Birth plan

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Before I fell asleep I ended up ordering a baby journal, okay two baby journals, one for each of the twins, I know it's a little ridiculous but I think that being able to keep every memory, especially before they are born, is important, keeping memories like, when I found out I was pregnant, when we found out we were having twins, the first time I'll feel them move, all of these little things are important, the baby journals should be here in two days hopefully, I was unbelievably uncomfortable that night, I tossed and turned all night, before I got pregnant I would lay on my stomach, can't do that anymore, I was up every 30 minutes(if I had even fallen asleep in that time) I finally decided at seven in the morning to go downstairs and do anything that might make me tired, nothing worked, I sat at the table and tapped my fingers on the dark wood table, I looked up at the clock: 8:00 on the dot, a few minutes later there was a knock on the door, beau wasn't awake to be expecting anyone, and mom and dad weren't going to be here for another five hours, I went to the door and looked through the peep hole, nobody was there, I opened the door and found a small box with my name on it, I took it inside and sat on the couch to open it
"What?" I said to myself when I opened the box
It was the baby journals, they weren't supposed to be here until tomorrow, I decided since they came I might as well fill out what I could, the questions were adorable, mommy's first pregnancy symptoms, mommy and daddy heard my heartbeat, etc,
Today is: May 18th, 2023
Mommy's first pregnancy symptoms: tiredness, headaches and nausea
Mommy's first craving: pickles
Mommy found out about me: march 17th 2023
Mommy's reaction: scared, nervous, happy
Daddy's reaction: nervous, happy, excited
The first people they told: grandma and Poppa
Because: Mommy and Daddy were terrified
They told them on: march 17th 2023
The first thing they did after finding out: Grandma hugged Mommy and Poppa nearly hurt daddy
Mommy and Daddy saw me for the first time: April 7th, 2023
Mommy and Daddy heard my heartbeat: May 12th, 2023
Yuck:                                          Yum:
almost everything                  Pickles
Salt and vinegar chips        Oreos with cottage cheese
Salmon                                    Coffee
Mommy's best memories: finding out about you, seeing you for the first time, hearing your heart,
Mommy's worst memories: being sick, being tired, feeling like I was going to mess up, when you scared us that one night
(There was also Daddy's best and worst memories but I had to let Beau do that part)
Mommy's guess of when I'll be born: November 10th, 2023
(Another one for beau)
How much mommy weighed before me: 130 pounds
How much she weighs now: 160 pounds
The first thing Mommy and Daddy got me: clothes
Mommy's belly started showing: April 22nd, 2023
Mommy and Daddy found out my gender: May 12th, 2023
And there was so much I couldn't answer yet like, first-time mommy felt me, first-time daddy felt me, mommy started wearing maternity clothes, maternity photos, mommy can't see her toes anymore, and there was more where that came from, I had spent over an hour going back and forth filling out what I could in both books, but I was finally tired, whether I would be able to get comfortable or not, I didn't know, I went back upstairs and I fell asleep, I was asleep for an hour when I woke up beau and Emmie weren't home, I found a note on the fridge
"Me and Emmie went to get some stuff to make lunch for your parents, we'll be back soon, love you
Ps check the baby books"
I went over and opened one of the baby books that I had left open on the table
Daddy's best memories: finding out about you, hearing your heartbeat, seeing mommy's belly start to pop
My heart fluttered, and I got butterflies
Daddy's worst memories: seeing mommy sick, the time you scared the crap out of us, seeing mommy upset,
My heart melted, I hate that we have bad memories from this pregnancy, but I'm glad we have more good memories than bad, and hopefully more good memories to come
Daddy's guess of when I'll be born: November 5th, 2023
I decided to fill out the birth plan form thing, I'm not too sure what it's actually called nor how much I'll be able to fill out, but I had nothing better to do.

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