Chapter 46:Recital Part 4

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I went into the room and took off my sweater, while chatting to my friends about nothing in particular . We went backstage since Conditioning is the first dance after intermission.
The lights went on, then off, then on, then off. That was to signal that intermission was finished. We walked out on stage in blackout,and the lights came up. We did our dance perfectly. I hung out in the room , on my phone, until about the 5th dance before the end. Then, we lined up for curtain call.
Curtain call went well. Me and my friends were the only ones bowing for Conditioning. It was kinda funny, considering there was 20 people in the Conditioning class.
After everyone had bowed, Mel gave her speech. It was similar to the one she gave at the Jr.A show, expect here, she also presented gifts to the graduating dancers.
After all that, we went and got cake. Then, we took pictures on the stage, and went home. It was so late, I fell asleep on the drive home.
We'll Be The Stars.
My alarm went off at 8:00 am the next morning. I had Dress Rehearsal for Jr. Show B this morning at 10:00am,so that is why I had my alarm set.
Life of a dancer.
I rolled out of bed and hopped in the shower. Then, I went downstairs and had pancakes for breakfast. The rest of my family was already in the kitchen.
"Ready for today?" My sister asked me.
"No, I want to go back to bed,"I replied.
"Catch,"she said, tossing me half of the chocolate bar she had been eating.
She had already had breakfast , then decided to have chocolate.
"Thanks," I replied.
"Anytime. That was me last year," she said.
"I've gotta go get ready,"I said.
"Okay," my sister said.
And away to get ready I went.

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