I sniffled, as more tears started to fall
"You really think so?" I asked wiping my nose
"Baby, I don't think, I know you are," he said
"I love you, beau, there's no one else I'd rather have a baby with, than you," I said still sniffling, I wrapped my arms around his chest, and he placed a kiss on the top of my head
"I love you too, Estella," he said
I sat snuggled up next to him and ate my applesauce, I looked up at him
"Beau, I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, and last I heard Mom was coming," I told him
"Is your mom going to meet us there or does she want us to pick her up?" He asked
"I don't know, I'll have to talk to her," I told him
I grabbed my phone and started texting mom
Estella: "hey mom"
Mom: "Hey Ella, what's up?"
Estella: "I was just wondering if you were still coming to the doctor's appointment with me and beau tomorrow"
Mom: "Yup, still coming with you"
Estella: "Do you want us to pick you up or are you going to meet us there?"
Mom: "Just send me the address and I'll meet you there"
I sent her the address, then sat my phone back down and looked at Beau
"She says she's still coming and that she'll just meet us there," I told him
"Okay, what time do we need to leave by?" He asked
"11 A.M. the apartment is at 12:30," I told him
We went on with our day and went to bed as we normally do, I laid facing away from Beau, and he had his arms wrapped around me, I woke up at 10:30 A.M. I stretched my arms above my head and noticed that Beau was still in bed, most mornings he's up before me, I scooted closer to him
"Baby?" I said softly
"Hmm?" He said
"Are you awake?" I asked him
"Mmhmm," he said
I nuzzled my face into his chest as he wrapped his arms around me
"Baby, We need to leave soon," I told him
He kissed my forehead
"Just a few more minutes," he said
And there we lay, for 15 more minutes. I stretched again and went to get up so I could get dressed, but as I started to get up Beau grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back in bed with him,
"Baby!" I giggled at him
He nuzzled his face into my neck and let out a deep sigh,
"Baby, I need to get up and get dressed, it's almost time to leave," I told him
"Can't you just reschedule the appointment?" he said
"I would, but I need to go," I told him
He sighed before he kissed my neck sending chills through my body
"Okay, fine," he said
He let go of me and I went to get dressed, I decided to wear a plain white T-shirt, with a pair of jeans and my tennis shoes, I came out of the bathroom and saw that Beau was wearing almost the same exact thing, the only difference was his shirt and shoes, instead of white he was wearing a black shirt and whereas my shoes were all white his were white with three gray stripes on the sides. He walked over to me and put his hands on my waist,
"Well, Don't you look beautiful," he said
"Thank you, beau," I said
He didn't say anything back before he pulled me closer to him and put his lips gently on mine,
"Mmm, beau, we need to leave or we're going to be late," I said pulling away from his mouth a tiny bit
"Okay, we'll finish this later," he said
We got there right at noon, we met my mom at the front doors of the building, then went inside, checked in, and waited. About 20 minutes later the nurse came out and got us, she checked my weight and then took us to a room. Beau stood next to the bed holding my hand, while Mom sat in the only chair in the room, the doctor came in
"Hello, again," she said softly as she closed the door behind her. She came and sat on the little chair on the opposite side of the bed from where my mom was,
"Well, looks like we have a full house today," she said
Before I could say anything my mom started talking
"Hello I'm Estella's mother, Ashley," she said to the doctor
"Well, it's nice to meet you," she said to my mom
She placed a blue paper towel-like thing on my legs just under my stomach, she went to pull the gel out of the drawer and looked at me
"This is going to be cold," she told me as I prepared myself for the cold gel that was about to be put on my stomach. She pushed the device to my stomach and started moving it around, she looked at the screen and then looked at me,
"What's wrong?" I asked her
She shook her head at me.

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