Go back to sleep

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I laid there in the hospital bed, my legs being held up by whatever those little things are called, beau was standing on my left side holding my hand, my dad was on my right side up next to my head, and he kept pushing my hair out of my face, my mom was right next to him holding my other hand, my cheeks were red and my whole face was sweating, I pursed my lips and closed my eyes, then let my head fall back on the bed and opened my eyes to look over at beau, my breathing was labored, I felt tears start to run down my face
"I can't do it Beau" I whispered to him as I started sobbing
He pushed my hair out of my face, the hair that Dad wasn't able to push back, beau kissed my forehead
"Come on love, you're almost there, you can do it I know you can," he told me
I looked over at my mom and she knew exactly what I was thinking,
"You can do it, sweetheart," she said
I looked up at Dad, and he smiled and nodded his head at me, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes again, I pushed as hard as I could, stopping for a second to take another deep breath, I heard a baby cry, I don't know whether I was crying or laughing, I think it might have been both
"It's a girl," the doctor said as she laid the baby on my chest,
"What about my baby boy?" I asked as I realized that there was only one baby in the room, they quickly took my little girl away and everyone started to disappear, soon I was all alone in a dark room with no light except a dim spotlight on me
"Beau? Mom? Dad?" I called not knowing where they had gone
My voice echoed through the dark room, this place didn't look familiar, there were no doctors or nurses, Beau was gone and so were my parents, I started to Trimble, I wasn't cold, I was scared and alone, in the dark
I sat up straight out of bed, I was breathing extremely heavily, I looked around the dim room, I was home? I looked next to me and Beau was there asleep, I immediately put my hand over my stomach, my bump was still there, it was all a dream? I scooted back and leaned against the headboard, I started to cry, I was terrified that something like that dream would actually happen, beau heard me crying and sat up rubbing the sleep out of his eyes,
"Baby, what's wrong?" He asked
"I had a nightmare" I whimpered
"Come here," he said as he wrapped his arms around me
"Beau I was so scared," I said through tears and whimpers
"Shh, shh, I'm here baby" he whispered
"I didn't know what was happening—I—I," I told him
"Shh It's over now, it can't hurt you," he told me
I laid my head against his chest, and I could feel that I was Trembling, I kept my arms wrapped around my stomach while Beau kept me wrapped in his arms, my head started hurting from crying, but I couldn't stop, I was scared to death
"Beau please don't leave me," I said barely a whisper
"I'm not going to leave you baby," he said

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