Chapter 1: Summer camp

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"Ainsley, hurry up, we are going to be late!" My mother shouted at me.
We are headed for summer day camp at my dance studio. I don't know how easy the camp is going to be, because I'm considered a pretty good dancer for my age. At least, that's what everyone says. Unless it's my 14 year old sister Mackenzie, I'm usually modest about it. But if it's Mackenzie, I lay it on her, about how I'm 10 times better than she will ever be. She's okay with that, because I gotta admit(though I wouldn't say it out loud) she's pretty darn good at piano, clarinet and singing.
I run out of the bathroom and look at the clock. Yikes. 10 minutes 'til camp starts. It takes 7 minutes to get to my dance studio, so I better hurry. I'm usually slow.

I roll up my tights that I'm wearing.They have purposeful holes in their feet. I slip on my pink flip-flops. I grab my dance bag(thank goodness I listened to my mom and packed my dance bag last night), grabbed my Cobequid Dance Studio(my dance studio ) sweatshirt(because it was 7:52 am in NS,Canada) and ran out the door.
"How's my favourite almost late 9 year old ? " My mom asked me ask I buckled myself into the back seat of our black Honda truck.
"Rushed," I replied.
"I figured, You should have gotten up earlier," my mom told me.
"Not my fault," I said inoucemtly.
"I never said it was, "My mom replied.
"Yeah, but you implied it," I replied.
"Get out. You're gonna be late,"My mom said jokingly.
We said bye, then I ran into the studio.
Author's note:This is my new story. I wrote Dance Floor, The Little Couple:New friends and I'm writing The Next Step:New Happenings. I'm gonna try writing two stories at once, this one(Active Girls) and The Next Step:New Happenings. Constructive criticism is welcome. Please read this story and spread the word. I'll do shoutout for shoutout(Sfs) just comment below.When I hit the gymnastics part, I have no experience there, so feel free to correct me. Hope you like this story-😄

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