Pumpkin pie

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When I woke up I had no idea how long I'd been asleep, I sat up and Beau wasn't anywhere to be seen, I got up and went into the kitchen and there Beau was, he was looking in the fridge for something
"What are you looking for love?" I asked
"When did you wake up?" He asked
"Just a minute ago," I told him
"Well, I was looking for something to make for dinner, any ideas?" He asked
"It's not necessarily a dinner item, but I'm really craving it," I told him
"What is it then?" He asked
"Pumpkin pie," I said giving him a little smile
He chuckled at me
"Is that your craving of the day?" He asked
"Yeah," I said shyly
"Well, I guess it's a good thing my mom taught me how to make it," he said smiling at me
"Really?" I asked in excitement
"Yep, I just have to run to the store to get everything I need," he said
I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his torso, nuzzling my face into his chest
"You're the best beau," I told him
Beau put on his shoes and left for the store, I hate it when he leaves me alone, I get so bored while he's gone, I started flipping through channels on the tv, looking for something that would hold my attention for a while, the only thing that was on that I cared for was the water boy, I let my mind wander, wondering about random things, until I let my mind wander a little too far, I'd realized that I haven't felt the babies move at all, was that normal? A little worried I grabbed my phone and looked it up, I let out a breath of relief when it said that I wouldn't feel them until I'm 4 months pregnant, when I realized that I'll be 4 months next month I nearly jumped off the couch, there are so many milestones but feeling the twins move is (I think) the biggest one, besides them being born obviously, I hadn't told my mom the gender of the babies yet, and honestly I didn't know how to, there are so many different ways to tell people now, I could just tell her or I could do something special, I was lost in thought when beau got home
"Baby?" He asked seeing me staring blankly at the TV I shook my head to bring myself back to reality
"Yes?" I said
"What were you thinking about?" He asked
"Trying to figure out how to tell people the gender of the babies," I told him
"You don't have to tell anyone," he told me
"Well I'm at least going to tell my mom and dad," I said
"Okay love, if that's what you want to do," he said
"Speaking of mom and dad, have you told your mom yet?" I asked him
He rubbed the back of his neck nervously
"No, not yet, I haven't found a good time we can go visit her," he said
"Well is she free tomorrow?" I asked
"Probably," he said
"Well then if it's okay with you and her we can visit her tomorrow, I know we don't have anything planned," I told him
"I'll call her once I'm done making your pie," he told me as he started to walk to the kitchen
"Um, Beau, one more question," I said
"Yes love," he said turning around to face me
"Why have you waited so long to tell her about me?" I asked
"Um, I just never found the right time I guess," he said
He started to the kitchen again, I got up and followed him,
"Is there anything I can help with?" I asked
"You can whisk the eggs and slowly add the sugar to them," he told me
"Got it," I told him
I grabbed a bowl from one of the cabinets and a whisk from the utensil holder next to the stove
"How many eggs?" I asked
"Two," he told me
I grabbed two eggs out of the fridge and the sugar out of the pantry, I cracked the eggs in the bowl and started whisking them, while Beau preheated the oven,
"How much sugar?" I asked
"3/4 cups," he told me
Once I mixed the eggs up I added the sugar
"Now what?" I asked
"Now I'll take it and add the pumpkin, milk, spice, and salt," he said
He mixed the rest of the ingredients into the bowl and poured it into a pie crust then put it in the oven
"Now we wait 40 minutes," beau told me
"Ugh" I scoffed
"And then about 20 more minutes if you want it cold," he said
"There's not a faster way?" I whined
"No, there's not love," he said

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