Chapter 28:'Exam'

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My class walks into studio A. We stand with perfect posture in a straight line in horizontally in front of the mirror . Mel calls each of our names and we curtesy .
"Bar, plies," Mel instructed.
She isn't allowed to say more than she has to.
After we do all of bar and Porte de bras(an type of exercise), the man who is threatening to close down the studio(Mr. Fortenado) stands up.
He starts cursing to Mel and Margo, and saying really mean, bad and inappropriate thing. He abuses them right to our faces. We are all shocked . We just stand back.
"Stop!" I loud voice freezes the room.
I look up to see Kaitlyn standing at the door.
"Excuse me?" Mr Fortenado asked.
"You heard me, I said stop. You have no right to be here and be acting like that. Get out!" Kaitlyn says with confidence.
"Kaitlyn,"Mel said quietly, trying to warn Kaitlyn to dile down.
"Silence! You will not order me around," announces Mr Fortenado.
"Then the police will. Because I have a strong feeling this is against the law," Kaitlyn declares.
Mr Fortenado leaves.
Kaitlyn, Jen and Katie run in the room. They help Mel and Margo get up(since they were on the ground) and hug.
"Kaitlyn," Mel says amazed.
"What?" Kaitlyn asks.
"I've known you for 17 years, and I never thought your voice could be that loud.Especially in a time like this ,"Mel says amazed.
Kaitlyn smiles.
I could have never thought this class/'exam' would end like this. I guess you've gotta expect the unexpected.
At gymnastics, we are also preparing for nationals. Since we are too young to qualify for the Olympics (it is 2017, the summer Olympics were last year ) there is a under 16 national and international gymnastics competition. I'm looking forward to getting to both.

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