Everything's going to be okay

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Within 10 minutes Beau got us to the ER, Beau carried me inside and Went to the Front desk
"Hello how may I help you," the Woman on the Other side of the Desk asked
"My Girlfriend is two Months Pregnant And she found Blood in her Underwear," Beau told her
There was no one else in the waiting Room
"Okay come With me please," The woman said
Beau followed Her to a room, About 2 minutes later a doctor Came in, I Still had my Arms wrapped Around my little bump
"Hey guys, What's going on Today," the doctor asked I looked at Beau He knew I wouldn't be able To tell her
"My girlfriend is Two months Pregnant and She got up to Go to the bathroom when She did, she found a blood Stain in her Underwear," he told the doctor
"Okay, I'm going To run and grab An ultrasound Machine," she told me,
Beau grabbed my Hand
"It's okay Estella, everything Is fine," he told me
"Beau, I'm Scared," I told Him,
"I know love," he said
Beau got up And sat next to me on the bed He put his arm around me And pulled me Closer
"It's all Going to be alright love," he told me,
I Laid my head On his shoulder, The doctor came back with a small Ultrasound machine She pulled it up Next to the bed
"Okay, I need you To pull up your Shirt sweetie," She told me, I pulled my shirt up and waited
"Okay, this is Going to be cold," She told me,
But I couldn't care less, she Put some on my stomach, Turned on the Machine, and Stuck the device To my stomach, She moved it around as I Watched the screen
"Everything looks Great, the baby is In there being as Hyper as ever," the Doctor told us,
I let out a sigh Of Relief
"it seems Like you just had A little spotting," The doctor told me, I looked At Beau and then back to the doctor
"What does that Mean?" I asked,
the Doctor turned Off the machine Before turning Back to me
"Well, pregnancy Hormones can Cause changes To your cervix, The channel Between your Vagina and Your womb, and This can sometimes cause Bleeding. So I recommend You take the Rest of the Week easy" the Doctor told me
"Okay, thank You so much," I told the Doctor
"You guys have a good rest of your Night," she told us, Beau helped me to the Lobby and Made me sit Down while He signed me Out,
He helped me to the car and helped me Get in the car Before he got in
"You heard that Doctor right Estella? You have to take It easy" he told me,
"I will Beau," I told him
"Thank you," he said,
He started the car and drove Off, I stared Out the window With my hand Resting on my stomach
"Beau," I said,
"Yes love?" He said
"What would you have Done? If something Had happened" I asked him,
he Side eyed me
"I don't know. The Important Thing is that You're both okay" He said putting His free hand Over mine on my stomach. We got home at 5:30 in the morning, Beau practically carried me in the house, and he helped me up the stairs, I went into the bathroom to change, I put on one of Beau's t-shirts and a pair of shorts, I came out of the bathroom and Beau immediately rushed to my side helping me to the bed,
"Beau, the doctor said take it easy, she didn't say I couldn't walk, love," I said
"Better safe than sorry, Estella," he told me as he picked me up and put me on the bed, I picked up the blanket looking for my stuffed animal,
"What are you looking for love?" Beau asked
"I'm looking for my stuffed animal," I told him,
He bent down and picked something up,
"This one?" He asked showing me the stuffed animal
"Yeah," I told him
"What's up with that stuffed animal? You haven't slept a night without it since you moved in," He said handing it to me,
"My mom and dad gave it to me when I was little, poodles are my favorite kind of dog, that's why they got it for me," I told him
"Oh, I didn't know it was that special to you love," he said I yawned
"Can we go back to bed? I'm exhausted," I told him
"Sure love," he said
He turned off his bedside lamp and then got in bed, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer, he put a hand on my stomach then looked down at my stomach,
"No more scares like that, little fella," he said
I chuckled at him
"I thought we went through this already, it's a girl," I said putting my hand over his,
"Either way, I'll love it just the same," he said kissing my forehead, I curled up and nuzzled into his chest
"Good night love," he said
"Good night," I told him right before falling asleep. I woke up around 11 a.m., and Beau wasn't in bed, I went downstairs and into the kitchen to see if I could find him, he was standing just inside the pantry, he turned around and saw me, he walked over to me
"Love, I don't think going down all those stairs is taking it easy," he said
"Beau, it's okay, it's just a few stairs," I told him
"Love, you need to be careful I don't want anything happening to you," he said
"Okay," I said
Beau helped me to the couch and then handed me the TV remote,
"Is there anything you feel like eating today love?" He asked
"Um, flaming hot Cheetos sound really good," I told him
"But Love, you don't eat spicy food," he said
"I know but they sound really really good," I said
"Okay, if that's what you want," he said
"Thank you, love," I said
He went to the door and grabbed his keys off the key holder,
"I'll be right back," he said
"Okay, be careful," I told him
He walked out of the door, I picked up the remote and started flipping through the channels I couldn't find anything on cable, so I tried Netflix, nothing worth watching on there either, I tried Disney Plus, nothing there either, I checked the time it had only been five minutes since Beau left, I sighed, I decided to go to the kitchen
"Let's see what we have to snack on," I said to myself
I looked around the pantry, I found some Oreos at the back of the pantry, I grabbed them and went back to the couch, I started looking for something to watch again, I finally found a channel playing ghost adventures another one of my favorite shows, I watched tv while I twisted the top cookie of the Oreo's and licked the cream out, a few minutes later beau walked back in the door, I was laying back on the arm of the couch, I was in the middle of licking the cream out of a cookie when I looked at him, I smiled, he smiled back at me
"Are those good love?" He asked walking over to the couch,
"Very," I told him
"Well, here are your flaming hot Cheetos," he told me handing me the bag
"Thank you, love," I told him
He put my legs in his lap,
"What did you find to watch, love?" He asked me
"Ghost Adventures" I told him
"You're watching ghost adventures?" He asked
"Yeah? It's one of my favorite shows" I told him
"Love, you get scared if the AC makes a funny noise," he said
"Only at night," I said playfully
"So, you're good until it gets dark?" He asked
"Yup, and only at night and if I have to be alone," I told him
He chuckled,
"Okay, I'll make sure I remember that," he told me
He put one of his hands on my leg, I heard a creaking noise and jumped
"What's wrong love?" Beau asked
"Nothing," I told him
"Are you lying?" He asked
"Okay fine, I heard a noise," I told him
He smiled at me, then started to run his hand up and down my leg,
"It's okay love, I'm right here, and no one else," Beau told me
I smiled at him, because I knew, he was really going to stay there with me. I knew every step of this pregnancy he was going to be there, by my side.

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