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A few days passed since Yibo and Zhan had told the news about Zhan being pregnant. The atmosphere in the mansion had changed to a cheerful one, the  bodyguard as well as aunty, had started treating Zhan like he was a glass. Him being a person raised to be able to take care of himself found it too much to bear, but the only person he could be honest to about it was Yibo. Yibo was treating him pretty much the same since he understood Zhan very well, he had to make sure he doesn't baby him, he wanted to buy he knew he couldn't if he still wanted to keep the peace between them.

It was later in the afternoon when Zhan was in Yibo's office downstairs when an email came through. It was from Mr Wei and he wanted to talk to Zhan about the drama he had chosen for him since the one Zhan was supposed to work on was cancelled due to some issues. Zhan read the email and sent his reply before he sent his mother and text and also sent Yichen a text as well
He had since wanted to clear this up with him and he thought a good time to do that was before his pregnancy showed. He didn't want people to find out about it since he felt embarrassed and also felt like a creep for being a pregnant man.

He was supposed to see Mr Wei the filling day in the morning, which meant he would go home to meet Yichen and as well as tell his parents the news.  He braced himself for his father's reaction, which he knew was not going to be a good one since he looked disgusted the last time he learned that he had a miscarriage. One thing for sure was that he had to tell them and it didn't matter how his father was going to take it, he took comfort in knowing that his mother was going to support him and Yibo. He knew she would be happy to hear the news, which parent wouldn't be happy to know that they're going to be a grandparent..?.

He finished the Yamaha design for Yibo's motorcycle leather suit, anf he made it to look similar to the helmet he personally designed for Yibo's birthday. After sending it, he got a reply within minutes and supervisors seems to be pretty impressed with it. Yibo was supposed to go for a race in a few months and he had to start practicing to get the feel of the race track he was to participate in. Mr Wei knew about it and didn't miss a single race everytime Yibo was to participate. I mean Yibo was racing for his country and it was every citizen's responsibility to make sure he is well rested for the race.r Wei was looking forward to the race, as well and Mr Xiao who had already written the date as a reminder on his phone.

Later that evening, Yibo came back and they had dinner together with the bodyguards until aunty came in right as they were about done and asked to speak to Yibo in private. That privacy made Zhan anxious since he thought that aunty wanted to talk to Yibo about retiring, which she had been talking about for quite some time. Zhan knew about it and knowing that there was no one was there to live with her when she went home was trully something Zhan asked her to think about. Her mother before her was working as a laundry maid, all she did was to wash laundry.

When she started getting sick, her mother asked her three sisters to take over the job so that they could continue to support the family. But they refused and aunty being the youngest, she took it and did her best with it. She sent everything she was paid home every time she would use products Yibo's grandmother had bought her and didn't need to spend more money when her mother needed medication and her lazy sisters needed food. When she was introduced Yibo as he was very young, she loved him just right there and then. So when she was given an opportunity to go back home by Yibo's grandparents, she refused and said that she will stay behind because Yibo needed her. She was right no one would make Yibo do anything except for her.

Aunty and Yibo's private talk lasted for almost thirty minutes and Zhan who was pacing up and down, bitting his fingernails as he kept throwing glances at the two who seemed to be talking about something very serious. He waited till they bid their good nights as she turned and went to her room outside. Zhan ran towards Yibo to ask him what she said, but still, Yibo didn't reply. Whatever it was, seemed to be putting Yibo under a lot of pressure as he walked toward everyone with his hands in his pockets.

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