Chapter 25:Comp time

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We warmed up for 10 minutes on each event.
Bridget came with my mom and aunt Jen to watch the comp.
The comp started ,and we marched in and saluted when it was our turn.
Each event went well.
At awards, I get first on floor. Olivia gets first on beam. Sappho gets first on vault, and Leah gets first on bar.
At comp team for dance, all the teachers are very proud of us.
Margo takes attendance, then says "Very good job at provincials girls. I was very impressed. Ainsley, you have a solo to Say Something. Kaitlyn and I are you choreographers. Bridget, I never officially met you. Welcome to CDS. You, Olivia and Ainsley have a trio to Dear Future Husband. Your choreographers are myself, Kaitlyn and Mel. The group dance is Fireball. The head choreographer is Jen. Ainsley, let's go work on your solo for 20 minutes, and then we will be back," .
Kaitlyn, Margo and I go into studio B. They teach me the solo.
"It's out of my comfort zone," I say smile.
"I told you," Kaitlyn said to Margo.
"Told her what?" I asked.
"Told her that you are not emontinal,"Kaitlyn replied.
"True," I said.
"Okay you little debaters, let's go back to studio A. It's been 20 minutes," said Margo.
We returned to studio A and rehearsed Fireball.
After 40 minutes of Fireball, Mel, Jen,Margo,Olivia,Bridget and I went to studio B to learn Dear Future Husband.
It went well, except for the fact that Mel kinda hung back on the choreography.
The next comp team rehearsal, Jen was doing technique corrections.
"Let's work on our front walkovers. Keep you hips square. Good,". Jen taught.
After our mini Acro lesson, Mel,Margo, Kaitlyn, Bridget, Olivia and I went to studio B to rehearse Dear Future Husband.
I don't know if I will ever forget that trio rehearsal.
A/N:Constructive Criticism is welcome.

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