Chapter 9:Gymnastics

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Today is districts for gymnastics. I get up at 8:00am. I eat breakfast(fruit) and change into my leo. I put my warm ups on over it. My mom drives me to my gym, where the meet is being held. I find my friends(my team) and we start the warm up time 5 minutes after I get there. On bar, I warm up my routine. I practice skills everywhere else.
I take off my warm ups.
The competition begins .
We march in, and salut when our gym, Bible Hill Gym, is called. Our competition leotards are pink.
I love them, since my favourite colour is pink.
We do beam first. Leah does her routine first, then me,followed by Sappho, and then Olivia. Several other teams performs. Our biggest competition is Summer Side gym. That is clear. They are everyone's biggest competition. At least, I would say.
We do vault next. I absolutely hate vault. I'm short for my age, so I find it difficult to get onto the vault. It's also a bit of a ways down. Getting up is way harder for me than getting down. We go in the same order the whole comp.
After vault we do bar. Bar is my second favourite, so I like it.
Finally, we do floor. Floor is my favourite.
Later, we do awards. I got first in floor and beam. Summer Side gym got first in vault and bar. Sappho got second in vault. Leah got second in beam, and Olivia got second in floor. We did all well enough to advance to regionals.
At the supper table that day, my sister asks"How was the meet Ainsley?".
"It was good. I got first in floor. We are all going to regionals," I replied.
Mackenzie know that we is my team.
"How was babysitting?" My mom asks my sister .
"It was good," she replied.
My sister does ballet,pointe, a choir and band. She also babysits. When she babysits, she keeps half the money and gives half of the money to mom. The half that goes to mom helps with paying for gymnastics. I also do chores around the house to earn money for gymnastics.
A/N:Some of the characters are LOOSLY BASED on real people. If the characters are mean, it is for the purpose of the story only. Every story needs problems and drama. I know how it feels to share a name with the 'bad guy'. I'm not trying to make anyone feel like that. Constructive criticism is welcome. Please vote on this story. If anyone can tell me what day gymnastics meets are usually on, that would be helpful,.

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