Chapter 27:Drama

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"Girls, I have bad news. First of all, I think you all deserve to know that I am getting a divorce. Second of all, the studio is at risk. We could lose the studio. In order to keep it, we have to score well at nationals. We will be working you very hard for nationals," Mel announced at comp team rehearsal.
We worked for 44 minutes on Fireball. Then I went for the rest of the rehearsal to work on my solo. The dances are coming along nicely.
On Wednesday at ballet, Mel has a announcement.
"In order to save the studio, this class will be put in an exam like setting next month. The man threatening to take the studio away will be the 'examiner '. You will not be marked. We need to work very hard these next few weeks on the work for this grade. I need you also to follow the dress code very strictly, at least until after the 'exam'. That means no skirts. Let's go ladies, to the bar please,".
I'm a little scared. I have to do my best not to let the studio down.
I have spent almost all of my 'free' time at the studio. I have been practicing for nationals and the 'exam'.
After a extra ballet class, Ella, Gracie and the rest of my friends go to NovelTea.
"Mom has been really stressed lately. I think she's nervous for this 'exam'," Ella told us.
It's the day of the 'exam'. After school, I shower. I put on my black leotard and my dance sweatshirt over top. My mom gets home from work and does my hair. She puts in tons of hairspray. I go to the studio.
Once I'm at the studio, I put my ballet shoes on, and stand in a line at the door to studio A, where our 'exam' is being held.
Here goes nothing.
A/N: If you could tell me what level in gymnastics these girls could be in, that would be helpful.

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